Some buffs for Mercy

The keyword here is “think”.
I don’t “think” Mercy is in need of changes. I know she isn’t.



r O a S t E d

20 char. needed

I wrote too many post and comments so im tired of argue about it, just want some buff.

Just 60hps would be enough since her healing is so trash right now that even Ana outheals her.

It will not happen sweetie.
Over one year, soon 2 and nothing happened yet.

Then don’t create even more posts if you are sick of this/us.

Ptr. As i said she got “some” buff

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You sound like Ana is F tier even tho she is godlike and shiny S

You shouldn’t NOT be able to outheal a good Ana.

That’s too much.
I’d change rez too but like, 0.75 sec cast time and the target respawns with half of max HP.
Base healing and Valk is fine.

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What? Can you rephrase this so it makes sense?

Ok so not only should Ana have a better kit and ultimate but she should also outheal her? Boy am I glad you’re not a dev…

You act like Ana is super bad and should be the worst healer even she is the best support in the entire game, has an amazing kit and should always have gold healing if she is played right.

Yes? I mean she has the best kid with a high skill needed.
A bronze person can’t really outheal a Mercy or a Moira simply because they don’t have the aim and dont know where to be and how to good protect yourself (hard kit and she is immobile!)

Her ultimate is good, it got nerfed last patch and is actually balanced.
You boost someone but what this person does is not in your hands anymore.
It gives you extra DMG, damage reduction and that’s really it.
It is more DMG then Mercys beam but it is an ultimate so this is totally fine.
And DMG reduction?
Well, there would be sth called defensive ultimate or hard CC.
If you can’t kill someone being canoed quick enough then you either CC him or use a defensive ultimate.

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As someone not really following what makes Mercy so unfun now compared to how she was before, the only buff I could see the devs giving her is instant rez during valk and squeaking up her hps

Also Ana is high risk, high reward.
Mercy can’t be low risk, high reward.

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These are literally undoing the previous the previous 2 or 3 nerfs that Mercy received. Those nerfs happened for a reason and those reasons still stand.

We shouldn’t be buffing weak heroes so they can compete with overpowered ones, otherwise we just create a power-creep. We should be dealing with problems at their sources, i.e. nerfing the overpowered hero responsible.

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Agree with it all except the healing one. That nerf never should have happened 60HPS was fine.

All that Mercy does is left click tho. Shes low skill

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I mean it’s just AoE shallow grave (Dazzle from Dota)… Not a bad idea for sure.

I dunno if I would say something as insane as suggest they cared about any of the threads complaining about the rework/threads dumped into the feedback threads though 0_o

the only thing i would do is make rez cast in valk like rez 1.0 (instant but not invulnerable). oh i would also make her sidearm a peacekeeper of course.

No to all these buff ideas. Mercy is balanced :innocent:

Mercy can’t be fixed with buffs because she’s fine balance-wise. The problem is that she’s in a hero shooter while she lacks the whole ‘hero’ part.

Why do you ask for what you cant get?
I dont think any one of them is in devs mind.
Try asking something different like additional skill on R, or EXO boots so she can jump alone