Sombra nerf when?

Get a load of this BS. Come back to us after you have had your mercy rez interupted and set back to a 30 second timer, you hack.


I rate 10/10 would hack again.

All these people claiming Sombra is going to be useless now are crazy, But then again I normally only hack when I know I can get it off. I mean ffs half the time hacking anyone but a tank, tracer or Genji isn’t even worth it anyway with her dealing more consistent damage now you can one clip them before they even turn around.


Oh, cut the garbage. All that’s being done is adding counterplay. Hack and its speed are still extremely strong.


Don’t try to play chicken with devs. They get this exact post all the time.


I dont see any compensations. Some ULT charge for using health packs just like every other character that self heals?

Maybe not as much as she gained before but some ULT charge as compensation. :confused:


Yeah, that is absolutely a legitimate problem, being able to hack during an invulnerability move. The cool down on a disrupted hack is just too much though. Her hack is even harder to get off than before her rework, and her hack is literally the only reason she has an advantage against anyone. Now she just doesn’t get EMP every fight.


There are a lot of things that break los if you take into consideration rocks trees buildings cars corners and structures in general with the inclusion of barriers those can stop hack and let’s not forget cc any kind of damage and the 3 boops


The forums and overreacting, name a more iconic duo. These changes will not make Sombra bad at all, they will make her have to think about her positioning and when to get the hack off. She still has an extremely fast hack that completely disables a large chunk of characters, if they react in that period of time the hack deserves to get cancelled and put on cooldown. This is a good change and it will not ruin her at all.


Thank you.

This is all anyone could ask for.

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I don’t like this. Selecting the right target is often very hard with Sombra, since random enemies will walk in LOS and catch the focus of the hack.
If there were a better targeting system this would be a good change, but in it’s current state, I don’t see it being very rewarding.
Maybe you should consider adding a mousewheel browse & lock system that scans for visible hack targets, so that the hack doesn’t lose focus because a random hero walked in front of it…
The same problem occurs with Zarya’s bubble and Ana’s nano boost. A lucio jumping in front of you will catch the focus of the skill and ruin the action, this always happens.
Let mousewheel select who is the intended target of the ability (hack, bubble or nano boost)


the developers and ignoring actual statistics and real players


I mean, a simple search on overbuff would have suffice before asking silly questions lol

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I mean, you don’t either regardless of your playtime and you’re throwing a hissyfit because they added counterplay to her ability.
The buffs she got along the way are still part of her kit and her hack itself is still debilitating. If a Sombra fails to hack from the backlines, she’d naturally either try to kill you with her gun or simply retreat with her translocator. I don’t see how the 2s cooldown would kill her at all, and the only thing that could is if the los requirement is insanely stingy.

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Most real players don’t like being made nearly useless in .65 seconds with an ability that can easily be done again even if cancelled.


I just said my hack is cancelled mostly from stray damage. I’m not sitting in the middle of a team trying to hack whatever I see, I’m not stupid. I’m very aware of what I’m doing. The fact that we have such random abilities and damage options as well as AoE effects makes this worse. Junkrat’s grenades are the worst of this, as you literally cannot predict well enough where they’ll bounce. D.Va’s primary fire is spammed all the time and I could literally get tapped by a stray bullet that missed her target and it cancels my attempt at hacking.

Not to mention there’s some points and places you can’t take the high ground effectively during team fights like Horizon Lunar Colony point A, Temple of Anubis Point B(There’s just one little ledge on a pillar, but the enemy could just avoid you by standing on the OTHER side of the point.), and Dorado’s first point near the actual point. Just because there’s high ground in some places doesn’t mean Sombra can always use it to her advantage. Most limit her distance and others limits her view.

And you are assuming I SPAM hack, I don’t. That’s stupid. If my hack generally doesn’t go off the first time, I resort to damaging instead. That makes it sound like the change shouldn’t affect me right? Well, I know that I still have hack and I can react or pick a different target to hack. This ‘breaking hack puts it on CD’ is more than likely going to also mean breaking LoS and shielding which is going to be even WORSE. Not only am I going to have to get used to people cancelling hack easier due to the second adjustment, I’m also punished for it.

She’s just going to be a lot worse than her previous state solely because of this change. Hack wasn’t as valuable before because of the 0.8 cast time, it was pretty easy to cancel, but now whenever it’s cancelled it goes on a cooldown. Her spread decrease, translocator buffs, and extra perks to hack aren’t going to make up for this AND the EMP charge rate nerf.


Hack ALREADY HAD counterplay. All you had to do was shoot her to interrupt it. Now she’s almost never going to get a hack off because even a speck of damage is going to force her to disengage. And she doesn’t get EMP every team fight bc they nerfed that as well.


I find it incredibly ironic you’re going to nerf sombra when she isn’t even viable instead of winston and dva who are currently leading the meta and have 80%+ pickrates in owl


She’s overtaking Genji’s spot in Contenders. She’s definitely veery strong right now.

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Don’t forget if your stalking someone and random turret damage


If you’re that worried about specks of damage, position better. It’s really not that hard to get it off as it is. This doesn’t make it any harder to get off, it just punishes you for failing.

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