Sombra new ability idea “Omniblade”- add your own too

Honestly I would love it if omniblade became a new hero with a kit similar to the assassins kit from the retribution event. Just feels like it would be awesome. As for sombra, I have already posted some ideas to improve the changes they made on other posts about sombra. Should be on some of the older ones that have a lot of replies

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The best change for her would be to leave her as is and just fix all her bugs with some minor buffs. I don’t want this Sombra change to go live, but this idea came to me and if the patch does go live, I want there to be something to help her not be such garbage

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I feel omniblade’s character design would fit well with the retribution assassin’s kit. Really would if that could be a hero one day

As an Ana player, hell no.

If you can’t hit me with your machine gun more than I can hit you with my point blank sniper rifle I don’t see why Blizzard has to give you special treatment by giving you a weapon you don’t have to aim with.

i dont think she should be able to attack while staying invisible that would be quite op, im not saying she will be fine as she is, i want ehr to be balanced and that would move her to op territory if not overbearing especially against healers since shed be able to easily get behind them and just kill them without being seen and keep repeating that as they respawn

This latest change is already a major nerf to her and she’s already the worst character

I like the idea of giving sombra an effect on uncloaking.

I really don’t want her to have more personal damage so I’m championing ideas that give her better ways to provide information to her team (After all, Sombra’s theme is ‘Information is Power’)

It would be really cool if when she destealthed she let out an AOE that provided her team with 2-3 seconds of wallhack, Just enough to make her destealthing a bit more impactful for her team. (also helps if she calls out a target on comms because dive will be able to see and dive it easier)

I also think that when targets are hacked that Sombra’s passive should be given to her full team for the hacked player.

Sombra’s kit is packed with utility but it doesn’t help the team a massive amount unless you fight next to a health pack or she gets a solid EMP. Hack disables for 6 seconds but killing an enemy disables for at least 15, it’s hard to bring a low DPS hero into the damage slot when 70% of her utility gets used selfishly instead of enhancing the team to win a fight.

Still doesn’t mean she should become op though

People said that her previous buff would make her OP and we were entering a “Hack Meta”. She almost immediately got the hack interrupt nerf and went right back to the worst character

Bump. Really like this concept and as someone who really enjoys playing Sombra despite not playing her often I would love to see this.

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well what happened then and this are different things, because even if she needs something to help her being able to attack while staying invisible is op, there really wouldnt be any counter play to it especially for healers which would suffer most from it

She’s a DPS with damage lower than Zenyatta. If she can melee out of invisible to do extra damage that would be great. Invisible now her invis is gonna be almost useless. There’s no need for a “scout” but if she can go invisible behind someone and melee them to get out of invis, it would give her an advantage in winning the 1v1

I’ve seen Bastion mains talk about giving Bastion his personal barrier back. There’s a line between what the mains want and what everybody else wants, and that line is called compromise.

Sombra having a “hidden dagger” of all things only makes her that much better and flanking and popping an enemy support. Tracer needs the skill to one-clip, but this suggestion just makes V an uncountable nightmare with little to no skill needed.

And since I believe you were one of, if not of many, Sombra mains that said “Bastion is at least functional,” then I’ll say this: “At least Sombra didn’t go 16 months without being mentioned or looked at.” Fair is fair right? Or are we going to realize that both Bastion and Sombra have too much hidden power and Blizzard has to keep them nerfed because of the power they hold and how unfun that power can be for most of the community, which is unfair to both the community and the mains that both play and love the heros?

I am not going derail too much as I want to keep this thread on topic, but I said a while back that yes Bastion does indeed need some love, however, he has a define role… and has quite a few team composition that he just synergies so well with. With that being said, I for one think he needs some buffs that make him more so independent.

What I said in the past was very misunderstood by the user as I was on the same agreement as the individuals, but just stated differently and what feedback that the community has over Bastion (not me) as I stated there and I will stated it here… I am an Sombra Main… I know how it feels to be ignored and neglected. When Sombra does recieve any form of the dev’s attention, it does more harm than good.

Prime Example : The PTR Changes, which I created an thread talking about that if you care to read about it. Improvements to Sombra2.0

Like I said, I am down for a Bastion Buff, I was just saying that be careful as people will complain about Bastion and get him nerfed to the point that he is worse than Live Bastion.

  • But I do agree both Bastion and Sombra and many heroes have so much hidden potential, but is simply being kept suppressed for the sake of the community for complaining about how unfun it is.

    Whatever that means…

  • I had an ability to replace Translocator, given the recent PTR changes that most likely will go live given the track record of PTR updates and how they go live. Its quite foolish to have two abilities with infinite duration.

    In essence, Trans locator would now be called Transmitter. A small device similar in size to the old trans locator would be fired similar to Symmetra 3.0’s turret. This trans mitter would essentially be a camera that would display an 180 degree field of view to Sombra and also rely the health status of all enemies within the area.

    To access this camera, a user would simply press their interact key and User Interface would display a 180 degree view of enemies within that area, a permament UI of health statuses would be available as long as Transmitter is active.

    Transmitter Durration 20s, can be only destroyed by looking at the transmitter’s general direction and pressing the interact key. Cooldown 8s

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    But nevermind the fact that he sucks at his role.

    If you think building a team around him for him to be viable equated to him being better than Sombra, then I don’t know what to say to get you out of that delusion.

    And it’s a big joke because of that.

    That tells us that we have a common enemy, but my quarrel with you is what you say and how you say it.

    Saying Bastion is X, Y, Z, and he can be viable if the slot machine rolls 4 heros that can babysit Bastion, is the problem I have.

