Sombra's Delay is Whats Killing Her. 😍

No you are perfectly fine!

Even before this meta she wasn’t seeing that much play, from her release she wasn’t seeing any play.

I am not talking about this Meta, but overall.

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I see your point, I just think that statement can be applied to every hero, and yes even Mercy.

This meta is horrible for all flankers. Sombras biggest counter is stun and one shot abilities and this meta revolves around these abilities with spamzo, brig, widow, rein and all. this is the worst meta for sombra

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I seen multiple popular post about Sombra’s bug, but it seems like we are being “ignored”

But you are absolutely right.

I just think theres nothing that can be done to revive sombra in this meta. Sombra mains just have to wait for a meta change

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Trust me, I love this hard to play hero, and love the challenge, but this is something I took notice. Her delay actually doesn’t “keep her in line” all it does is hinders her, I always suggest to reduce the delay ever so slightly to see how it plays out.

You know what, you are absolutely right, Thank you so much for this, as I need to be reminded about this. Honestly this truly made my day, and I am so thankful for you reminding me about this.

I try so hard to stay positive, but even so it’s so hard to do when it feels like we as Sombra’s mains feel “ignored.”

Why can’t we have a 6 month ARG where she gradually hacks the game buffing herself until she thinks she is good enough and then nerfs a random hero into the ground for the fun of it?
Stares at Briggite
Stay Positive
Generic Toast

It’s kinda upsetting that a person made a thread about winston and they confirmed he wont be geting buffed or changes right now but yet the hundreds of sombra post and no confirmation


I don’t have an issue with the devs trying to “balance” her out since she does have such an oppressive kit. My issue is that the PTR is a balance that should be used daily or even weekly to try and balance the hero out, they completely skipped over the PTR and pushed her nerf LIVE. This created yet another few bugs.

The thing that gets me is that why make such a wonderful hero, and proceed to ignore it as if it doesn’t have any issues that is hindering her as a hero?

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Even before this meta, she was still “horrible” as well.

Again, Sombra really didn’t fit into any meta at all, so I guess we will be waiting yet another year for a buff I suppose. :sweat_smile:

THIS I am not going lie, I too was upset… Like there are well thought-out threads and constructed so organize, and nothing.

But one creates a more so not constructed thread and gets a confirmation…

That is what I am talking about, all we want is confirmation.

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Sombra is already on it as we speak! :wink:

Thank you again GenericToast I am going remain positive still.

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Seriously though who doesn’t love 6 month ARGS?

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All I want is my favorite hacker good again she is one of my mains, and i feel so restricted and have an unfun time especially with all the bugs she has :frowning:

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So true! :wink:

So true again, but we can’t give up now!! :sweat_smile: I have a strong feeling that we no longer be stealthy in Blizzards’ eyes and soon will get the positive attention that we deserve.

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Shall Never Give Up,…BTW you changed your profile pic lol

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