Why nerfing Sombra's Hack duration and casttime are really bad Ideas:

  • Hack Duration:

Nerfing the Duration of hack would simple make the gap between her effectiveness in Pro- and ladder play bigger because the highly coordinated OWL team would have way less problem finishing the fight in less time while the uncoordinated Ladder team (in GM especially know with the only duo and solo change) would have a huge struggle. Obv this would be a huge nerf for both but it would hit ladder so much harder making it even harder to make her useful in both then it already is.

  • Hack’s casttime:

There is a reason on why Hack is and should be hard to avoid imagen increasing her casttime to a point where it would be easy to medium hard to block now her hack is even more inconsistent and she can pull it of less and less even with skilled plays people would learn to block her pretty consistently and if she can’t consistently hack and if she can’t do that whats the point of playing her if you could pick Soldier, Mcree or Widow and just kill people?

Well what should we change?

Simple when we look at whats currendly blocking us from making Sombra useful its OWL and looking at there Winrates we see:

  • 71.66% ult - Teamfight Winrate
  • 51.94% Teamfight (with and without ult) winrate
  • 44.87% Matchwinrate
  • 42.23% Soloteam Match winrate

Now from this you can quite clearly see that Sombra is destroying with her EMP but something doesn’t seem to work when she has no EMP she seems to get rolled over or her Matchwinrates wouldn’t be so low.
So the correct way of balancing Sombra would be to nerf EMP so we get space for Buffs on her base kit.

Here is what I would do:

  • Increase EMP cast time from 0.5 to 0.65 to aline it with Hack.
  • Increase Charge rate of EMP by 20%
  • Increase her Base movement speed from 5.5 m/s to 6 m/s
  • Increase her Stealth speed from +50% to +55% or +60%
  • Add better Hack indicator on Enemy
  • add better Translocator indicator on Sombra’s Hub (This mainly because I’m stupid and Translocate over half the map when I just wanted to set it up again.)

This would bring out of OWL but decrease her Downtime and it would let her stay it fight Longer. Yes, hack would stay frustrating for some but that just doesn’t Justify a Nerf to hack. Ultimately I do not know if this would be too much or too little but I think it would be the right direction and we can work from there.

That’s all if there is anything you disagree on or if I missed something be free to share it with me tho my hard Hurts right now so it will take a bit till I reply xD.

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I kinda want 6 second stealth to come back with 75% speed bonus again

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Kinda want that too tbh alot of Sombra’s do probably but I just don’t think they are gonna do it so I didn’t list it.

Btw her old Stealth boost was +75% