Sombra nerf when?

Winston and D.Va are good because they are the only really mobile tanks. D.Va might be overtuned, but for the most part it’s just because this game favors mobility.


Lol seeing so many people happy about her nerf is so gross. Yes please nerf the character that has less than a 3% pickrate in masters and grandmasters. Can’t have any offense hero threaten genji and Tracer.


It will be interesting if this is like the bastion situation. They buff a character. pPeople while so nerf the character and now they are in a worse place and they forgot about the whole thing and that hero lives in f-tier forever.


Because anyone who plays her extensively knows that most of her use was previously her healthpacks. That is no longer the case. Then most of her usefulness came in her hack. And now it’s being nerfed pretty badly.

2 second cooldown on an ability damaged by 1 ability is kind of objectively trash. If they implemented a damage threshold of even just 10 would be far better. But a stray D.Va bullet screws it up as it is.


Why would it solely get canceled and put on CD by damage? Wouldn’t surprise me if it just includes cancelling hack in general. Either way it’s STILL a terrible change and will just make Sombra’s gameplay super clunky and too easy to counter.

Ahh yes, it’s like I always have Translocator to throw. Not to mention it’s not like the enemy clearly can’t see your Translocator being thrown into the air, and then if your endeavor fails there you have no way to reliably escape, and you’re easily punished by it.

These changes are going to drop Sombra in the bottom of F tier again, it’s almost like everyone is ignoring the fact that she’s still not a good hero even in her current state. She doesn’t need straight up nerfs, especially not ones as massive as the first one. Just give me the second changes, and if Hack is still ‘OP’ then nerf the cast time.

Just for the love of god, don’t remove something that was good because it was ‘clunky gameplay’ only to NERF her by giving her a mechanic that is literally ‘clunky gameplay’.


It’s almost like she counters every hero and isn’t fun to play against when she’s constantly hacking you before you can react. This isn’t about those evil Genji/Tracer mains.


You know what’s also gross?

The people who refuse to look at any balance that doesn’t negatively impact Genji and Tracer as a decent idea, and instead are all always bad and biased.

Sombra will still be just as good, she’ll still shut down Genji and Tracer, she just won’t be unfair (ie the LoS handicap on hack actually works).


1: Yes. Because he very clearly says “Any time Sombra’s hack is interrupted by damage, hacking will go on cooldown for 2 seconds.” I don’t see how this can be misinterpreted.

2: That’s called counterplay.

3: How exactly will they do that again?

4: That is your opinion, I suppose.


Please don’t do this.

Getting off Sombra’s hack is tricky as it is, with a 2 seconds cooldown every time it gets interrupted it will be impossible to get hacks off at targets that know a Sombra is around! (mainly due to the fade-in/out time her invisibility has. The setup time of Sombra is insane as it is right now.)

Instead of nuking her into meme-tier territory again with these changes please consider giving her a damage and weapon spread buff along with these changes to keep her viable.

Removing the fade-out time of her invisibility and/or giving her hack a damage buffer (e. g. break at 50 damage taken instead of 1) would be another option.

If these changes you talk about go live, she’s worse off than she was before the latest buffs which made her playable for the first time since her release. :frowning:


so click on it then, go to overbuff, type in nechoo and click on search, it’s not that hard to do, then you’ll be able to see that compared to your 4 hours on sombra in total i have around 90 or 4 days.

Also it’s non-existent not “non-existant”. You’re welcome

You know what isnt fun. Moira right click that has no counterplay. Shooting Moira doesnt stop me from getting my life sucked away from me.


To be honest, I’m okay with these changes. I played her as a stealth character, so I hacked when people couldn’t expect it.
If I played her in a ‘brawl’, I’d hack behind a shield so it wouldn’t be interrupted.
The only thing I’m slightly not okay with is her ‘updated interactions’ with Tracer and her Hack’s LoS Checks. But Brig is coming, sooo… I’m not entirely sure how to feel about that second thing.
But ey! We’ll just see how this plays out, won’t we? :3

She doesn’t counter every hero because every hero isn’t reliant on their abilities like genji and tracer


Saying a hero’s primary fire has no counterplay is a bit silly don’t you think?

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Again, you’re assuming so much. How do you the amount of hacks that’ll be lost after the nerf? How do you know that the amount will increase when a current good Sombra’s wouldn’t continue hacking the same target at one time after being denied once? You’re assuming many things in one post, and unless you know for sure how many hacks will be dropped after the nerf you can’t say anything about her strength being nerfed too hard.

Hacking health packs still has plenty of utility, even when not used as an ult battery.

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Most heroes rely on their abilities on some level. For example, Rein and D.Va become basically useless ult batteries when hacked.


Yeah have fun hacking Widowmaker and then getting headshot because shes not ability reliant.


I’m all for fixing the incredibly silly 0.1 seconds of Hack clipping through walls and whatnot, that’s a great change. It was utterly unfair.

I don’t think the two second penalty on Hack is entirely fair. Even with thought out positioning and awareness of your surroundings, in a game like Overwatch where there is so much spam fire, it’s very likely Sombra is going to suffer from this.

I recommend reverting the Hack speed back to what it was previously, or perhaps even further if players genuinely have an issue with its speed.


Without her hook, Widow is dead unless she hits that shot. What is your point exactly?

idk why, on some days you can on others you can’t. If I knew how to make it happen i would.