There are still instant cast abilities in overwatch and in the majority of cases she’s outgunned
Finally, the inconnsistancy is fixed. You mess something up, it should go on Cool down. Period. There’s no explanable reason it shouldn’t.
This just made my day.
I’m not a fan of this idea.
The most frustrating part of fighting against Sombra right now is her fast hack time barely lets anyone react.
The most frustrating part of playing Sombra right now, is that hack gets interrupted by a single point of damage at any point during the channel… ignoring that 0.1s window.
Wouldn’t a better option be to solve both of those frustrations in one stroke? Give her a longer cast time altogether, like 1.5 seconds, so that people can react, but give Sombra a mini-shield health pool that allows her to soak up really minor hits so that it takes intentional direct hits or a carefully placed headshot to actually interrupt it?
no “spam” hacks. GOOD
Well, guess I’ll have no value in team fights compared to any DPS.
They DPS way better than Sombra, Hack is what helps her stay toe to toe with the rest of the DPS and for you to tell me ‘not to use it in mid firefight’ would be like me telling a Genji to not deflect mid-firefight. It’s a key part of her kit and helps her engage and win teamfights. The fact any damage at all prevents hack from going off makes it so much worse because most of the time my hack gets cancelled by stray bullets or tiny AoE damage from a random Junkrat grenade.
I seriously would take a cast time nerf over this. It’s just going to make her nearly worthless in teamfights unless she has EMP.
Hack going on 2 second cooldown is not good.
Just make the hack time .7 instead of .65
The LOS fix is fine.
lol goodluck hacking tracer now.
this is literally going to make her trash tier once again. watching this series of events, from the pro players having a literal discord with the developers, and now you essentially confirming it by this post. I mean this is what’s going to kill this game, listening to a bunch of top 500 tracer mains on how to balance it. This is pathetic!
The thing I forgot is how many corners or things that drop los are in the game so if I’m flanking I’m going to have a hard time
I would be fine with this nerf, only if there was a damage threshold on interrupting her hack, maybe something like 40 damage and it would be on a 2 second cooldown, then it would be fair
Will it specifically be damage or just anything, like a barrier?
Wow Sombra is going to be bad now… I was looking forward to playing Sombra more, especially in competitive… Now she won’t even be good on the maps she used to be okay on, like Route 66 (with the health packs).
…This is worse than her pre-buff. Why would you implement this?..
Have you tried taking high ground?
Have you tried using you one of the best mobility options in the game to get wherever you want?
Maybe find a position that isn’t in a giant mosh pit in the middle of the battle. I’m sure anyone playing a highly mobile and stealthy character can find somewhere with LOS to use an ability that takes two thirds of a second to get off.
If you try to hack during a fight and fail, and then you try again and fail because you keep getting shot at, and keep trying until by luck you manage to do it, you have just been more of a detriment to your team than if you had just shot at the enemy. Sombra deals decent damage at close range, it’s not hard to melt a Dva out of position, you can deal.
I’m pretty sure anything that cuts los including a barrier
This was what I was having an issue with - getting hacked literally mid-Recall. Thanks for addressing this.
(20 characters)
Thank you for these changes. They are very much needed!
Sweet deal. Tbh I don’t know if the CD on the damage is necessary, but I’m glad the weird voodoo that went on with LOS will be addressed.
Thanks a ton for the update Geoff!