Sombra's Delay is Whats Killing Her. šŸ˜

Well your a little late to the party.

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Um, every hero has a delay to allow counter play.

Itā€™s to compensate for hack. Without those delays it would be more unreasonable for the majority of players to stop it than it already is. Giving a hero the ability to remove someone from the game for 6 seconds has to have its downsides.

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I didnā€™t notice the original date. For some reason this topic popped up near the top of the list for me.

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Huh, very strange.

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I also agree with this, at this can be frustrating at times.

This is not true at all, as there are heroes who lack the cast time/ delay.

Famous example would be Genji, and no this is not a ā€œHate Genjiā€ situation, this is just a mere example to dispute this whole argument.

This thread is not just about the Hackā€™s Delays. This is more so for her whole kit having some sort of delay. Not only that, but her kit is fill with both Delays and Interruptions.

But for this thread sake, we are only talking about the delay portion of her kit.

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It was popular Months ago, and every time when someone message on a old thread as such, it bumps the thread to the top each time someone reply to the thread, despite the date of the thread.

Not strange at all, this is how you get threads to turn into a mega-threads for more recognition.

itā€™s not about the kills. sombra isnā€™t a DPS (well she is but sheā€™s more of a disruptor than a damage dealer)

if you play sombra and hack the right target than it becomes a 6v5, rein without a shield, for instance, is just a big old target and wont be able to protect his teammates anymore.

a sombra doesnā€™t have to kill, she just needs to halter the enemy and make it so they never get a chance to ult and keep the team fights a 5v6.

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I feel like whatā€™s killing her is a little different.

Sheā€™s set up as being a close range hero with around the damage output/range of Tracer (assuming you can stick around for longer than 2 or 3 seconds) WITHOUT any mobility. She can get in to optimal range for her weapon, but then is so close to the enemy that the only thing she can do is die or teleport.

It seems like if there was less damage fall-off and 2 more meters for hack she could actually do consistent damage rather than popping up close, opening fire, getting 25-40 rounds off, and teleporting away.

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Sombra needs more oompfh on her gun.
Maybe at the cost of some power on Hack or Emp.

Either way, itā€™s not okay that some tanks deal almost twice as much damage as Sombra, an actual dps, per game. Hell, every single tank except for Winston deals more damage than Sombra. Thatā€™s NOT okay.

Iā€™m going to show each tankā€™s damage per game on average compared to Sombraā€™s. Letā€™s start off with Sombra, at 8.780 damage per game.

Reinhardt at 10.862 damage.

Zarya at 13.570 damage. at 14.072 damage.

Roadhog at 13.710 damage.

Wrecking ball at 11.122 damage.

Winston at 8.662 damage.

Orisa at 13.128 damage.


It should so sombra canā€™t use it as escape ability

Instant hack will op

It is too small that people think there is no delay

So does every throwable abilities

I think it needs more oompfh without the cost of a nerf.

I donā€™t really go around on the forums talking about it (because thereā€™s already so many ā€œbuff my heroā€ threads that itā€™s annoying) but a buff would be good. Iā€™m the type thatā€™s always shooting at something (when visible) and itā€™s really annoying to see something down to a sliver of health, manage to land 8 hits, and see in the kill cam that I did a grand total of 21 damageā€¦


Love this Reinhardt example, since heā€™s a must pick and Sombra is a donā€™t pick.

So no, in the team dynamic of Hacking a Tank, it does not reduce the game to a 5v6 since the player (even DPS) can be kept up still by support or off-Tanks and still make a meaningful contribution.

Itā€™s just as easy for a player with any vague coordination to say ā€œIm Hackedā€ as it is for the Sombra player to tell their team who they Hacked. Indeed the visual and audio cues are telegraphed better to their opponents as well even without that.

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What about lucio he gets wrecked when hacked

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What about it? Heā€™s still a hugely popular hero, Sombra isnā€™t.

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Are we talking about popularity or the utility of hack?

About the viability of a hero and whether that utility does it for them.

Objectively, from statistics, a team with Sombra Hacking Reinhardt and Lucio will still most likely lose the match.

So no, actually, in the bigger picture, either hero losing their utility briefly isnā€™t that big a deal.

Youā€™re complaining of the impact of Hack against heroes sheā€™s just not picked to be used against.

That was not youre argument you stated that lucio was popular and sombra wasnt