Sombra Rework Coming

What do you mean a year? They have done basically nothing for about 3 years and for OW2 they put like 70% of their effort into monetization. They had more than enough time to put out something decent.

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Lead hero designer not making cool heroes anyway . All the new heroes besides JQ are extremelyl annoying

You have no idea what you’re talking about. The PvE is whats been worked on for 3 years, the PvP we have now was put together roughly the past year before October. A year isn’t enough time to entirely rework everything, release new heroes, balance it all & add everything else at the same time

If anything kiriko is the only support who fits 5v5, therefore why she’s good lmao

They do shoot themselves at the foot by making sombra easier and worse every rework
People call it a buff because it’s easier to play her so more people play her, but let’s be honest, those who mastered sombra couldn’t see it past a nerf, or weird not worth it powershift at most

Ow2 rework was definitely a buff that had the “this isnt going to be nerfed despite being the problem” mechanic called hack while invis

And im ready for them not giving up on it, even though it’s clearly the problem here

I dont think people mind a single second not using their abilities
I think people do mind that there’s pretty much no counterplay to sombra hacks you and kills you

So now we have ow1 sombra with longer cast on hack, lower damage if unhacked but don’t worry you can increase it i guess

Bigger detection radius
Pretty much no ability lockout compared to ow1

Oh but don’t worry, you can hack while invis!

This, my reaction was “oh so we went with braindead I guess”.
Even in beta I was against it, played her less during ow2 release because of it.
But I enjoyed spawn camping sombras with sombra, people who picked her just because she was strong. It usually wouldn’t take too long to force sombras to swap.

I still believe if they made tanks more immune to hack, ow1 sombra would have worked a lot better in ow2 than assassin sombra.

It’s like their thought process was “I don’t understand how this hero works, so I’ll just make her to what I think works for me” without having any thought on what impact it will have. Even now judging by Alecs tweets, this hasn’t changed.


Funny enough sombra top tier dominance is the least I’ve played her due to how boring the assassin role is for me

Will say kinda missing timed stealth about now, would provide some counterplay (more like skill check) to hack while invis, and i feel it’s more likely for them to do that rather than remove hack while invis lmao

About sombra to me one obvious thing to test out would have been to make the hack itself some kind of skill shot, and not a autolocking thing that you just cannot miss.
idk why it has to be like that considering its impact.

and perma invisibility was a mistake imho as well as the hack while invis.
both hack and invisibility are very hard abilities to balance.

There’s at least a couple ways to take this.

One- they’re just slow.

Two, it’s taking a long time because it’s a major rework and they’re building new visual art assets- which is why it’s taking so long.

It’s probably the later at this point I’d wager- which can be good, or completely scary.

Why season 4 though?

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Nah, knowing Blizzard it’ll either be terrible or it’ll be way too good and they’ll dumpster her again.

As long as they remove infinite stealth and translocator then I’m fine.

Just wait until the rework comes, then she’ll be trash for at least two years. :tada:

she was mostly bad for whole of ow1, im surprised she even gets a rework this soon, given one was just over.


Sombra was strong when meta comps relied on abilities over raw brawl capabilities–not strong against, say, double sniper, but very strong against GOATS and snowblossom. Now she’s not even good at that, so the rework will likely cement her position as the dumpster slime under the actual dumpster.


hack removed. hack is an EMP ultimate thing. Less often = less frustrating.
Invisbility doesn’t last forever.
Give her some new ability.

Like? I love this so much, just give em something else.

Like what? Something people won’t complain about? Take a long look at the forums please.

Flashbang, sticky nade, turrets, bob, sleep, anti nade, suzu, junkrat, pharah, roadhog, orisa, doomfist, genji, tracer, symmetra, etc. etc. etc.

Anything that’s ever been slightly unique has been complained about.


She could put down clones of herself. There’s alot you could do with her computer mastery image.

Because mirage works so well in apex huh?

Why is this reaper such a hater

Who knows, I tend to avoid bashing any heroes, but there’s a lot that could be said about reapers simplicity and accessibility.

I don’t know. Why would I care about Apex?