Sombra Rework Coming

Because what you suggested is a kit of an apex legend character, the clone of himself.

Last I played he was complete garbage because clones are very easily distinguished by anyone with a braincell.

Even when they tried to rework it to make him more viable, by making clones mimic players movement, he was still bad.

Another example is hallucinations in sc2, which players know are hallucinations immediately and are basically just a scout tool.

No idea. Don’t play Apex. It was a suggestion i came up with after a few seconds. I’m sure the character design team can come up with something better with more time.

This is Overwatch players we’re talking about here…

I wish I had your confidence, considering their last few reworks were “just give em a sticky nade” and third was assassin sombra.

I’m pretty sure every aspect of the game has been criticized lol

Nothing is safe from these forums, everything is doo doo!!!

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To start with, they made Zarya unbeatable and had to nerf her hard.

The instant Hog isn’t everywhere, we’ll have a monkey epidemic; it just so happens that Hog makes monkey bad. It absolutely wasn’t just those two.

The problem isn’t tanks being raidbosses, per se; it’s getting a balance where the viable options aren’t only 1-2 options and therefore providing counterplay options that aren’t auto-win options vs the other tank pick, so that the enemy team stands a chance without mirroring.

had 3 yrs to do a lot they chose not to do…being OW devs not shocking though.
OW devs seem to thrive on wasting time/effort for quick fixes that don’t fix issue just change issue or delay issue.

example being the 3 months or so of the beta where they wasted time on mercy’s super jump (a niche thing nobody asked to get changed) and ignored literally every other thing.

Moira had a lot of time wasted on her (for nothing in end)

they have had 3 yrs to do reworks for all the problematic heroes (design not effectiveness)

Pharah for example is impossible to tune to fix her issues. Her core design is her issue (target in sky in a game where hitscan/snipers are strongest dps) and any buff to try and fix that would make her a legit monster. (and thus nerfed back to awful)

Sombra’s issue has been perm invis & balancing around it (and imho i assume any rework is removing that) as a 1st step.

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Pharas biggest issue is mercy, as long as mercy can pocket her, pharah will never get a chance to be stronger on her own. This is and has been true for other heroes as well.

What do you think sombras do in invis?
I agree hack from invis was a really bad idea.
But honestly, what do you think, disregarding the invis hack, what do sombras do with their perma invis?

Sombra, Hog, and Brig do need reworks. I don’t agree about Ana and Kiriko, though. I think they’re two of the best designed heroes.

Agreed with everything besides THIS here. They are completely fine and maybe need a bit of changing, but their kits are fine.

There was basically no new content for at least 3 years before OW2 … what have they done? It can’t be PvE because if it was mostly done we would have a release date and gameplay footage. The tank buffs killed half the game modes. The dps reworks are almost entirely bad. The halloween event was mediocre. Push maps are disappointing. None of the new heroes or maps feels great. Balancing and matchmaking are still in the toilet. The monetization is just greedy. Worst game launch of a major studio I have ever seen. The only thing they fixes is queue time fore roleQ which at least for me wasn’t an issue because I prefered openQ. It’s not looking good so far.


they worked on pve all the time for the past years, as far as we know.
who knows what happened behind the scenes, could be anything from bad management, feature creep, etc.

only about a year ago (or less) they chose to “separate” pvp from pve and put all effort into getting pvp out.

they have mentioned it here and there that ow2 launch was also kind of “early access” still, and it clearly shows, that the game is a work in progress.

Huh? She was already reworked for OW2 lol.

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No she’s good because her kit is bloated and she’s hard meta because she’s the only thing keeping ana in check with her antinade.

They are both broken as all hell, especially anti nade and cleanse. You’ve got 2 do it all abilities and antinade being so broken, FORCES kiriko to be meta constantly. And suzu is also broken asf, but it wouldn’t exist if antinade wasn’t a thing.

Anti is the direct cause of suzu. It’s literally just one busted ability, having another busted ability be created to counter it.

WOW so you telling me
sombra stays trash the next 3 months

nice blizzard i am soo excited to throw with the current sombra :wink:

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ay man that’s what I do with doom.

You wanna keep my hero constantly garbage? Well ok, but you’re gonna have to deal with me still playing him because it’s not my fault blizzard has quite possibly the worst balance team of all time.

the only diffrence is doom is not that bad as sombra

he still has his stuns, his ult, his fist

sombra has nothing XD
no damage
no hack
no ult
no nothing :wink:


Kiriko is strong, and even if ana wasnt in the game she would be played.
Her kit is very strong as is as are her dmg/heal numbers as well.
It’s not just about ana v kiriko matchup.

From what I heard, only her ultimate is getting reworked.

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nah he pretty much has nothing either. at least compared to other tanks he’s worse at everything.

Survivability? None.

CC? All got removed and all he has is in punch (which orisa has a better rocket punch anyway)

Damage? None.

His ult? Worst in the game.

His powerblock? Worst defensive ability in the game.

At this point he’s just existing lol.

Yes, her kit is bloated as I said.

But you can’t say “if ana wasn’t in the game” because if ana wasn’t in the game… suzu wouldn’t EXIST in the first place. Suzu is a direct answer to nade.

You were talking about if the heroes would be played, “shes hard meta” - not specific abilities.
Thats why i said if ana wasnt in the game she would still be played.
Kiriko has other things besides suzu as well going on for her.