Some Other Nerf Suggestions for Hammond

First off, I just want to congratulate the Blizzard dev team on their recent nerf for Wrecking Ball.

He’s such a powerful threat on point when he starts doing predictable 360s, therefore it makes sense to limit his grapple time to 8 seconds. Good thing you took that away so all the CC/stun ability heroes can now just primary fire him to death instead of being forced to actually use their kits or feel pressured to counter him.

Anyway, here are some more hamster nerfs to consider come next patch:

-Reduce his movespeed when fireballing to half. This will insure he never escapes and can be chased down by characters with zero mobility.

-Tweak Piledrive so that the more people he slams, the less damage it does. Also, change the start-up so he can only use it coming off high ground or grappling.

-Have Minefield no longer do damage. Instead, when someone runs into a mine they will hear a voiceclip of Sean Connery yelling “YOU’RE THE MAN NOW, DOG!”

-Make Junkrat’s trap an insta-kill for him. His survival rate once he rolls into a beartrap is already 0.001%, so might as well just have it murder him outright the moment he touches one. Also, do the same thing for Cassidy’s stun grenade. It’s a similar philosophy to putting a helpless, dying animal out of its misery as quickly and humanely as possible.


Ball players acting like this little slap on the wrist is gutting the hero lmao give me a break.


good ball players don’t just spin on the point in predictable problems, its something that low-level players abuse and its too effective in low ranks, so luckily all its doing is separating the good ball players from the bad ones which are exactly the healthy changes he needs

Ball still needs nerfs to his higher level play, the character is still ridiculously good and we barely just started playing him

how did u manage to roll into a trap while its already in front of 3+ people, that’s 2 red flags you ignored and u should die for that


Not so much gutting as full-on neutering the most used ability, but sure. “Slap on the wrist” lmao


So you can’t spin on the point any more, big whoop. There’s very few Ball moves that require you to grapple for more than six seconds.

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Honestly they should just removed the ball portion of him and have Hammond himself run around. He can be a melee hero that bites people for 15 damage and immediately dies, since that’s what they want tanks to be apparently


How do low level players “abuse” the spin if it’s not effective in the first place? Contradicting yourself right out of the gate. Like, if you can’t figure out how to CC a Ball out of his grapple, that’s something you eventually learn as you climb the ladder.

It’s not separating the good ball players from the bad ones, it’s just making him weaker and less effective overall. Virtually every DPS has some counter to him to begin with, Sombra being the prime example. Once he’s hacked, he’s just a fat version of Soldier who waddles around taking tons of damage.

How many nerfs does Ball need until you lunatics are satisfied? They already nerfed his knockback by 25% and made enviromental kills almost non-existent. They already nerfed his adaptive shield so he can’t dependably dive a backline anymore. They already put his grapple on spawn cooldown so he can’t get back to the fight quickly.

You’re right, I totally deserve to die to a trap that holds me in place for eternity and doesn’t despawn even after Junkrat dies. Also, not sure where you got the “trap already in front of 3+ people” scenario from. The ones that usually get me are underneath a Hog or hidden just around a corner, but hey I guess I should just die because of one mistake. Meanwhile, the Cassidy watching me spin around point shouldn’t have to waste his precious stun and hammerfan on me. Goodness, no. =(


its not effective once you go against players who actively understand how susceptible ball really is out of position

your right, buts it much easier to abuse then to punish

Sombra is very good at low ranks yea! (the area that this nerf targets)

until a tank character with 600 hp cant CC 6 people at once and have the best mobility and are denial ult in the game

trap doesn’t even move, also ur not dying to one person if u get trapped ur awareness is the issue

Untrue. It’s not just spinning on point/payload that’s been taken away. My defense set-ups on several maps have been removed.

For instance, I can no longer wait on the rooftops in Eichenwald and slam the opposing team as they come through choke. I can no longer swing up onto the arch for the bottleneck in Hollywood and wait there to slam. I can no longer do repeated boops on the bridge in Lijiang garden.

I can think of countless other examples, but what’s the point? You’re just going to keep using the “spin 2 win” example as the be-all, end-all and acting like Ball hasn’t been nerfed into the ground so hard that he now lives in the earth’s core.


You just have to be more proactive with your engages now instead of just cheesing a spot. Sorry you can’t adapt, I’m sure the good Ball players will continue to do well.

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Good balls can reuse one hook 2, sometimes 3 times to increase APM. What are you on about? This does nerf high level ball play.


Yeah because bouncing back and forth to spam unblockable 50 damage hits over and over again totally isn’t cheesing the game.

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I’ll take, what is CC for $500, Alex!


not for 8 seconds, no good ball player in high rank can afford to stay in one area for 8 seconds

I’ll take “what hero requires at least three sources of hard CC to deal with” for $500 Alex!

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1 if your team doesnt suck


Yeah maybe Sombra (who is bad), Junkrat (who is mediocre and easily countered), or Mei (who is bad). But otherwise he’s got too much health and mobility to use just one source of CC on.

Sounds like a skill issue. A ball who is being CC’s once by a Cree, and force to retreat is a ball that is not helping the point. You don’t have to kill him.


So I give multiple examples of set-ups that no longer work, proving your argument wrong and your response is to accuse me of “cheesing” and not being able to “adapt”. Nice one.

I’m sure none of the tank players are playing Ball anymore. They’re being forced to play tanks that haven’t had their legs sawed off the knees.


angry hamster noises