Sombra Rework Coming

Not everything needs/needs to be a god damn rework, yet another word y’all love to throw out at any possible chance.

Symmetra got reworked. She was a “Support”, had 2 ults, could give her teammates shields, lock on beam, basically Sigmas’s shield and look at her now. THAT is a rework.

Giving a hero a new ability is not a rework.

And NO, Ana does not need a rework, same for Kiriko. The latter hasn’t been in the game for that long and you want them to already completely change her kit and playstyle? Wth have you been taking?


They literally do though because currently Ana bottlenecks the entire support role.

Antinade is completely busted in 5v5, so it forces kiriko to be hard meta constantly or else ana would be in 100% of games. Suzu is a joke of an ability, MADE FOR THE PURPOSE of countering ANOTHER joke of an ability.

Any ounce of thinking will lead you to that same conclusion. Until both of them are reworked, one will keep forcing the other to be meta forever.


It does not take a genius nor a long time to realize when something is not designed properly.

Quoted for emphasis.

Ironically, all her abilities are the same, just functioning differently now.

Re-tooling is usually another word that gets bandied around a bit.

These forums were complaining about a lack of “Cleanse”, without understanding that clears did exist and had existed since day one. Now that Kiriko offers an area effect “cleanse” with same functionality as all others, people are complaining about it.

Yet they don’t seem to complain about how Tactical Visor gets countered by Defense Matrix, Kinetic Grasp, Barriers, Javelin Spin, or Deflect; when it is the same sort of countermeasures being played. It speaks of a real lack of understanding on how Overwatch works.

Seen this argument before back when there was a 6v6 game with two tanks. It wasn’t then, and it isn’t now.

Except, Anti-healing is clearable through the same methods other debuffs are cleared.

It’s their fault for buffing the duration of anti-heal then.
There’s nothing wrong with the ability itself, it can still be denied by a lot of things other than suzu, what IS wrong is that they buffed it unnecessarily (nerfing the other supports) and, so far, have given near nothing to improve the other support’s experience.

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It was then, and it is now.

People begged for a cleanse specifically because of anti being a thing. Suzu is the direct effect of antinade existing.

Except that’s the thing. It really can’t. The game is so much more open and spacious now, there’s one less tank who can run the dva / sigma to baby sit the anti’s. It doesn’t happen anymore with one less tank so antinade just flies free.

Even if you put nade back to 3 seconds, if you take kiriko out of the game. Ana would be in every game no matter what because she’s just that stupid and just that much better than every other support.

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Better late than never. I don’t have high hopes for it but god does she need an actual rework.

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They never have had an idea of what to do. It was evident before brig was released. But once they released brig they had to start altering the identity of the game due to lack of ability to balance.

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Again not an ability problem just a balance problem.

I still enjoy playing the current Sombra, so I can’t wait to see what they will do with her.

Sombra and Cassidy are my main go to hero to play in the damage role.

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yea she is fun still. played a game right now on echenwielde or however you spell that and back capped first point. that was all i did tho the ram just steam rolled the other tank so i kinda got carried that game lol

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I don’t think my heart will last another sojourn season, let alone 2.

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She doesn’t need a rework. Her kit is fine. It just needs fine tuning. It really is easy, but Blizzard is too dumb.

The constant reworks happening shows how rush and unprepared this DLC was and hero design being horrible.


I hope they remove the hack disable. Basing an entire hero around stopping other players from playing the game is bad design. Sombra is cool hero from a lore perspective, but their implementation of that lore in game is not fun.

The more time goes on, the more evident it is OW2 was never intended to be released last year. They should have delayed it and released it with all reworks done, as well as PvE. Right now we are pretty much beta (if not alpha) testing…


I’m cautiously excited, but they also don’t need to do this at all. Current Sombra is totally balance-able - easy - and it’s very simple changes too.

But this is Blizzard. They like to nuke entire ideas or concepts because they don’t know how to balance their own designs.

Literally just:
Put Invis and Translocator on a resource + timer, give Stealth a small dmg threshold

Buff her gun to 8, hacked enemies take +10% from other sources or some s— like that.

Hack is changed to a .2 second stun which serves to only cancel activations, not lock them out of their abilities.

Boom, nice in between where everyone would be happy. But they’re gonna spend all this planning and designing and labor to due this ENTIRE overhaul when all they have to really do is tweek some numbers and enable some states :skull:

Alec Dawson was a card game designer, someone needs to point out to him that overwatch isn’t a card game. Clearly he doesn’t know that.

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i think the issue is more that, there are too little support heroes to choose from. and if you like how ana plays, there is no other support with same playstyle unfortunately.

if you want to play a support thats pure fps aim mechanics, there is no other.
to me for example anti nade is the most uninteresting part of her kit.
either way with regards to balance, imo all supports besides kiriko need buffs. or kiriko needs nerfs.

I have zero confidence in Blizzard fixing OW …

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Why does everyone seem to forget that what we have now was thrown together in about a year? They didn’t have time to rework every hero and shift to 5v5 and release new heroes and balance the game all in that short time frame

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