That’s a solution, thx
So maybe your team should focus her
Not Moira’s fault that your team is hot garbage
U are 11 days to late April Fools day is already over maybe u have luck next year whit this joke
Moira can bait the matrix, and btw, matrix sometimes is buggy, like i matrix in front of the orb and it goes through that’s a fixs blizzard must do
I’m just learning how a character works!
QUICK share my disdain and disagreement about basic character mechanics with the forums!!!
What do you mean everyone disagrees? What do you mean I’m a noob? What do mean I’m a troll.
pats on back It’ll be okay.
9/10 forum posts about character balance.
That moment when you try to complain about heroes with locking aim and you choose the only hero with a less forgiving lock than Winston.
With* and why does everyone assume when i say insane damage is only the m2? Her orb is annoying, but like most people said get a d,va i know i heard it
I think she could have less range but more damage
And in the time it takes her to bait matrix one of her teammates got burst down because she couldn’t use the healing orb cause she was trying to bait something thats going to shut her down anyway. You’re missing the point. Good Dvas don’t let Moira get value. At all.
I say, do a change on the orbs, like just the speed they get when they affect you, and her range, and thats fine, but sometimes im just wallriding and i get a moira on the other side sucking my frog
Sorry if you’re new to the forums and having a bad time. These people will lighten up but they’re paranoid of troll posters.
On the subject of Moira, 20 meters isn’t long for a support, she has to play behind her tanks, not in front of them. Her weapons are designed to be anti-flanker, so she has an easy to aim weapon and sustain.
You can’t play dps moira and healer moira at the same time, and dps moira is bad. At high ranks, moira is the worst support and arguably underpowered.
I’m in plat/diamond, really hard to find a good, most of the d.vas just bomb
she’s annoying af but kinda balanced
Yeah idc for those making fun of me or whatever, i think they could shorten her range to 15 or 17 meters, increase m2 damage BUT NOT TOO MUCH, and do a change on the damage orbs
Only if you allow them to be strong. D.Va is a strong counter here. Otherwise, you can walk out of the way, or let them run into multiple heroes to spread out the damage and let your healers heal thr damage for ult charge.
Any hero can be a pain when the player knows how to utilize a hero’s abilities and weapons.
That’s quite literally how Moira works. She’s bad in spread out compositions and good in deathball compositions.
Nah just came here because its like my 16th game in a row with some moira ruining all the fun, yes, 16TH, not joking
pats on back It’ll be okay.
I bet literally 2 popcorns that this guy plays flankers.
Tbh i play every hero in the game