Sombra rework can we get a hint?

The tools are there. They’re just not as good as they could be, and they’re looking to buff them in the wrong ways. Bugs don’t help, but it’s more than that.

Translocate is one of my favourite abilities in the game, I just wish it had faster throwing animation, faster flight, and landing where you see it if you TL while its still in flight.

Stealth is okay, but it’s the Sprint that’s the major part of its strength, not so much the actual ‘stealth’ aspect - that’s more a map design issue, since maps offer the stealth aspect to anyone who can 3d movement and/or teleport (and in some cases not even that).

Hack was briefly great. EMP was great before Graviton Surge supplanted it.

People talk about the durations on Stealth and TL being limiting factors, that they’re “rushing” them, but it’s not the timers, it’s the pace of the game. If you don’t play to the timers, the game’s over before your perfect moment arrived; if anything they push you to keep up with the game. Oftentimes, the game itself is pushing you to manually cut the durations short.

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Giving an infinite timer can be helpful, I mean sometimes I do die because I needed 1 or 2 seconds more to kill someone and my trans ran out. And being able to wait around while cloaked and attack when a teamfigth is beginning is useful as well, that way Sombra can strike for maximum impact.

The problem is that those small buffs simply aren’t worth the massive nerfs that go with them. I’d be at least somewhat happy if the gave us infinite trans alone with no strings. Honestly at this point, I’ll pretty much take any buffs that don’t have strings attached.


That kind of thing can happen to anyone, most common similar sort of situation would be having to reload while they have 4 health left. It happens, and it’s not ultimately what decides whether the hero is strong or weak, because it’s not a consistent problem that happens on every engagement, you just notice it when it happens because it’s annoying. Whether you have 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, as long as there’s a limiter, it’s going to happen when you push your luck so close; and you’ll ask “If only I had 2 more seconds on TL…”

We had players asking for 4 more rounds in her clip, not just to bring it to 64 for cool hacker memes factor, but because people thought that they were disproportionately losing duels they could have won with 4 more bullets in the gun, even though that probably wasn’t the case.

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Yeah certainly not. It’s by no means a giant improvement, but every little bit helps, so I mean if they wanted to give a cancellable-unlimited translocator, I’d be happy about it, so long as it doesn’t involve a nerf elsewhere.

I’d also be happy with 4 more bullets in the gun too. Like I said, I’ll take almost any buff that doesn’t include giving Sombra more nerfs to compensate. If they wont’ buff Sombra without nerfing her too, I’d rather they just worked on bug fixes and left her alone.

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To be clear I wasn’t referencing damage necessarily (although damage wise I do think she should get a slight boost against targets under opportunist).

I was more referring to utilizing the bulk of her kit in combat (to give you an idea for a frame of reference i was a fan of the idea to convert some of her existing health (like 25) to shields and make hack/stealth uninterruptible while she has shields)

This basically sums the rework and everything wrong with it and how sombras about to become the worst hero if these go to live


Idk, in master I’m consistently seeing my sombra main friend get gold damage vs hanzos and junks lol. Though I suppose you did qualify ‘good’

Yep and why on earth is no one mentioning the really loud directional noise that comes when sombra is detected (even when definitely waayyyy past 4 meters)?!


This basically sums the rework and everything wrong with it and how sombras about to become the worst hero if these go to live

You mean REMAIN the worst hero, right?

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i mean, torbjorn was still worse than sombra, but this rework makes her worse than torb and torbs getting a rework.

Plus mei was pretty bad before this patch.

On the PTR tb > Sombra. New sym also buff tb. Hit-scan buff also buff for tb (indirectly)

you get what i mean lol

Yeah. There is always a “but” to it.

Indeed. They simply ignore the concerns and built it all around the things we don’t need. But at this point and seeing how the “usual” >balancing< works, we shouldn’t be surprised. At all.

It’s kinda sad they are so eager to kill the killed hero.


sadly, yea youre basically right.

So disappointed they changed stuff that no one asked for and are only making the hero easyer.
Sadly I give it 98% chance they will just push this to live with tiny tiny tweaks like they usually do.
PTR is just to find some bugs and it seems no one at Blizz cares what the community actually thinks about changes.
Let’s see what happens…


I give it 100%, because mostly they “are never wrong”.

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If that’s the case I might as well just delete the Battlenet launcher all together, no reason to have it installed if I don’t play any of the games anymore.

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Sombra only has a higher win rate than Sombra at the Grandmaster level. Is she better?

As a Sombra main I’d have to agree on most of these points. Balancing Sombra has got to be a mathematical nightmare; in a straight-up 1v1 she’s weeker then most dps characters, however any slight buff to her dmg/spread/etc would turn her ambush into an assassination.

Not to rise out of the blue 3 days later and revive this argument, but I can’t help noticing how these sombra changes are now on PTR and a lot of people seem to have cottoned on tot he fact that they are net nerfs to her and don’t help her or make her better, because they push her into a niche, weaken her playstyle, incentivize poor teamplay, and don’t address any of her actual problems whatsoever.

All things I said would be true in this thread, repeatedly.

For Sombra’s sake I hope there’s enough of a community outcry to save her form these awful changes, but that probably won’t happen. So good luck, and have fun.