Sombra PTR Changes from a Sombra Main

I go on vacation for a SINGLE WEEK and Sombra already gets nerfed. who thought that making her translocator, her only way out of a firefight, destroyable? How does this help Sombra in any way? The one character i’ve enjoyed playing as since i bought this game almost a year ago is further nerfed.


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I’ve been playing her a lot on the PTR and she feels okay, just not like she was buffed. More like side-grade. IMO They need to give her the speed and normal detection back for her to be as good as she should be.

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ht tps://

Sombra “buffs” in their full glory

i can do youtube links now so here the video from the thread


It honestly hate the changes…

Uhhh, Translocator is unreliable.

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Poor Sombra…

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Yeah… But no it’s totally my fault, I was too slow with my reaction time. Translocator totally doesn’t have a laggy hitbox

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I am just sad that she is getting nerfed…

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if I may I just put some ideas to make the “buffs” actual buffs.

I’ll just leave them right here:


-Can still contest but becomes detected after a few seconds on point
-Can only be detected by enemies if in range of quick melee
-Voice over for leaving stealth is now 1 meter so only the person closest to Sombra can hear it and effect sound is reduced to 8 meters
-Has same bonus speed boost as before (Reducing speed boost on ability did NOT work with Lucio and it sure as heck not gonna work for Sombra. PERIOD >:frowning:
-Has a damage threshold of 15-30 before getting pulled out of stealth
-Exiting out of stealth takes 0.5 seconds


-Last for 20 Seconds
-Can ONLY be destroyed by Sombra using the interact button and cannot be destroyed by enemies


-Has a damage threshold of 30 to disrupt hack
-hacked enemies take more damage from sombra’s gun
-has a purple sugar skull displayed for team to see
-Bugs that causes hack to be interupted or to not work in general are fixed

I love Sombra and use to main her on my xbox one. While my playtime with her is low on pc it breaks my heart to see her in this bad of a state. Though while the ptr version is bad, it still is salvagable. especially with my suggested buffs. Fellow Sombra mains and lovers, please add your own thoughts and ideas for how to make our beloved hacker better.

Boop! :wink:


Hey Buddy! :sweat_smile:

At this point, I didn’t think it was possible to make Sombra worse than she was currently at. Oh I was wrong.

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Hi again

and HEY!! I worked hard on those suggested buffs thank you very much!


No problem, you know me! I always appreciate everything that you do. Keep it up!

My favorite reason to play Overwatch is ruined.


Wait so you do like my ideas?

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YES! At this point, anything positive will be much appreciated.


Sweet. Help me keep my post visible so that more people can see it in order to maybe make it a reality?

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I just spent a ton of time on the PTR complaining in our group about it. I don’t have as many hours on her but I spent a lot of time learning her and goodness, I hate how it feels.

And I’m so annoyed that they didn’t even fix Hack. That should be the first order of business. I really hate having it break randomly without LOS breaking at all.

Quick edit: Can we at least have a little warning about the Translocator getting destroyed? I know it goes on cooldown but I didn’t notice it and ended up throwing my escape route into the enemy’s face since it got destroyed ages before.