Sombra PTR Changes from a Sombra Main

Plus, she’s meant to be played as an assasin, not a front lines dps

Translocator destroyed by 5 damage. ALL 3 of her abilities can be canceled by 5 or less damage = buff. Yeah in the bizzaro world


Some OWL teams ran Sombra at the very start of an attacking round to rush in, figure out their team comp and translocate back to counter pick. It feels like this is the only reason they’ve changed her to this kind of playstyle.
Whatever happened to we want all heroes to be viable? A trash Widow ult is not a viable playstyle for Sombra…

No it really is kit crushing. She’s a stealth hero and they created tons of new ways to get detected. Double detection range, translocator is loud as hell and you’re slower moving. Not to mention making the translocator destructible which makes it incredibly unreliable.

Infinite abilities are nice for quality of life, but they weren’t really what was holding Sombra back. They’re minor buffs at most.

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you said minor buffs, so you agree it isnt a nerf

Cree and Soldier are “frontline” dps. Tracer and Genji are both “assassin” characters. At best, Sombra can be played as an opportunist, cashing in off of teammates damage.

The infinite translocate and cloaking are minor buffs, but they don’t compensate for the crushing nerfs. Overall its a nerf. Break it down and its 2 minor buffs and several severe nerfs.

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3 QoL changes vs 4 - 6 nerfs to abilities that had the changes applied to them.
It’s a net nerf, no matter how you look at it.

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I have to agree with you there, OP. At first I was actually really excited about the Sombra changes when I read them! If I could remain invisible for as long as I wanted, and I could keep my Translocator out as long as it needed, I thought I could get anywhere undetected.

And I could! But as it turns out, the current time limit on Stealth was more than enough time for me to get wherever I wanted, and the time limit on Translocator wasn’t really an inconvenience for me. I only really destroyed my Translocator very few times.

And the movement speed! Oh, it feels so terrible. I know, I know. I’m just used to the 75% increase, but wow it feels horrible. Kind of like when I tried Mercy’s Res with cast time for the first time. It just felt very sluggish :confused:


You see. Using the translocator as a tool for getting out of the battle is not effective use.

The most effective is to use translocator to reposition yourself. Try to play her more like disruptor. Stay around the team. So your hacks actually matters. Like hacking Rein charging at your team or flanker or suspicious reaper, mccree above you. You should leave the team only when picking off low health enemies or taking care of bastion, turret, sniper.
If you play like that the game is fast paced and you usually use your trans in few seconds after the throw. So like that you will notice only the nerfs.
And its the playstyle that profit your team much more

Because making stealth and translocator last permanently somehow makes it impossible to do this now?

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Exactly… It may sounds like buffs, but when you view it all… it is majority nerfs.

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Ironic, I was trying to say OP had nothing constructive to say to the forum. More irony, i’m reinforcing the argument i’m against by replying in this thread. :man_shrugging: Blizzard has better ways of determining balance then relying on their forums, though i’m sure the forums are helpful.

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but she is like perfect atm :weary:

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Of course they do, however, the forums does help like you said. But anyways, but even the pros knows that these changes will do more harm than good to Sombra.

All she needed was a small buff to her hack, some cast time reduction etc. and bug fixes… But looks like we have to settle for the PTR Changes. * sadly *

People really believed these “changes” are not final? xd

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At this point it could final with some minor tweaking or they could go a different route with these changes… or they could just revert her back to pre-nerf Sombra.

Regardless, Blizzard’s designs are for their vision of Overwatch as a whole, not any specific hero (Except Mercy because apparently there are too many Mercy mains for Blizzard not to be whipped by them). In the context of the health of the game the PTR changes do make sense. Sombra is a minefield of un-fun mechanics to play against. Blizzard is being careful not to let players exacerbate them. Though a vast majority of Sombra players want to. There has to be a balance between sweet and salty.

In my personal opinion, i love playing Sombra, but find few scenarios she objectively excels in more than other heroes. With the PTR changes she carves out a more obvious niche that doesn’t ruin another player’s day quite so dramatically. Even if she’s weaker herself, the strength of a team composition utilizing her new kit has yet to be seen. It only takes one amazing EMP with the right follow-up to win a round, and finding that win-condition EMP will be much safer.

You know whats unfun? Having your favourite hero wind up in f tier, over and over again because people justify any nerfs against her with “its unfun to play against” despite Hanzo almost single-handedly being able to counter most of the roster.
You know whats unfun? People calling Sombra’s kit oppressive when there are countless one shot abilities and combos which remove all control from the player (Widow, Hanzo, DF’s combos, Cree’s flashbang combo) but being forced onto an even playing field with Sombra, primary only, is considered horrible and worse than dying.

Her new kit can be accomplished by a Widow ult or holding tab to view their team comp. Without a full rework, the new Sombra changes will make her objectively worse in every situation, making her nothing more than a glorified spectator camera.

tl:dr I don’t care if you think playing against Sombra is unfun, its unfun to have your favourite character be continuously nerfed because “she’s oppressive”