Sombra nerf is proof that dev dont balance the game but choose the meta

sombra is a staple in high elo and pro play.

Like I said, normal GOATs was overall better, but the power behind EMP is unmatched. However, you are right. Stats show otherwise and I stand corrected. I just have memories of watching teams crumble to Sombra GOATs here and there. But I didn’t catch enough games to have the right image, my bad.

This is true, but when you’re the best at something, you’re typically the one with the most informed opinion. So I wholeheartedly believe that, within the right hands, she has no counters. This applies to everyone, really. Any hero who has the means to escape an engagement can be considered counterless. And honestly, this isn’t always a bad thing.

She is viable in GM lol. She may not be the best, but she’s viable. And, again, being uncounterable does not mean you are a good hero. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

Because having a poorly designed hero doesn’t justify having an ultimate that clears ALL abilities, heron shields (dropping Zarya to 200HP), and passives for 6 seconds. ESPECIALLY when it objectively requires unrealistic and borderline impossible reaction time.

Again, I am not saying that Sombra is OP, but EMP is. I’m glad they’re nerfing it, but it’d be awesome if they made Sombra less team reliant. I’m all for making her better.

Haha, I realized I quoted you and then just said EXACTLY what you said. I’m an idiot lol

Question: are you against nerfing EMP completely, or would you be okay with it if it came alongside a compensatory buff?

we got no compesnatory buff. I would LOVE moving the power of the kit from EMP to somewhere else. Maybe then her win rate sub playt wouldnt be so atrocious


I know you didn’t, I’m just wondering if Triton would accept an EMP nerf in general. I agree, though. She’s easily ignored outside of EMP. I’d love to her designed for better impact with her actual kit.

I just don’t really see what in her kit makes her uncounterable.

True. I was probably being a bit over-dramatic, but she’s still only average at GM and garbage anywhere else which isn’t a particularly great state for a hero.

Yeah, sorry. I read that part after writing that and didn’t think to change it.

In which case, the logical thing to do is to nerf EMP and buff the rest of her kit. Not to flat out nerf a hero who is only viable in GM.

I’m all for nerfing EMP but giving her compensation buffs. I’ve always been against the EMP bot playstyle and currently that’s what she is.

She has insane mobility with her Translocator. She can get really good angles and you can’t even see her- and before you can kill her, she can just teleport away. That’s really all it is. She can get out of range from her counters, hack your tank, and then literally leave. EMP activates in .18 seconds. (For context, average human reaction speed is between .2 seconds.)

It happens lol, I did it in my response to you.

I 100% agree.

Sadly, it’s what she’s always been. I’m very biased, as I hate being hacked- I’m a flanker main, so it’s a hard death sentence for me- but she needs buffs. Maybe a damage threshold on hack, more health… I don’t know. She would be amazing with more health or some form of protection other than literally leaving the fight.

blizzard has 2 choices to make with sombra.

Either make her ladder viable or pro play viable.

No one likes her in higher elo

no one likes her in lower elo either.

Rework her properly this time.

Lower her teamplay dependency once and for all.

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And? Just because you have a 2020 Mustang GT and can outrun some piece of crap 1991 Nissan Sentra in a straight line it doesn’t mean that it can’t compete for a Class B SCCA Championship or run you down on an actual racetrack that is full of twists and turns.

If you play Sombra, know it requires communication, know that it requires group cohesion, don’t use a mic and just solo Q over and over and over again, you cannot use low winrate as a defense because it’s a big part of why the heroes’ global winrate is so low.

You’re choosing your circumstances and you’re metaphorically trying to run a Sentra against that Mustang in a straight line for money. Over and over and over and over again, ad nauseam.

I feel they should have kept her untouched until they could see what she will be like in a 2-2-2 setting. She has really low damage numbers and with the influx of more balanced comps, I’m kinda worried that the lack of more DPS availability to her team will sorta push down even further on ladder. And this isn’t even mentioning the increased time to get EMP after the ult charge changes.

What in the world did I just read?!

That…isn’t how math works.

If they treated all heroes equally in that regard, then you’d have a leg to stand on. However, unfortunately for you, history has repeatedly shown that they don’t.

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the sombra nerf is deserve stop being hypocrite , hack is stupidly overpower .
and also her win rate is fine in Diamond and higher . and much lower in plat and below .

Sombra require team play to be effective this is why she fell trash tier in plat and below simply because in plat there is no team play .

Except in OWL, where she was favoured by the meta, her winrate was far below 50%. Which, considering her pickrate there, brings up some questions.

Try this

It sort of squishes the audio range so weak sounds become louder. Kinda bad for listening to music, but great for letting you hear footsteps.

Thanks for the tip, i will try it out next time.

What an empty argument.

Fun is subjective. Everyone has things they dislike playing against.

Nerfing Sombra to be more of an F tier hero doesn’t solve any “enjoyment” problem either. It just means the team with sombra on their team is going to hate having her on their team. Is that enjoyable oh wise one with all the answers that have nothing to justify them? People will still play her. She will still mute them for lots of time with hack > ult > hack. Nothing has changed outside making her more of a burden on any team that has her on their team because her success cases are smaller. None of that makes the game more enjoyable. You know what’s enjoyable? A balanced roster where all choices are valid because it’s you know, balanced.

People will be babies about anything.


I agree. If they cared about game balance theyd have removed hack entirely

She makes the game unfun for everyone around her. She should be a niche pick. She probably shouldn’t exist at all but they can’t unring that bell (and there are others that should go with her)