Sombra nerf is proof that dev dont balance the game but choose the meta

or ever played any PvP game with an actual stealth assassin


I can still hear distant screams of my friend raging over infiltrator from Planetside 2


Easy. When they buff her damage and becomes annoying and unfun to play against that way, you just nerf her stealth and translocator. Thats their way of thinking. :ok_hand:

Honestly you should already be familiar with that playstyle if you do play supports, fending off flankers is kind of your job if you are going to play Ana or Zen.

She got nerfed because of not being able to use your abilities for 6 seconds, only to get hacked again 2 seconds later, which was kind of silly

How? Why are you and your team letting Sombra hang out visable for 8+ seconds? You know where she is, she hasn’t moved much, yet you get hacked again because no one can break a second Hack with literally .01pt of damage?

She’s REALLY easy to run off, literally any character just paying attention to her will normally do it.

So in this 8 second time frame nobody bothered to shoot her and force her to translocate away and stayed so oblivious that she could pull off a second hack on the same target?

Which by the way is also a sign that the initial 6 second duration was not enough for Sombras team to follow up on it, as the target must still be fine and dandy so she can hack it a second time.


If a garbage hero is supposedly unfun to play against, the devs should do a power-shift to take the power out of the ‘unfun’ part of their kit and put it into the ‘fun’ part of their kit. Not straight up nerf them.

There is no fun part. People dont like getting countered/ killed in any fashion.
Snipers are part of the most hated dps in the game besides not having any “unfun” abilities, but just being aim reliant.
If they buff her damage people will complain that she assasinates supports out of stealth.


I’d be asking why the hero that has no midfight mobility or sustain is still alive after 8 seconds.

That’s my issue with all these complaints of ‘Sombra’s unfun to play against’, because literally no hero is fun to play against. People just have some crazy hate for Sombra though, and they’ll only stop complaining when she’s unplayable.


Mm, I think that’s got an obvious answer, she hacked, then left with translocator.
I’ve been hack trolled more times than I care to admit, it is infuriating. Another extremely annoying hack troll is hack, emp, and hack, that’s 18 seconds of silence, and as a tank main who is 99.99% ability based, that’s TAKING THE PISS.

Also I’m biased as hell, I’m not saying shes OP at all. I’m saying I hate her guts and I want her dead and gone for good >:C

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Not just OWL but situations where people actually utilize her strengths which doesn’t require pros to do (actually not that difficult) but with pugs and most of ladder is pugs it’s very difficult

Ok here is how a typical match in OWL goes in stage 3 :

  • 2 dry push to build ulti
  • sombra flank and shoot supports
  • sombra launch emp -> end of the game

The only time it fails is when an Ana success in sleeping Sombra during ult summon. An incredibly hard trick to pull.

I strongly suggest you to see the interview between Seagul and Jeff Kaplan where he explained that balance and change to the game is not made around meta.

No source no data. You’re just salty because your main is nerfed. You could go on like every one in this game or still complain.


You’re really going apecrap about some of the most minor nerfs they’ve applied to a character since launch. Doom had crap winrates too until Brig was put into the game and kicked Genji+Tracer out of the Meta and then he became “the most broken character in the game” even though he saw nothing but 3 buffs. (Ult Speed-significant change, Reload Speed-minor change, +10hp per combo-insignificant change)

Sombra has zero counterplay to her kit even with the changes. Maybe Hog will have a shot at hooking her now but for the vast majority of the roster nothing will change.

She needs a reduction in hack range(10-12m) and duration(4sec). Her trans should break after she moves X meters away from it. The hp packs she hacks should be removed on death. Her passive needs to go back down to a 50% threshold before she can see enemies.

There’s so much that needs to be done to this character so her reward matches the skill and risk to play her which atm is ZERO.

Crying about a slap on the wrist, Jesus Christ


Literally everything that isn’t an opinion in your post is flat out false.

She can’t you hack again if she’s translocated away.

Why is a Sombra alive after 12 seconds, and why is she continuously being allowed to get hacks off?


She can come back, theres a whole 8 seconds to do that in? It’s not hard to understand.

Look when a sombra JUST wants to make a tanks life hell, even if it means playing suboptimally to meme on people, they find a way. These are also master/gm games where these things happen to me THE MOST. I should just be happy they are playing her suboptimally, but ofcourse, I AM INCAPABLE OF THAT BECAUSE IM SITTING THERE ABSOLUTELY FUMING.

Do I have to keep pointing out the obvious though or do you have another question?

Meanwhile Reaper and Bastion (aka two of the worst heroes in the game) stay as is, Torbjorn got nerfed (in the previous patch), Hamster got a buff that is actually a hige nerf and Tracer gets a buff. Talking about “balancing” the game, might as well toss a coin whether X hero gets a buff or a nerf.

Except that’s entirely dependent on translocator positioning and your positioning. Depending on where you placed your translocator, getting to a position where you can safely get a hack off could easily take more than 8 seconds. Also, if you’re hacked you’ll probably be much more defensive and much closer to your team making it harder for her to get the hack off.

You’ve literally not even tried to answer my questions here, so I’ll ask again.

You are playing as a tank, yes? So, you’re positioned with your team. Why is your team allowing a Sombra to live for 12 seconds in the middle of a fight, while also allowing her to successfully get off 2 hacks?

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