Sombra needs a few slight nerfs

she has a 15 meter hack range and it hacks through walls even if you break line of sight.

I remember when they buffed sombra but nerfed her LoS on her hack then all of it a sudden she can hack through walls a month later? like what.

I am alright with her, just about mid gold with her while I am high plat with rein. I am currently trying to expand my mains, but not confident enough with her for comp yet

And fails to work if a shotgun user sneezes within 30m of you and hits you with a 0.001 damage bogey by accident.

Free roaming provides information, but it eliminates a significant amount of damage. I’m not saying information isn’t important; it is.

She is a close range DPS. Every close range DPS has an escape card (Genji has like 12).

This feature would be a nice thing for all heroes.

I see. Well keep at it. She’s wonderful against Sombra. You only have to worry about EMP and she charges that more slowly against Orisa than Rein. Also your team doesn’t lose it’s shield against a normal hack. And if you fortify against her hack, she has basically taken none of your abilities except Halt. And you’re way more capable of defending yourself against her than Rein.

On top of that if you pick Orisa, your team will likely feel more comfortable picking DPS that are good against her. Torbjorn in particular is pretty hard on her but he pretty much only works with Orisa.

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No it doesn’t…

The Los Rules on Hack are very strict they are the same as Hook as far I know.
What you experience as a Hack trough wall are the addition of FtS, Latency, and Perspective (in all example of Hack tough walls the target is close to the wall) the two points that could be made better are FtS and Latency with higher tick rate Servers but that has a whole bunch of other Problems.

So its at the very best the Game currently can do.

Before the Nerf of her LoS Sombra had a literally 0.1 (I think) Second time before it would break.
That was unfair and it got fixed.

Hook still goes through walls. Sombra hacks goes deeper into walls and after her buff they nerfed the issue with LoS and as soon as u break LoS it would stop her hack which is a big change after her massive buff. Then all of a sudden with no patch notes she can start hacking through walls even after you clearly break LoS. I play 20 - 30 ping and went against west coast sombras that have over 80 ping andf still hack me through walls.

This wasn’t a issue before but it’s either a bug or secret buff they did not include in the notes

Sombra is one of those characters you abuse to climb rank or get easy fights. She’s just like brig on first release, minimal effort, lots of work put into team fights. There are so many other heroes that are 10x harder than sombra that don’t get the same value as her.
Brig/widow/sombra abusers

She cannot hack without LoS. What people experience as hack through walls, is just the hack line visuals locking to your center of your hitbox and clipping through walls, because your center of our hitbox is behind the wall. But that doesnt mean she doesnt have LoS to you at all. If part of your hitbox is still visible, then hack wont brake.

The worst feeling when you’re playing Zarya/Winston, you react to Sombra’s hack by popping your bubble. Your bubble was popped but still got hacked.

I love how Sombra players think that an ability that’s interrupted by damage, but can be positioned for from infinite invisibility and goes off faster than human reaction time requires some brain trust to pull off. It’s very telling about just how faceroll something has to be for them to feel competitive. I’ve played Sombra, you aren’t fooling anyone lol.

I just googled it and as far as I could find both have 0 Tolerance for LoS.
There is a difference tho:
Sombra’s LoS check seems to check from Her to her Target while Hogs Los Check seems to check From the Target to Him
This changes a few things:
Basically while Favior the Shooter and Perspective in case of a Los break are always on Sombra’s side while they are never on Hogs side meaning If hog sees you but you don’t see him Hook breaks. While for Sombra its the exact opposite
Tho I only figured that out by testing I can’t confirm it.

Cleary for you is not Clearly for the Server nor for The Sombra how I said Favior the Shooter and Perspective both play a big part. How I explaind above. Again what when your hacked through a wall you will most likely always be close to the wall. But Sombra a few Meters away.

Your ping doesn’t matter nor does Sombra’s there is still latency between them + the Time it needs to calculate add that to FtS and (mostly) the Perspective and you can it happen to you it only gets rarer when both have a low ping but as long it isn’t 0 it happens.

