Sombra Rework Coming

Apparently a sombra rework is in the works. You know what’s really funny tho, they probably should’ve done all these reworks BEFORE releasing 5v5 so problematic heroes weren’t everywhere.

Hog is getting a rework. Sombra is getting a rework. Brig is getting a rework.

Ana SHOULD get a rework. Kiriko SHOULD get a rework.

So many heroes that just simply DO NOT fit 5v5. Like no thought went into the shift from 6v6 to 5v5.



20 charrssss


I…am okay with it.

But…just…we leave her as trash for two seasons at least? That’s garbage.


They’ve left everything for 2 seasons.

Hog has been busted for months. Sojourn has been running the game since the literal ALPHA version of the game. Doom was awful for all of season 1, got buffed to be usable for a week, and then instantly nerfed into an even worse state than season 1.

They literally have no idea what they are doing, it’s hilarious to watch this.



2 more seasons of being F tier. thats crazy… oh well heh. i still have fun with her and win sometimes but it does feel like when you play her you really have to have the game of your life or it was better if you picked someone else


Gotta love this Alec guy, very competent, fast, efficient.

When people complained about Sojourn (luckily they stopped, right?), he jumped on the case and gave strict nerfs immediately.

I’m fully confident they’ll do a tremendous job and not just give her a sticky nade. In season whatever.

He should get a statue on ilios tbh.


ok i cant login server authentication problems and i have a message on the battlenet launcher

“we are aware of an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in slow login attempts”

i think sombra is pissed and hacking you guys :stuck_out_tongue:


This will NEVER be true. :wink:

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Not true, someone had the big brain thought to make all of the tanks (well most of them) GigaChad Raid Bosses and well, look how that worked out


Nah they only did that for the 2 easiest tanks to play. Orisa and Hog. Those are the only raid bosses everyone else is either average or garbage.

Well, okay, but what about making her not a throw pick until then?


This puts her up there with Sym for the most hero reworks for any given character.

Funny how some of the most mechanically unique heroes also are the hardest to balance.

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She isnt harder to balance than others. Shes only overnerfed, because people cry that they dont like fighting her.


I mean it is hard to balance when her entire gimmick can completely hard counter and make certain heroes useless with no effort put behind it.

(Plus being able to still hack while invis for some reason)


I mean, they DID do a Sombra rework for OW2. The problem is, the playerbase hates the very idea of Sombra, so her being effective was never going to fly.


A rework that at the core was still the same hero.


Being able to stop abilities for any amount of times (especially 1 or more seconds) in a game all about abilities can and WILL hard counter certain heroes making them useless against her. That or applying a dmg buff on you that you cannot stop either because of invis hacking.

Which obviously you don’t feel as much now since they nerfed it.

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The hacker girl is still hacking. I`m shocked.

I can list multiple abilities that do these very things. Stopping abilities? Hi, Antinade. Damage buff? Hi, Discord Orb. Still untouched.

Blizzard plays favorites according to certain community standards. There is a club, Sombra is not in it.


Not really hopeful it’ll be any better that what we have now

Congrats, you managed to list 2 abilities I also despise and think shouldn’t exist in the game.