Sombra PTR Changes from a Sombra Main

It’s not about what i think at all, it’s about what Blizzard thinks. Sombra’s new kit is clearly designed to emphasis coordinating an EMP with your team, arguably the single most powerful and good feeling play a Sombra can enact. Deciding she’s F-tier while in PTR is impossible

Overwatch, by itself is a fast paced game which doesn’t allow for much of a “prep phase” which new Sombra would have to rely on. Coordinating an EMP with your team is what Sombra 1.0 did, her being nothing but an ult bot at that point.

So now she’s becoming more of an ult bot, but with less ult charge than before?

Edit: Even Danteh has said that all the changes are doing is slowing Sombra down.


Slow push, ult banking metas can always make a comeback, especially on assault or control maps. Even poke comps might make a comeback after the adjustments to multiple hero’s fall off damage.

Increasing the quality of her EMPs in exchange for lowering the quantity makes sense to retain a similar balance. Sombra on live isn’t far from being in a comfortable place. Fine number adjustments can always come later as needed. The important thing is making a hero as fun as possible for all 12 players in the match, not just the one or two playing them.

I wish people stop with the whole make heroes fun to play against argument, because literally every hero in the game has that one ability or thing about them that will always be unfair and unfun to play with and against.

That alone is not a very strong foundation statement to use mate, at all. If that was the case then many heroes needs to be nerf because one finds them unfun to play against.


Huh, could have sworn Hanzo is almost always ruining a fun match for me as a Cree main. Should we nerf him into the ground and ruin most of his potential because he’s unfun for me?


The infinite durations are irrelevant in a game where the use of these abilities is broadly dictated by the fast pace of the game.

Matches aren’t of infinite duration, you’re always up against a clock, wasting more and more time is entirely counterproductive.


Exactly, this

I think Sombra’s stealth should be usable like dva’s defense matrix, being that the energy expended to remain in stealth is only used when the player is holding the button down, which would replenish when out of stealth. This would need to come with a shorter detection radius and quicker fade time into stealth so she can quickly shift in and out of stealth but would allow her to be in and around the team fight more. The duration would be shorter, but it would allow her to be more selective of when she chooses to fade in to stealth, fade out, hack an enemy backline target, eliminate and fade back in to rejoin the team or hack health packs etc. Let me know if you think it would be a fun play style, or tell me what would be wrong with it. Im interested to see what you think

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A lot of people been saying that it should be on a resource meter. I think that would be a really good idea honestly.

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Infinite duration is useful in a time limited game because you can decide when you want to be visible. So, you can go behind and pick off healers. Another way infinite duration is useful. Throw a translocator on point, go behind enemy lines and pick off healers.

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You’ll have a much easier time doing that on a real flanker, you don’t need Stealth for it.

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They are nerfing him. The original intent was to make people less upset about scatter arrow, which they succeed in. The Hanzo nerf on the PTR alongside the buffs to heroes that compete for his slot in a team comp (mccree included) will go a long way to flattening out Hanzo’s power.

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Is it not a game developer’s job to make the game as fun as possible for as many people as possible? Some extreme or unique mechanics will have little to no counter-play and are indeed cancerous to a game’s health. It is a valid justification for changing (not strictly buffing or nerfing) a hero for the health of the game and from a business standpoint. It’s just a matter of determining when to draw the line.

Time will tell if Sombra actually fits in the still developing meta and adjustments will be made accordingly. Blizzard does listen to their players. They wouldn’t make a change unless they had good reason (and plenty of data) to believe it would benefit the majority of the player-base, even to the unfortunate detriment of a minority.

I would still argue that Sombra can provide the same relative amount of pressure as before. Even if she has to take a few extra seconds to get into position. She can get there more safely and take advantage of situations with less risk. Any extra down time is still providing pressure on they enemy team, as they have to be wary of where she comes out of next. My points are especially true in organized group settings, the way the game is meant to be played.

Where? And how? As far as we can see, her issues are not addressed at all.

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They are listening to everyone. They don’t just listen to any one group of players


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Really? it seems the latest nerf only reduces the amount of time he has to aim all of his storm arrow shots and reduces the amount of times storm arrow can be used in say, 30 seconds.

  • It doesn’t address that his mobility is better than the dive tanks.
  • It doesn’t address that his mobility combined with 1 shot potential at any range and projectile speed increase that he is almost hands down the best precision character in the game, beating Widow and McCree with ease.
  • It doesn’t address that he can average about 2 kills a storm arrow when fth 1.0 could only guarantee 1 kill.
  • It doesn’t address that even the characters like Dva and Winston who are meant to hard counter him struggle against him in an even 1 v 1 situation.

They are nerfing Hanzo slowly, like they did with Mercy.

But Sombra? 2 weeks to dumpster her, 3 months to acknowledge she’s f tier and then one more update to push her further into f tier.

  • Soldier can’t compete because he’s sustained damage, which is good against high mobility comps with lower health pools.
  • McCree’s kit is still heavily conflicted, filled with borderline useless abilities and inconsistencies. That damage drop off buff isn’t going to change his roll, flashbang or ult. You know, the things that are actually a problem.
  • Hanzo can out snipe a Bastion with ease, to the point he can stand in Bastion’s line of fire and beat him with storm arrow at mid - long range.

How did that damage falloff buff address any of those heroes core problems with their kits? All its done is screw Pharah over even more since playing out of range is now more dangerous.

Edit: You cannot defend Blizzard here as they have consistently ignored Sombra players, instead listening to the immediate backlash of her being somewhat viable. How can you defend a team that has never listened to any suggestion a respectable Sombra player has put forward? How can you defend a team that values Seagull’s input about Sombra over that of Fitzy or WorstSombra?

If they were to keep the changes but alter the detect radius to 3 meters, stealth delay to 0.4 sec and speed to 60%, would that help?

What would you ideally like to see?

I wish we could tweak these parameters along with the others in the game.

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Is someone keeping Geoff hostage these things are a… well, thing? :V

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