Sombra nerf when?

She’s still got a low pickrate and win percentage in actual competitive.

The thing that ACTUALLY matters.


I wouldn’t know her even though I’ve played her for over 150 hours?..

Riiiiight. :roll_eyes:

This wasn’t even evident before her buffs. She gets no ult charge out of hacked healthpacks, her hack is now easier to break LoS, and now damage puts it on a 2second cooldown. Her ability that is supposed to compensate for having her healthpack ult charge removed is now crappier than it was before this buff.

That’s what is frustrating.

If you want to call it a hissyfit when you can go into my post history and examine how I have been open to nerfing her, then that’s entirely on you. This is a terrible nerf.


If the wrong person gets targeted, you’re always free to just take your finger off of right click instead of just mindlessly holding it down, hoping someone walks in front of you.

Besides, you have a hack sensitivity in the options, just like Zarya, Ana, Zen, and Mercy for exactly this same reason, to prevent this “wrong targeting” problem.


say hi to stylosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



Seems like a fine change. It reminds me of changing Hook 1.0 to Hook 2.0. It will get rid of the annoying edge cases like getting hooked through a wall.

It won’t be much of a nerf though so be prepared for Sombra to be pretty much the same.


Almost like he specifically mentioned hack being interrupted by damage, and talked about that, and didn’t mention anything about it breaking LOS.

Unless for some reason he worded it terribly, it only goes on cooldown if you are damaged during it, not if they go behind an obstacle.
You are also fully capable of throwing your translocator up into the air, teleporting to it, and hacking someone before you hit the ground.

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i just imagine the music from the wizard of oz singing about how the witch is dead (good riddance)

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Finger off or not, everyone in his right mind will turn around and shoot you if he see’s indicators he’s being hacked. That it goes off or not doesn’t matter.

I hope that is coupled with a damage threshold for interruption, because a single point of stray damage from a target not even aiming at you shouldn’t put your ability on cooldown. NO other hero has to deal with something that extreme.

I agree with the LOS change though.


The first one is incredibly bad unless is attached by a damage threshold.


I don’t know what you’re reading but I never said you don’t understand the character. I’m merely saying that your prediction is just a dramatic and wild assumption on what’d happen to her strength, especially when you’re downright dismissing the many buffs that came from the current patch because of the 2s CD and LOS change.
You can very well be correct that it could be too much, but to call her worse than prebuff mere minutes after the changes were confirmed is definitely an overreaction.


i was for this until we were getting hacked at the speed of light

now its like nah


Salty/toxic much?
(Posts 20 characters)


If it were as simple as “lol just turn around and shoot her” then she wouldn’t be a topic of discussion to begin with.

If you fear getting shot in that 0.65 seconds, don’t worry, that’s still going to be tough for your normal person to do. All that’s changing is the LoS check is being fixed, and if you do get interrupted, you can’t just mindlessly hold it down and hope to catch them during a reload.


Just revert her to being an ULT machine like she was before she was tweaked. She was hardly picked and in a bad state but it was much better than what she will be after this nerf.


It’s still inexcuseable that dva and winston are allowed to ran rampant leading a meta everyone hates and instead of tackling that they nerf sombra


I’m glad you guys did this. Tracer might have actually maybe even seen some counter play. Perish the thought of tracer not being in the meta, lord save us.


(posts 20 characters)

Or a simple click would suffice.

You’re non-existant.

ok, but pretty much everyone knows that they need changes too??? it’s almost like it’s possible for sombra and the dive tanks to be overtuned

It’s ridiculous that Blizzard says D.Va is fine when there’s so much to confirm the contrary.