Sombra nerf is proof that dev dont balance the game but choose the meta

I’m not going to pretend that Sombra doesn’t put a damper on Rein, or that I haven’t completely shut him down many times and bullied him from the second he steps out of spawn.

But I’ve also played against numerous Reins that single handedly “forced” me to swap off Sombra. Not because he was killing me…ever really, but simply because he was denying me any value and I’d be better served on any other character in game.

The biggest difference between the two, is the Reins I can’t touch are much more aware and apparently had ballerina lessons. If the second time I go to hack him(cause let’s all be honest, the first one is free. Sombra has the surprise advantage, after that it’s on your team), he flick spins a near instant 360 and goes back to shielding his team I’m gonna go swap to shield break. That one move and listening for her destealth will break the majority of all but drop Hacks(and drop hacks on Rein to initiate are literal suicide unless it’s to set up Shatter). You don’t need to turn around and shield up Sombra, just a quick flick to break LoS will do. Also if she’s hanging frontline with her Rein/Orisa don’t firestrike, that 7-20% charge isn’t worth risking your teams’ shield.

Again, it isn’t and shouldn’t ever be Rein’s job to keep Sombra off his back, like it’s not his job to keep Mei or Reaper off him. She counters Rein, but that’s why you have a team. I’m just saying Rein isn’t helpless against Sombra, even if his team is failing him, there are a few steps he can attempt to adapt before going “Welp, looks like I’m playing Orisa this match…”

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Not every balance change is going to be aimed at every level of play.

Sombra’s changes just happened to be aimed at the extreme high end.

Her Hack change won’t really do anything in high elo where people call hacks and focus fire, but losing that 1s will hurt her in low elo where fights drag out and TTK is much longer.

Isn’t the usual response we get when we say something is unfun to play that fun is subjective? I guess it only ever matters if something is unfun to play against

I stopped right here. Please stop lying and stop asking for unnecessary changes to her. Learn to play her or around her.


I stopped right here. Get out of plat or however low on the ladder you exist at and realize your pov is not universal.

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EMP is a busted ability and I am more than happy to see a nerf.

EMP quite literally has zero counterplay. Sombra doesn’t have real counters.

The BEST SOMBRA IN THE WORLD has stated that, when played by a smart player, Sombra has no counters. She can play exactly how she wants and completely become uncounterable.

Please tell me more about how Muffin is lying. Tell me the fun and simple counterplay to EMP, I’m honestly dying to know. Because these changes aren’t unnecessary at all.

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Well yeah. She goes from high end rank being the only rank shes viable in to not being viable in any rank.

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I completely agree. Sombra needed a complete rebalancing. EMP needed a nerf for being so one sided, but the rest of her kit 100% needed buffs, not just as compensation, but in general. A flat nerf to both EMP and base hack was not the way to go here.

Indeed, it is entirely subjective.

It’s entirely pointless for us to argue between ourselves since, as human beings, we’re all allowed to have differing opinions. The thing to remember is that the devs are human beings too, so they have their own opinions on the matter. Ones that we still can’t really argue with because, again, it’s all subjective.

Only difference is, their opinions are the only ones that matter, and they’re free to do what they like with their game.


Says the one asking for further nerfs to an already underperforming hero.

It’s not our fault that you’re completely blinded by your anger nd hate towards one hero. :roll_eyes:

And the ad-hominem attack, wow. The forums never fail to disappoint.

she’s super good. the only reason why she’s bad a lower elo is because people are not aggressive in lower elo. and when they do the team isn’t in sync. there is always half the team that is too scared to die for some reason.

hack=death. but lower elo looks at it as
hack= they can’t do nothing so we gonna run out the clock or scare them and push them back.

people know when to go in and be aggressive at about mid master rank. everything else, people either second guess themselves or idk. i dont understand it.

ive been asking for sombra nerfs for almost a year its abut time

The moment OWL was created and first season started the game OW became playable advertisement for OWL and at times maybe potential recruitment for OWL.

Of course changes of the game are coming from a direct result/need/want for OWL. It is now an Esport no longer just a video game. People complained about every meta so far in OWL that it got boring to watch.

I’m not a sombra player but are these changes really that huge?

Isn’t sombra a decent hero?
Emp can counter basically anything?

Sure she’s hard af to get good value as she relays on her team but doesn’t she provide a very strong ultimate? And good utility?

Sombra as she currently is can be strong in the right circumstances, if the Sombra player knows what hes doing and everyone on the team is willing to cooperate.

But in comp thats not always the case, which makes Sombra pretty bad pick in low to mid rank matches. But once you climb into high tiers, youre a viable pick and competitive to other dps heroes.

Now they are nerfing her, which turn her from bad to troll pick in the lower brackets and from average to subpar in higher ones.

Sombra is a very Ult reliant hero which doesnt get much done outside of EMP.

They increased Ult charge costs globally by 12%, which makes it harder to farm for her and since the game is 2-2-2 locked, the enemy will always have 2 dps, which encourages sniper play which counters her.

Add on to this her direct nerfs, which makes EMP less reliable to pull off and reduced the reward you get out of it, then youre left with a hero youre questioning why should you even pick her?

I’m really sick and tired of hearing this. She does have counters. A good Hanzo or McCree can shut her down quite easily. Ashe can deal with her quite well. Torb is great against her, because his turret can easily prevent hack.

Also I am NOT saying the nerfs we’re not needed. I’m saying that COMPENSATION BUFFS are needed to make up for these nerfs.

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Requires heavy team play to be good, has a bad kit (because it’s designed completely around team play, and is what it’s being balanced around) but an OP ult. She needs major changes to her entire kit if she is to ever be good without being extremely oppressive outside of team environments.
The character has been about as good for the game as Doomfist. I have never heard anyone saying that they don’t dislike playing against her unless the Sombra was a complete bot and they found it funny that she was feeding her brains out.

The best Sombra player in the world can say what they like. Doesn’t make it true, and doesn’t mean we should all just accept it.

Which I suppose explains her winrates in Diamond, Masters, GM and OWL then, does it?

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I don’t think they’ll ever buff her damage. For high ranks she’ll become a real stealth assassin able of sneaking in and killing a support in under 2 seconds and translocating back to her team, while also being useful because of hack. Imagine the complains that would come with such change.