Sombra PTR Changes from a Sombra Main

Blizzard should really consider hiring somebody who plays Sombra. How could they have possibly thought making the translocator destructible would help an already F tier hero. Now she can’t survive in the fight, and she can’t leave either.


Couldn’t agree more :frowning:

This really sucks for you guys. Sorry Sombra mains. :frowning: I was so sure, SO sure they were gonna give Sombra more than just the invis and trans changes mentioned. Here’s hoping they’ll make the changes needed. In the mean time, I’ll drink a beer to ya.


Oh they did give us more… they gave us four nerfs to go along with the two buffs.

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What if sombra throws the translocator and Widowmaker snipes it mid air? Will there be an achievement or new game mode called “skeet shooting”?


What next, increase damage and shooting rate but nerf clip size, increase spread,reload time and adds a cooldown period to her uzi?

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200 damage, no fallout.

But, she can only shot herself in the foot

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They’ll decrease the time to hack by 20%, but hacking now uses up half her gun’s magazine.

Nah, it fires automatically and shoots all your teammates as well

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And the shots will never end even after death

And she is autolocked in all your future overwatch games even if she cannot be picked or is already picked if you have even once played as her

We better stop here, we might give the devs the wrong ideas


One of the worst PTR changes they’ve ever made. I sincerely hope this doesn’t make it to live.


Because they don’t freaking LISTEN. It was NEVER her stealth that had any problems. Yeah, the delay sucks, but we’re angry about her hack not working and her not putting out enough damage, so they hear STEALTH? So she won’t be a threat to their precious hamster who is by far the stupidest thing they’ve come up with to date? It makes me sick.


You want go do Sombra things? OH LOOK! RANDOM 1HP PELLET!

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Feels really bad. Sinking feeling when it gets destroyed, and they don’t even notify its been killed


Also not happy with the changes. Arguably Sombra’s biggest non-bug issue is being absent from the team when played as a scout / infiltrator and the changes just worsen that problem. Her ability to actually close a kill is no better, either. This rework will turn her into a genuine troll pick.


These changes do nothing for Sombra. Positioning was not an issue. While I would have loved infinite stealth the fact remains that the keep nerfing other parts of her kit in exchange. All they are doing is taking a bad character and changing her around again and again and again.

They are so scared of actually buffing Sombra when she has never been meta, she has never been overwhelming, she has never been overpowered. There were 2 days where she was frustrating to play against so they proceeded to completely obliterate Hack.

You can’t keep reallocating her attributes and expecting a bad character to rise. You need to level her up to the rest of the cast. No more needless alterations. #BuffSombra

Make her stealth speed 75%, let her transition into stealth faster, make her Translocator invulnerable again, revert her Los changes to her Hack.



That’s the kind of thing people should make posts/feed back in the PTR forums about.