Sombra's Delay is Whats Killing Her. 😍

Does it, though?

Think of it this way:

Hack shuts off your abilities for six seconds, on an 8 second cooldown. During these six seconds, you’re able to move and shoot. Most heroes have higher damage weapons so that in a straight primary fire vs. primary fire fight, which is what Sombra creates by hacking a target, the hacked target can still win through sheer numbers in a 1v1 scenario.

Hack is also interrupted by taking damage. Taking damage. In case you’re not sure why I’m emphasizing that, it’s because it’s the most basic aspect of the game. That means that any hero that does damage effectively counters Hack and puts it on cooldown for two seconds, or can counter stealth and put it on cooldown for six seconds. So Sombra is countered not by a specific hero, but by literally every hero that does damage on a regular basis.

Yet, for some reason, Sombra is shackled by action delays and forced cooldowns.


One-shot kills are fine.
Two-shot kills are fine.
Team wiping ultimates are fine.
Auto-lock or low aim weapons are fine.
Extreme mobility on other flankers that have higher damage potential is fine.

But for some reason, none of these are fine for Sombra. She’s not allowed to have them because it would be “unfun to play against” or wouldn’t be “fair”.


Sombra is fine lets not focus on heroes who had 10 buffs and then 10 nerfs cause o fudge even a lil can make Sombra the bane of overwatch.

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Your argument rests on the assumption that 1-2 shotting isn’t specific to very few heroes with skill-shots. Rein charge, Widow/Hanzo head-shot, etc
) meanwhile, Hack aims itself. Mentioning those when Sombra has an SMG makes little sense, and takes the argument away from its intended purpose.

If Hack wasn’t bugged to randomly cut-off without taking damage, it’d be much more effective.

How vague are we getting here? Whether specific or vague, EMP works into this as well, since an EMP’d team will likely eat some dirt, and nowhere near all other ults are “team wipers.”

Many ults have huge downsides such as barriers, DM
glowing like a red glowstick.

This is all beside the point though, because Hack and EMP isn’t supposed to be any of the things you’re comparing it to.

Are you saying a character with Tracer’s/Genji’s burst and Hack wouldn’t be unfun to play against? :confused:

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Anyways, I do care. If you lost respect for me for whatever reason, then of course I want to know the reason why

It’s a counter- argument to your argument as there are more thing that are sucks more than being hacked honestly.


Every other flanker can’t turn invisible

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I get this problem a lot too! I thought it was just the sensitivity of my controller or something, but add it to the list of bugs they’ll never fix.

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Every other flanker isn’t countered by taking minimal damage.

Every other flanker has extreme mobility.

Every other flanker has much higher damage.

Every other flanker can reliably secure kills.


Never really understood why incorporate a hero into the game if you are going to have limitation that not only hinder her as a hero, but also ignore her state of being effectiveness.

Congratulations, you figured out what “balance” is. Heroes that can do anything / everything are overpowered


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Same with Mercy, she’s utterly infuriating to kill since her bullets have a generous hitbox and her own hitbox is tiny.

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As a Mercy main, I agree lol. She feels a bit clunky and ineffective to use with so much delays. My suggestions would be yeah, half the delays. It would be interesting to see the hacker be played more in matches and switch up who is played.

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Haven’t heard of her delays, but now that I know they exist
 it sucks. As a McCree main, I know what delays feel like. It is hard to express in words how horrible they are. McCree has a delay on through flash, locking onto targets with deadeye, and (believe it or not, I think this is the one true reason McCree’s ult is steaming hot garbage), SHOOTING AFTER CLICKING to kill locked on targets. I basically turned this response into a McCree delay rant, but it was to show how unnecessary they are anywhere. I feel your pain, characters SHOULD NOT have to compete with themselves.


I disagree. What is ultimately killing Sombra is how squishy and risky she is to run into the current Brig, Zen, Mercy, Rein, Zarya and Hanzo meta. I think she will be played more once that gets toned down.

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True ish i mean you can carry with any hero i guess but bu carry hero i mean like nullify a team like a good sombra will be apart of most of your teams kills

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Go talk your fellow Mercy main she or he can tell you the frustration of being ignored and silenced.

But Sombra was done dirty as well. Sadly no one cares about Sombra mains and feels “she’s balanced and fun” now. Sounds all to freaking familiar imo. Personally until Mccree’s tumbleweed from his Deadeye stops interrupting her hack she’s the new Doomfist, bugs for days.

You guys will have to wait until someone makes a mega thread with all the bugs in video format to show up. You know doing Blizzard’s job something they actually get paid for but refuse to actually do. Interesting


Her delays are pretty dang annoying, but I feel like they have to be there or else she just becomes a superior Tracer

Managing it sucks, constantly having to wait for delays, wait for translocator to be thrown far enough, wait for invis to finish, wait for hack to actually go through without being cancelled

But that’s Sombra’s weakness, and it’s what makes her such a hard hero

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A little late to the party but don’t give in just yet. Let the Hanzo + Brig issue sort itself out first, since that’s obviously priority. From what I’ve seen, you’re one of the major voices for Sombra on here, no pressure.
But seriously, just give it a bit more time, we’re starting to pick up support from other people as well.

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That begs the question then:

What was the excuse before the current meta?

She was still just as bad then as she is now.


These restrictions exist because she has a toxic kit. They want Sombra to be “niche” and not meta. If Sombra was meta everyone would complain how strong and stupid she is with invisibility etc.

Problems when designing a stealth character in a nutshell.

That is not balance my friend.

Agreed. 100% agree mate. Maybe one day.