Some changes on moira?

So after a big discussion, IMO at least make a change on the range, to 15 or 17 meters, increase the m2 damage BUT NOT TOO MUCH, change the damage orb, and make a change on the ult, agreed? or more people to make fun of me?

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I’m not one to use emojis but…



She needs to track
tracking is aiming

20 meters although I couldn’t say how long that is in context

Quite literally the lowest DPS in the game

she’s a healer

no different than most female models really, maybe the naruto running makes her harder to hit

I think you technically mean low ult charge, high ult charge means it takes longer to build her ult

she’s fine

The only people who die to Moira are people who are awful at aiming and even if your aim isn’t the best don’t get flanked and be alone by Moira, stay with your team


If she’s not okay ask her how she’s doing, meet up with her, have a coffee, be a test subject. That’s what good friends do.


“What an interesting hypothesis”


Why in the world would you nerf the worst support by far



orb does a great amout on damage combine with m2


Factually incorrect (I’m channeling my inner Megadodo)

Debatable. I don’t like how long the range is, but it is necessary for her to recharge.

Her healing is good. Her damage is anything but insane. My issue with her damage is how consistent it is.

A Moira without her fade is a dead Moira if your team can call it out and act.

Pretty weak ultimate though when all things are considered.

Well, sure! You need at least something that isn’t easily refuted by simply stating the facts.

And they are correct

Different heroes are different. She also doesn’t have 500 health or an omni-directional deployable shield.

Then Lucio is also DPS support. …

She does have to aim.

Zenyatta does nice damage and weak heals.
Moira does nice heals and weak damage.

It’s called balance.


Her orb doesn’t do weak damage, and its really annoying to find, tbh all i hate on moira is mostly about the orbs, i think they need a change

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TMW you try to complain about a hero’s damage and choose the only hero that does less damage than Winston.


Lowest dps may be sym? she’s really powerfull well mastered but it’s not ez
Or you can have pharah, she’s so weak unless you have a mercy

She is the worst healer as people have said due to her lack of utility.

You can’t even count her damage as something useful in her kit because it isn’t. All she has is her healing and god awful ult. Every healer that heals less than her is still more useful because they all have utility. She also doesn’t synergize well with other supports imo other than Zen, who can make her damage actually somewhat threatening.

But she doesn’t require the aim most dps do or healers and she has those ANNYOING ORBS AHHHHHHHHHH

You main Widow in QP and Rein in Comp…neither of those heroes should have any trouble dealing with a Moira…this all seems like a you problem

Git Gud


Her ult is good, people just use it to kill, it also heals and when ur entire team is low some moiras decide to kill the enemy team instead of healing them then complain about her ult, she’s not weak, moira does a great amount of heals, i once saved my team in a hanzo zarya ult combo with some pee in start, orb and ult, that’s some crazy stuff

The only issue Moira has is that her kit allows some people to think she’s best utilized as a DPS. Other than that she’s probably one of the best crafted support characters currently and is more likely to get a buff to help her out in higher tiers than anything.

I play widow for fun not even good at her, tanks is my thing but i complain more about for my team, because i just have some enemy moira killing my team then they dive me or when we go in we barely get picks because of moira

140hps seems like a lot but it really isn’t. The only time it seems worthwhile is when Anas grenade is involved, and if you’re running Ana/Moira, eh. Like I said. She doesn’t synergize well with anything other than Zen, and double main heals often rob each other of ult charge very easily. Coalescence is bad, and when compared to pretty much every support ult, it is easily the worst.

The only reason your team likely didn’t die through your coalescence was because I’d imagine they had 0 followup outside of the dragon. It is not at all difficult to kill through her ult.

There’s also the other reason she is awful. Dva. Dva is and always likely will be in most games, and her existence on the enemy team makes Moira a borderline throwpick.