Sombra Rework Coming

No it’s in my opinion, the dev team is incompetent and should all be replaced. That is what I think.

Every decision they’ve made has been incorrect.

The ranked system? Awful. No one likes it.

The balance patches? Awful. They have all be controversial and pretty much hated by the majority.

The matchmaker? There’s no reason to care about what rank you are and work your way up, because your rank doesn’t matter to the matchmaker.

Yep, and there’s also people who think it’s worse. There’s a lot of stuff I like better about the game, and a lot of stuff I also like worse. I used to play Total Mayhem every other day for hours on end, but the mode is completely unplayable garbage to me now, and I think their decisions to allow tank stacking in non-RQ modes is a huge mistake.

But I don’t go around stating my opinion as fact and that the devs are incompetent people who can’t do anything right.

Can we at least get a slight buff in the meantime!? This is hell for Sombra mains at the moment. Has any character had such a low win rate in the history of OW?

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Sombra is almost impossible to balance.

If she is good for the general public, she is almost god tier in an organised team such as the OWL.

Nobody wants to see a hero who’s main goal is to shut down other heros. It makes for awful OWL viewing.

So she would need a total rework. Like mega buffed dps who has a 8 second stealth, no hack and only her ult can hack targets.

Basically soldier with stealth instead of heal and a different ult.

Which is the way most dps are going. Sojurn is just a soldier re brand.

I think if owl was still relevant, we wouldn’t have the current monetization system we have.
Who even watches it anyway? Its been a snoozefest for a while now, especially in ow2.

Also she was fine in ow1, not too strong and certainly not as weak as she is now.

I definitely like this suggestion. make a clone that moves in a circle where it was created, and does 1 damage spray. Just the distraction alone does a lot for Sombra to exploit the enemy being extra distracted.

Why would anyone want to play that? Why would anyone want to play “Generic FPS character with cloaking”? See, this is what bugs me when it comes to overwatch; people want any kind of creativity forcefully beaten out of characters because they can’t decern between “annoying” and “broken”.

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OW2 isn’t about fun, weird heros any more.

Its about generic, bland heroes with slight variation. Mei was a other hero who was too far off the spectrum. They had to tone down ice wall and remove freeze. She is now much more generic.

This is what OW2 is, a generic 5vs5 shooter.

I doubt we will ever see a hero as different as say…hammond ever again.

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Overwatch is also a great case of developers listening to the wrong people. There’s arguments that make sense at face value (if characters are annoying, change them), but when you do that, you get whatever the heck Overwatch is now.

Is anyone satisfied with this? Anyone? I simply don’t have any faith for a Sombra rework; you just no its not going to be anything other than “Sombra is now closer to a generic FPS character.”.

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Because they all get complained about. I never really cared about mei. Sombra I despise because having my use of abilities removed from me, in an abilities based game, playing an ability based hero, feels like complete garbage and there’s nothing you can do about it.

But there’s heroes that are quirky and fun, people complain.

Like it makes no sense how in OW1:

Doomfist having to launch his entire body at someone to one shot, and risk getting CC’d and / or missing and dying, was too much and unbalanced and unfun.

BUT at the same time, Widow one shotting from Narnia with zero risk involved and no repercussions for missing is perfectly okay?

I will never understand the logic behind it.

God, I really hope they don’t go that route. Sounds awful. If they get rid of her hack they’ll just be making OW less OW and more call of duty.

I think making her able to hack while invisible was a pretty bad idea…

To be honest I miss OW1 Sombra. I don’t know why she needed a rework. If she was annoying for some people, they made her more annoying with those stealth hacks that are completely unjustified.

I only think she needed a little buff on her damage. Right now she’s in the worst state ever.

It’s an example of how to destroy a hero trying to “improve it”.

I really hope Sombra will keep her playstyle. It would suck if she got Symmetra’d or Orisa’d.

I honestly sometimes wonder how they decide who gets a rework. Feels random at times.

Tbf Orisa was not going to work in a million years in ow2. Game is all about open space, and moving a lot. A hero that a majority of the time had to stay stationary and was slow, wasn’t going to work at all.

Although now all they did was make an unkillable hero.

I’d like to get Mei some help too, TBH.

Andough was there when Sombra was like this, remember they (and I) are Sombra players from way back. She is trying to get you to clarify what you are saying, because there difference between these things for Somba’s play is important.

She hasn’t brought out the “don’t tell me about the old magics around Sombra because I was there when it was written” meme yet, but I would have by now.

maybe wording was wrong but…how the heck do ppl not understand using her old (temporary stealth) style for a future different version (as in 1 that doesnt exist and is a concept for the topic)

less time in stealth (so ppl cant just watch forever and forces engagement which is point of game) via havign duration of efefct.

a cooldown before reactivating stealth (on a moderate cd longer than it was/is) so can’t engage, have to retreat via trans, then heal and stealth back right away.

increase duration between re-engagement (allows buffs if its needed) so ur not in and out of backline every 5seconds w/o risk (being invis).

If you’re a wrecking ball main, simply outplay Sombra :slight_smile: her hack is such a skill shot, though, so I don’t know why it would be a problem

the way you mentioned these heros who need rework but never mentioned bastion who actually needs a rework, his assault configuration is pretty weird but his ult need an actual rework

They most certainly should have done this and more before the 5v5 rework of the game, but can almost guarantee they were forced to launch. Honestly was a pretty stupid decision to stop supporting PVP and focus on PVE. If they had focused on both they could have probably released OW2 in a much better state than it currently is in.