Sombra nerf is proof that dev dont balance the game but choose the meta

she’s super good. the only reason why she’s bad a lower elo is because people are not aggressive in lower elo. and when they do the team isn’t in sync. there is always half the team that is too scared to die for some reason.

hack=death. but lower elo looks at it as
hack= they can’t do nothing so we gonna run out the clock or scare them and push them back.

people know when to go in and be aggressive at about mid master rank. everything else, people either second guess themselves or idk. i dont understand it.

ive been asking for sombra nerfs for almost a year its abut time

The moment OWL was created and first season started the game OW became playable advertisement for OWL and at times maybe potential recruitment for OWL.

Of course changes of the game are coming from a direct result/need/want for OWL. It is now an Esport no longer just a video game. People complained about every meta so far in OWL that it got boring to watch.

I’m not a sombra player but are these changes really that huge?

Isn’t sombra a decent hero?
Emp can counter basically anything?

Sure she’s hard af to get good value as she relays on her team but doesn’t she provide a very strong ultimate? And good utility?

Sombra as she currently is can be strong in the right circumstances, if the Sombra player knows what hes doing and everyone on the team is willing to cooperate.

But in comp thats not always the case, which makes Sombra pretty bad pick in low to mid rank matches. But once you climb into high tiers, youre a viable pick and competitive to other dps heroes.

Now they are nerfing her, which turn her from bad to troll pick in the lower brackets and from average to subpar in higher ones.

Sombra is a very Ult reliant hero which doesnt get much done outside of EMP.

They increased Ult charge costs globally by 12%, which makes it harder to farm for her and since the game is 2-2-2 locked, the enemy will always have 2 dps, which encourages sniper play which counters her.

Add on to this her direct nerfs, which makes EMP less reliable to pull off and reduced the reward you get out of it, then youre left with a hero youre questioning why should you even pick her?

I’m really sick and tired of hearing this. She does have counters. A good Hanzo or McCree can shut her down quite easily. Ashe can deal with her quite well. Torb is great against her, because his turret can easily prevent hack.

Also I am NOT saying the nerfs we’re not needed. I’m saying that COMPENSATION BUFFS are needed to make up for these nerfs.

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Requires heavy team play to be good, has a bad kit (because it’s designed completely around team play, and is what it’s being balanced around) but an OP ult. She needs major changes to her entire kit if she is to ever be good without being extremely oppressive outside of team environments.
The character has been about as good for the game as Doomfist. I have never heard anyone saying that they don’t dislike playing against her unless the Sombra was a complete bot and they found it funny that she was feeding her brains out.

The best Sombra player in the world can say what they like. Doesn’t make it true, and doesn’t mean we should all just accept it.

Which I suppose explains her winrates in Diamond, Masters, GM and OWL then, does it?

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I don’t think they’ll ever buff her damage. For high ranks she’ll become a real stealth assassin able of sneaking in and killing a support in under 2 seconds and translocating back to her team, while also being useful because of hack. Imagine the complains that would come with such change.

Sombra herself can go uncountered. I have no issue with Sombra (other than her being annoying) outside of EMP. Sombra does not have direct counters, though. Sure, McCree can shoot her if she’s close, but she has far more mobility and can choose every engagement (she can Translocate away, ya know?) Plus, as of her form on Live, EMP is literally practically impossible to counter.

dont even start. emp had 1 nerf.
Hack duration nerf was MORE than needed, also i think that her hacking passives should not be a thing.
Look at lucio, hacking him is like getting an elimination. For 6 seconds your team literally has a 6v5 advantage.
EMP cast time looks weird, but we’ll see with time.
tbh changes dont look THAT bad.

It means he knows her better than everyone else. So honestly? Yeah, you should take his word. A good Sombra is literally impossible to counter.

Ladder Sombra is trash due to the amount of team coordination needed. As for OWL, Sombra GOATs was very strong. The issue is that all of her power was focused into her busted ultimate, so people preferred to just run normal GOATs. However, Sombra GOATs often trashed teams, so…

Sombra isn’t OP, her ultimate is. You can be counterless and still be a garbage hero, though.

Knowing a hero better doesn’t automatically equate to your opinion on said hero being correct. Does it make your opinion more likely of being correct? Yeah. Does that mean your opinion can only be correct? No.

So you’re saying that even Masters and GM players can’t co-ordinate well enough to make Sombra a viable pick? In which case, these ‘good Sombras’ you keep talking about must have to be crazy good to reach the point that they’re ‘uncounterable’.

Except that’s a lie, because Sombra had a winrate below 50% in OWL, meaning more often than not Sombra GOATs was being trashed.

So then why are they nerfing Sombra?

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As a Sombra player, I tell you, a Torb in the back who is even halfway well-protected is probably the worst. Often you need to get to the back to get the proper targets to hack (behind a Rein, or hit the supports or backline DPS), and the turret just ruins her day. He alone is a pretty strong counter to her.

Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow makes her job difficult, as well.

Junkrat is in a far worse situation than Sombra would ever be. Look at pickrates and pickrates and you see which heroes are played more often or had more games and the more games you play the lower your winrates gets. I have a few heroes with 100% winrate because i only played them once and won the game but it doesnt mean that this hero is OPAF and thats how this win% came to be… Sombra has 1.88% pickrate in Diamond (on overbuff) and Junkrat has 0.83% but Sombra has 49% winrate and Junkrat has only 55% even tho he has lets say less than half the matches Sombra has. and if you take that win% of Junkrats 0.83% pickrate and rise it to 1.88% then his win% would be like 35%. In masters and GM its even nearly 4:1 against Junkrat.

Just Because a hero doesnt have 50% pickrate and 100% winrate doesnt mean that hero isnt broken AF.

I mean junkrat ain’t in a great spot either but having a sub < 50 win rate at a certain rank means that players who pick them don’t maintain that rank.

It depends on the audio settings. If they are very close to me, I can sort of hear them. It is a different story if they are further since sometimes it is drown out by the gunfire. For me to hear it properly, I really have to crank up my audio in order to hear sombra in that clip, but the volume of the gunfire for me is too loud to play comfortably.

If i can lower my own character gun fire, I wouldn’t have much of a problem increasing the volume. I mostly notice Sombra when she starts hacking because it is easier to hear for me, so I do a 360 and shoot.

Her gun on the other hand, is ridiculously loud in a gun fight, lol.

Her ult is insanely broken and to remain in that state everything else she does can’t be good. EMP is holding her back.

Or maybe perhaps… the hero is weak… but the ability is too strong… and nerfing the ability allows them to make the hero stronger without ruining everyones fun

What you have here is the 0.01% of the game angry that they cannot play their OP heroes because she counters them, and as a result, she’s nerfed. Noobs in Plat and below will get on the band wagon because they meet a Sombra smurf every 1/20 games.