Sombra PTR Changes from a Sombra Main

I got you buddy, I will help you get there tomorrow. I am about to head off to study for my exam!

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Agreed, the changes are horrible.

Yeah, same here… again.

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Thank you. I have work on weekdays so I don’t have the time to do it

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umm I do that all the time and I don’t need to be permanently invisible to do it. The PTR Sombra is complete garbage. I go to the live servers and have a high winrate with her, get play of the game several times, lots of the time I am the only one with a card. I go to PTR and cant kill a single thing, get steam rolled, cant jump far enough to get anywhere because of the speed decrease, get detected from farther away than live version, get my translocator destroyed because it is so much louder than the live servers, and so forth. All we needed were bug fixes. The PTR sombra is so much worse than the live sombra. I haven’t seen a single “this is good” post from any sombra mains on the forums or youtube or twitter.


Sombra mains - do not play her if this goes live. Tank the playtime stats.


WOW just wow, Mei getting good buffs which makes nearly as good as hanzo at range. Sombra gets the shaft along side that Mccree doesn’t even get his weaknesses answered and Reaper gets hard ignored smh. Hammond doesn’t even look fun powerful yes but fun to play IDK but i’m on forever ignored console so i will see how fun he is in a month

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Blizzard is heading in the right direction, but I disagree with some of the changes.

  1. Stealth should keep the 2 meters in Enemy Dectection
  2. Stealth cloak delay at 0.7 seconds like Somvra says is very high, I would try 0.5 seconds and see how it goes.
  3. Indefinitely lasting Stealth is perfect and a big buff and the decreased speed to 50% is good because it was OP.
  4. Translocator with no time limit is a big buff.
  5. Translocator with 5 health it’s a big nerf, I always considered OP to be unable to destroy it but I think it should have like 50 health so if you have high game sense and discover it you can destroy it but not in an instant so it can still be used tacticaly.

Finally, she needs more tuning than this changes to be more viable but Blizzard is clever and knows that if you buff Sombra too much she can be quickly OP.


I find it funny that all Sombra mains asked for were some bug fixes and some small changes. Instead Blizzard reworks her into something nobody asked for. Yep. Blizzard logic :joy:


I’m just amazed.

“Instead of fixing bugs she’s had since launch and ones that we introduced by rushing to nerf her without testing them first, here are two buffs!..with over 6 different drawbacks to using them now :)”

I’m convinced Blizzard hates her, and is so tunneled on making sure she isn’t frustrating to play against that they ignore what she feels like to play.

She’s definitely not gonna be frustrating now that she’s even crappier at her job.


Oh god, i just watched the video. That’s the new detection radius?! You can’t even hide in the corners?! I can’t move in the backline with that! Do you realize how often i actually pass enemies without shooting them when i’m back there?!


Changes are not horrible, but they doesnt make her better. She is just a bit different, but still bad as she was before. She needs other changes.

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not horrible?

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Yeah, horrible. Didnt knew about her other changes lol (like tl sound, weird bugs, animation changes). Didnt knew it is that bad lol. What the f… actually ?

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New buff announced!

Sombra’s weapon damage has been reduced to 0 damage per bullet.

There, Sombra fixed according tot Blizzard

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Today is the day sombra mains see their nightmares become reality


It’s already pretty low before… I doubt anything will change now.

Indeed it is…

Basically how these changes are…

Everything is weird with this new Sombra.