Sombra - The Double Standard

I’m a Junkrat main, I’ve heard it all before.

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To be honest, if people would stop throwing and at least try to follow up on my callouts, I’d be happy.
But I dunno. I understand wanting to keep the field fair. It’s hard because I want it to be easier for people to follow up on hacks, because I really can’t count on that and that’s what’s messed up

I don’t think he/she is calloused. I accept I’m not the best sombra. I do think the value of clearer visuals might not matter to them, because at a high enough rank people know how long 6 seconds is

We feel players just don’t know how to play Sombra yet

Sombra players just don’t understand how powerful these changes are


When I first saw the reveal for Sombra and heard about her being based around hacking, I was absolutely stoked, thinking of all the cool things she’d be able to do. I almost expected her kit to work more like Abathur from HotS where she could actually hack into something, like the payload and cause it to go backwards until a certain condition were met from the enemy team. Or that she could hack into an ally’s HUD and overdrive their abilities for a short time.

Instead what do we have? A person who goes invisible, hacks health packs, and disables hero abilities. Imagine my disappointment. However, Sombra did set the bar for my expectations when it comes to new heroes, so there’s that.


You heard it here first folks, bugs don’t make a hero bad.


Bugs alone don’t make a hero bad.

I Main Sombra and Reinhardt the 2 most buged heros in the game i got to masters with them having shatters ignore enemys and sombra hacks ignoring targets.

And NO Bugs don’t make a hero bad , Rein has bugs and needs a CC resistance passive but he is not trash , he does his role and can carry if you are Skilled enough.

Sombra… Is underpowered since forever Bugs or not , she can’t do her role, If you play sombra your minimum effort must be bigger than Everyone else in your team for a chance of wining and if you don’t have Everyone in voicechat or working with you , You won’t win , that’s if no one throw when you picked her at spawn.

This is the sombra experience


The cloak SFX is 15 meters. You can decloak beyond 15 meters and simply walk up to them to hack them. Of course, that is not always viable, especially if the enemy team is attacking and has a Lucio, but what did you expect, a free hack? Also decloaking at the tip of the hack range makes the SFX much more subtle.

That chart is pure gold!

If you decloak behind an Ana, the Ana has 0 chance to survive. Unless the Ana is next to the correct kind of cover to survive. No other hero can do this. No other hero can almost guarantee a kill on a hero.

I mean, can you guys imagine how much better she’ll be when mobility skills don’t break the hack?

Yes they do. Abilities can’t be used if the target is dead instantly.

[Citation needed]

According to most, if not all Overwatch statistics websites (as blizzard doesn’t make theirs available to the public), Sombra has the WORST winrate across all ranks on average. Last time I checked, it was 47.04% this month.

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I think she’s fine, really. Almost perfect.

Sombrero main here, I have tons of fun with her. Yes, she has obvious drawbacks (like every ability canceled by 5 damage, animation delay), but you have to deal with them. Complaining about these things and most importantly, her damage, only shows that you still don’t know the purpose she has in this game and what she does. You have to learn that Sombra does NOT need more damage to do what she needs to do and her drawbacks are important to let other people counter her.

Statiscially, she’s the worst hero in the game atm. Citation: Overbuff

christ, relax. this seems a little over the top. there’s a lot of strong parts of sombra’s kit, you can’t deny that.

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I’ve been saying this for months but no one listened.

She can be F-Tier bottom trash, I don’t care, as long as I have fun with her. And if I have fun with her, I can make her work.

Dude, come on, lets be real here. If you want to make the argument that Sombra is okay because she’s being used in contenders… well fine, if you think a good balanced hero is only useful in an ultra-tiny percentage of players, then I guess that’s your opinion, we can agree to disagree there… but don’t pretend like using Sombra effectively is “easy”, teams have difficulty making it work in masters league. The only place they can make her work is apparently on the pro level. Anything requiring that level of play is not easy by any means.


In case you haven’t noticed, he’s a 4.2k Sombra main.