Also Hack does whatever it want above a ping of 60 anyway noone knows what it just does

It was neither. How do I know? simple because as an almost daily Sombra player I never hacked someone through a wall.
Test it out in custom games with a Friend the player on Sombra will almost certainly never see a hack tough the wall but the Other player will see it every 100x time or so because of what I tried to explain.

Okey have you started Trolling now?

Sombra shares the place if Lowest Winrates all over ladder with Mcree (which just got a HUGE buff) and her Pickrates are pretty low too.
Sombra still is one of the Harderst Heroes in the game despite the claims of Doom and Hamster mains in the Forum.

Widow is only really usable in Master and above players just aren’t good enough at her lower then that. You can’t abuse her if you don’t have the skills. (Same goes for Sombra too but Widow is just raw skill)

Brig is nerfed to the Ground like look at her Pickrates lol.

Which makes you almost useless aslong as you use it, Lets out a lound scream when exiting and has a 0.7s casttime additional to Hack

Human Reaction time: 0.25s (Gamers on average even Lower Im at 0.18 for example)
Sombra’s Stealth time 0.7s
Sombra’s Hack time 0.65s

Yea not true m8

I love how (most likely) Hamster mains have no Idea what there talking about when talking about Sombra but claim Invinite Steath is the solution to everything.
While it does help little to nothing for every half good Sombra player.

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lol in a firefight or even if they’re simply behind you it’s impossible to react to. I’ve played Sombra and I know how brain dead easy it is to pull off 90% of the time. Like how easy exactly do you need it to be for you? Uninterruptable? .1 second activation time? Last for 10 second? Sombra players are just absolutely pathetic lol. Love the 9 page essay you put together btw.

At average human reaction time is 284 milliseconds based on a sample size of 81 million clicks recorded.

Sombra hack has a cast time of 0.65 seconds.

You can’t nerf her, but you can shift her strengths around.

Regardless of if you survived that time or not, your impact on whatever occured during that time has been significantly lowered. You would have been a meat shield for all of it.

And it takes time to turn and discern your location: Not everyone can perfectly flick around to you to cancel your hack. It is too fast for the majority of people. I would much rather a version of hack that was slower to activate, doesn’t get canceled by damage, but by los alone, and has a lower duration (3-4 seconds). Also, a shorter cast range. That’s a lot of power we can take from it to redistribute elsewhere within the kit. You could have a more accurate gun, faster movement speed… etc.

Sure. But do you really want to play against a Sombra who is less good at hacking and EMP and better at uncloaking behind people and unloading her gun into their head?

IT just isn’t I played this game alot both as Sombra and as other Heroes Reacting to it is Easy as soon as you know just a tiny bit of how Sombra is played.

Considering its an ability that should be hard to stop too it makes sence.

No the 0.65s it is is Perfect.
Any higher would kill Her even more
Any lower would be unfair

No 6 Seconds are again Perfect I never said I want it higher nor did I said I want her cast time to be lower I have no idea where your comming from m8

Are you out of arguments that you start insulting now?
Well thats a save report.

Ping is on both sides m8

Is has literlly Visual and Audio to show you.

No just be ready.

Infinite Stealth which still is useless to most Sombra mains and is still considered a bad change by most of them.

Easy escape because she can’t kill effectivly like other Backliners.

Wow more insults next report

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I would probably prefer this. Besides, what I suggested wouldn’t be worse hacking wise… It would be taking the extremes out of it while keeping it applicable. nor did I mention emp at all–which is very strong as is. Besides, its not like sombra isn’t already just continually uncloaking behind people to farm emp, then translocating out before being killed

Yeah, but she doesn’t usually kill them.

With good tracking her damage shreds 200 hp targets. She absolutely can get picks like this–though if the enemy team is paying attention its not likely that she will be able to like this. So I don’t see any issue with improving it a bit.

A lot of her strength outside of her gun is simply disabling important targets, scouting, and emp. I think she could stand to have her gun buffed in exchange for hack being slightly less ridiculous on all ends (for the sombra included).

I don’t know. I think getting machinegunned by an invisible translocating Tracer will be a lot more unfair feeling than she is now.