    This is my first time speaking out about the new Sombra changes, but it’s a big joke. Infinite time on stealth and translocator (which both not needed) but the laughably large amount of drawbacks. All I can say is welcome to the Ironclad world. The Bastion mains wanted buffs, but not IC. The Sombra mains wanted buffs, fixes more than anything, but they got moot dung. So stop with pushing any notion that Bastion somehow has an edge over Sombra, because I’m 100% sure that you don’t like it when I do the reversal on Sombra.

    He already is. He can only go lower if they make Sentry, more unplyable than it already is.

    Here’s some advice: Make a poll thread that gives 2 polls: Buffs that the Non-Sombra Players want, and a poll for what the Sombra players want:

    BOTH Bastion and Non-Bastion players want HS back and less spread. That’s a compromise. BOTH sides favor the same things, which should be a good reference for Blizzard to go by, assuming they get their hand out of their -…

    Make a thread just like the one above, and THATS how you can see what both sides of the fence want. Maybe add a yes/no poll to see if people like or agree with the Sombra “buffs” dies of laughing.

    Because it’s obvious that the Sombra supports can’t push for what they want, since it’s not even working with the Bastion mains. You have to acknowledge what it’s like for non-Sombra players to play against her. I happen to be one, but I want her balanced like anyone else. Anybody who just tosses in their towel and says that they’re fine you just ignore, as they are going off the spite of the hero and not the balance.

    I pretty much summed this up above, but there is a line where a compromise can be made. Find it, especially by using the thread template I showed above.

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    I am not being delusional, I was just stating that when it comes to the two, Bastion is more so better than a Sombra, and the reasons behind it. Nothing more… Instead of forcing on that aspect, you need to focus on the overall concept of my statement, which was that both are weak, both are being ignored, both are being too dependent on his or her teammates. It was just an observation that I made a while back as to why Bastion is weak… it’s almost the same reason why Sombra is weak … It’s because other heroes can do their job better and because Blizzard is obviously suppressing those heroes for the sake of the community. I don’t see where you have the issue with me on this when indeed I am agreeing with you.

    All I said was that Bastion is a very dependent hero not so as much as Sombra, but still a very team-dependent hero. He needs both Main tank and Main healer to keep him alive , in which that is where I think his problem lies. He needs some independence as I agree that maybe giving him back his personal shield will help him out to a certain degree. I stated that he is more acceptable than a Sombra. Of course that is my personal opinion. but it is also an observation as I seen in many cases. (this statement is not meant to be dwell upon as this only occurs to me and in my game.) I even stated that in my 700+ hours on this game, I have never experiences anyone being treated with such negativity towards Bastion Mains, I am not saying that it does exist as I know it does…

    However, I find that people treat Sombra Mains as troll pick ever since her release in the game. Again another observation.

    Again, you are reading way into the reply I made… I am not saying that Bastion has this huge advantage compared to Sombra, however, he is slightly in a better state compared to Sombra and that is only slightly, as both are practically suffers from the same issue.

    As for the last statement you made.

    You can do so if you please, in some small cases she does while in others, she doesn’t. I wouldn’t be upset at all, as again I resect your opinion, and all I ask for is the same.

    Thanks for the Bastion Poll, I will be sure to check it out.

    I function a little differently as many people will have different opinions when it comes down to Sombra… However, I did something similar, but it tweak the Sombra PTR Changes , with things that will make her overall better. Of course it got moved to the PTR Feedback and locked. from being edit. Which I think it a good thing because this means that the dev may take a look at it.

    I will try it in the near future. My goal is to turn my fastest thread into yet another Mega-Thread since I already have 7 of them, but this latest thread is harder since it was moved from General Discussion to PTR Feedback. Which does not nearly get as much attention from the vast majority of individuals who participate in reading forums on here.

    EDIT:If you want to discuss any further I am glad to do so on your Mega-Thread… That way we can stop derailing Cobanat’s Thread.

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    well while we disagree about the approach bliz took, I’ll bite and give my idea of how I think Sombra would be made more interesting

    First of, the current changes stay with a few exceptions


    • Duration infinite
    • MS 50%
    • Sombra is able to cap while invis
    • Detection radius 3m


    • Duration infinite
    • Translocator reveals a 4 meter area around itself to sombra and her allies
    • Translocator can be cancelled by pressing the interact key, no need to see it
    • Translocator sound reduced but still louder than current live

    and here comes the crazy part…


    • Hack can target allies and enemies alike
    • Effect on enemy remains the same
    • No cooldown when targeting allies
    • Range is doubled when targeting allies
    • Allies can be hacked through walls as long as range is covered, particle travels through floor
    • Allies are healed 100 hp instantly and receive a health regen buff that lasts 5 seconds and heals 20 hp/s
    • Allies previously hacked cannot be hacked again for 10 seconds
    • cast time 0.3 seconds when healing allies (can be cancelled)
    • Hacking an Enemy still makes you enter cooldown but the cooldown doesn’t prevent ally targeting
    • Healthpacks hacked recharge 25% slower
    • Healthpack consumption charges your ult but way slower than before


    • EMP hacks EVERYONE it hits
    • Allies are healed 250 hp instantly, no hp regen buff
    • EMP ignores hack penalty on allies


    • Moved to Support category
    • Sombra can see the outline of her allies just like every other support can

    I wanted to get the idea out of my head but in all honesty I feel like if Sombra were to be made a support it would be kind of… sad? I really like the direction they are going with her and adding a heal seems too wacky but I have fun coming up with these kind of stuff

    An instakill would be too controversial considering how much hate things like Hog’s old hook got it. But I have an idea that might fit her hacking theme and be somewhat similar. What if Sombra had a new passive that allowed her to hack on any melee attack? As in if she whacks someone or gets whacked in turn. She might actually be dangerous as an ‘infiltrator’ then. Sneak up on a Tracer, smack, then shoot her down. It would make Rein think twice about swinging at you unless he’s sure you’d die.