Sombra Versus Tracer 👯‍♀️

I personally hate when that happens :sweat_smile: as soon as I hear Widow ult, I literally de-cloak and either t-bag the floor for 15 seconds or dance for the remainder time left.

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This is the last straw. Sombra takes extraordinary amounts of skill to be played even at her skill floor. Her gameplay is inhumanly complex.


Thank you! I just recently changed it to make it much more cleaner. I always end up having to quote from my own post over and over again though lol.

I made that post because for being a Sombra and Ana main I’ve just come to realize over time how much my two mains have in common. The devs treatment towards them just shows.

I can understand the fear from Sombra but I just don’t understand the fear from Ana they have with her.

Every time Sombra gets a change she loses more than she gains.

Every time Ana gets a change they ignore the actual problems with Ana.

Then they hold a strong stand of believing if they give Sombra or Ana what they need they will become OP.

Reaper is an example of a character where they gave him everything they said that would make him OP plus more and it didn’t happen. I believe Reaper struggles because a character like Dva is in the game that causes job to be a tank buster harder. Because if the Dva knows what she is doing he struggles hard.


Tracer does more disruptive-damage with less downtime, simple as that.

Edit: Also she’s A LOT less team reliant.


First off. Great thread it’s clear you put alot of time into it.
I agree with nearly everything including sombra requiring more skill to do what equals out to effectively less impact but the skill gap between mercy and ana is absolutely insane and I feel like thats a little unfair of a comparison. Sombra requires more skill certainly but it’s not a gap that huge

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Lol I love the edit :wink: but think you meant to say this.

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omg i’m gonna start doing that. :joy:

i don’t get why widow’s ult counters sombra’s invis tho? it’s supposed to be a wall hack, not a ‘find invis players’ hack.

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So true.

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Agreed, I am just tired of the double standards with certain heroes… Another great example was with Ana and Hanzo…

Ana needed that lunge ability, but the devs don’t want to get rid of her weakness, but when it came to Hanzo… they did just that and then some.


THIS IS SO TRUE, so true!

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i think ana already has lungs i mean how could she breathe otherwise ?


It is so much fun… until the widow pops out of no where and snipe me :wink: then t-bag me… but I understand the counter plays to it, but I am just like “why… now I have to wait 15.5 seconds before re-engaing with my ultimate plan that probably no one will follow up for.”

I corrected that simply typo :wink:

What makes things worse is the community when I gave ideas. When it came to Sombra of course most of the ideas I came up with Sombra was well received from other Sombra players but what I asked for wasn’t over the top.

I know you’ve seen me post this before but I also believe if Hacking health packs not going to give you ult charge the cooldown needs some kind of reduction only when hacking health packs.

Now when I talked about Ana buffs everybody always screamed about Triple Tank or will make Ana op. I don’t understand how people fear Ana more than Mercy. When Mercy has been the most OP hero in the history of Overwatch.

I’m still bothered that Ana got a passive healing in Heroes of the Storm before the game she originated in. Ana had the same problems of sustain in that game and that was fixed.


Thank you so much, hopefully I can be successful and turn this into yet another mega-thread like I did in the past.

As for the comparison, I don’t mean literally the skill gap between the two, but the concept of being more viable in high tiers as both Ana and Sombra offers so much more, but people prefer a Mercy and a Tracer simply because of consistency.


Love those ideas for sure, and I am telling you it’s the double standards that is killing these two.

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Sombra is a super hard counter to Hammond.

Though I don’t see Hammond being played much in comp at his current state.

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Yes, yes she is lol.

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Yes! I know and I hate it so much. I hate watching the double standards especially of recently.

The funny thing about Zenyatta is that Mercy just even replaced him in the OWL. The fact that top level players believe that all you need is Mercy should show how much of a problem that is in general.

When it comes to Sombra her niche was EMP bot. Yeah it wasn’t liked…but she had her niche.

Where is her niche now?

They killed Sombra’s niche and her placement for her niche and with Ana they killed her niche with every other support hero in the game having more value than her.

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They’re playing Mercy over Ana because Ana has infinitely more weaknesses than Mercy.