Sombra Versus Tracer šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø

So true, :sweat_smile: I think I got the two backwards.

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Well, since I donā€™t really play her, I donā€™t quite cherish the thought of a Sombra meta, to be perfectly honest. She can be pretty annoying, especially with EMP-> hack , 12 sec of silence sucks. Plus as a Zen main sheā€™s even more annoying than usual, canā€™t even imagine how Reins feel.

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Play style is most definitely different, but the two share the same roles despite what some people are saying.

Tracer and Mercy were the first of their respective role introduced to the game. Theyā€™re basically the essence of Damage and Support role. Ana and Sombra were the first two heroes to be added and they were essentially revisits of the original Tracer and Mercy concepts. Hereā€™s the catch, they both are more complex, less user friendly versions. They donā€™t improve on Tracer and Mercyā€™s designs, they stray from what makes them so effective: their simplicity and ease of use to be effective


I believe now since Doomfist got majority of his bugs fixed, he definitely surpass Sombra.

Even if she did get mobility sheā€™d immediately get a counter nerf. I think they should make invis on more of a 4 second cd because it really slows her rotation after translocating back so she doesnā€™t have to wait the extra 2 seconds. She might be like Mei forever though, perfectly balanced, just no ones playstyle ever.


See this is why I understand some playerā€™s frustration when a skillful sombra does preform that 12 second hack combo.

They were being sarcastic :wink: You need not worry - they werenā€™t serious

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Exactly this, and that is why I compared the two comparison.

This. This right here is why people hate Widowmaker, Doomfist, and Sombra. ā€œThereā€™s no time to reactā€, even though Sombra is BEEN HERE ALL ALONG, Doomfist is HERRRRAGGGGGHVHHHH, and Widowmaker can have her location traced back immediately because of the big red line and very quiet sounds she makesā€¦


Either that, or I been seeing people suggesting to make her stealth without a cooldown, of course if she is knocked out of stealth via damageā€¦ then it would be put on a cooldown, but even so I donā€™t know.

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That seems reasonable, but iā€™d personally be happy with 4. But tbh the damage threshold should be raised to 20.

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The things you missed is Sombraā€™s passive always shows their health bar if below 100% and that Tracerā€™s recall automatically will reload Tracerā€™s gun

I laughed when I saw this because the comparison is so true. Both Sombra and Ana have a lot more utility but isnā€™t a wanted pick because they carry too many negatives.

Hereā€™s what they have in common as for now.

People donā€™t seem to understand that utility doesnā€™t mean much when you have to work twice as hard along with carrying that many weaknesses.


Yeah, like I saidā€¦ I am one fo the fews who do understand people frustrationā€¦ but that at the same time, they also need to understand that you canā€™t keep suppressing Sombra one step forward, two steps back method.

That is even if we get a damage threshold, but personally I donā€™t want a damage threshold.

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I thought I put those two up thereā€¦ Let me go right ahead and put those two up there now.

as for you comment, I agree so much.


If Widowmaker uses infr-sight she canā€™t be invincible. SHE ALREADY COUNTERS ME DONā€™T.


I remember reading that wonderful thread when you made itā€¦ Very Well Organized and a Job Well Done!

pretty impressive that there is finally some truth in a Sombra thread