Some changes on moira?

Does even less than Mei M1 now too after it got the damage buff lmfao.

It wont ;-; i know it

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Those ranks are full of DPS Moira’s, and her damage orb vs a team is nothing, so you probably don’t even need the Dva pick. Literally just stand next to a teammate and it won’t kill either of you. It just gives her ult charge for her mediocre ult and feeds the enemy healers ult. Damage orb is a waste, but eating her healing orb isn’t hard, and it’s extremely easy as a tank like Dva to pressure Moira into using her healing orb on herself (which is also kind of a waste for the team similar to Ana having to grenade herself).

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about her m1 is really the range, the damage is mostly about orbs

Ofc you do. 200 hrs on each flanker, and one on the rest. Uwu

Just asking what rank are you? (Not trying to be mean or sounf like a bad guy)

I think moira would be a lot more fair if they just changed/replaced orb into something more difficult and rewarding. Sure, she might not be perfect to everyone after, but you wouldn’t have to deal with her m2 plus orb combo; and i wouldn’t have to deal with how lame damage orb is.

Personally, i want a new anime attack.

Btw, when you get a few more posts under your belt people will stop asking if you’re a troll, but these forums can have a…

looks through this topic

“Strong” reaction to certain ideas based on past things that have occured in these forums. Not always right, but mobs will be mobs. Great place overall though.

I play almost every hero beside bastion, reaper, pharah, moira, mercy, so 25 heroes

If they would remove the lockon it would go a long way :man_shrugging:

I liked how you said “anime attack”

Idc about trolls or most of these people, this community is really toxic and mean and full of hate, i try to stay positive tho


You already compared the two though?

Good attitude (I mean this sincerely).

I don’t think the community is nearly as toxic as it’s made out to be, to be honest.

Not as toxic as lol, but a great amount of hate

I hate to be those kind of people, but git gud. Moira is the least picked support In higher ranks having a problem against her mean you are telling everyone you are a noob.
It is OK to be a noob, everyone is a noob at some point, but you should try to improve your game sense and aim like all of us instead complaining a character.

Forums used to be MUCH worse. Things are getting better, but you need to know your way around first to really see how fun this place can be.

Well yeah. Moira is all about that weeb life.

I don’t like the idea of messing to much with her primary. I’m not in it for the “lock on,” i stay on target with her, but the weapon has a unique scifi feel that would probably be lost of the beam width got shrunk.

I don’t think Moiras range is too long, its just that for the longest time closec range has been encouraged over distance.
Baptiste helps with that, and i think we can expect more heroes that enable us to avoid Moira’s range.

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When i say dont compare moira to zen, i meant like people say then nerf zen he does more damage, yeah but he doesnt has a lock on and has much heal as her, UNLESS with ult, and zen is hard to aim, one of the hardest tbh

Some days I think that when I get several very toxic people in a row. But I’m reminded when I get feedback for my successful reports that action was taken, that not only do those individuals receive a punishment, but my fellow players and community members agree that particular individual deserved some sort of punishment.

I’ve met plenty of great people both here on the forums and in game that I never met in LoL. I also often have fun positive / silly conversations with strangers and I cannot recall the last time someone told me to go drink bleach.

The OW community is pretty large and diverse. You’re bound to meet some bad apples, but I stand firm on my stance that it’s not so bad.

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People are still getting killed by Moira?

As a Moira main, I feel bad for anyone that is dumb enough to let me kill them.

Add randoms that you have a good match with and build a squad that way.

As i said, is mostly about my team, i play tank mostly, but my team is always dying to sum MoIRa DpS

Moira is only dangerous if you’re allergic to grouping up.

Even then, her 100 maximum dps when she has her 10 second cooldown orb up and it hits its full duration is still kind of pathetic.

There’s also reason she’s so minimally picked in higher ranks. She has zero utility and her damage is not all that great either and her healing range blows.

Ana is ten times as dangerous opponent in any rank.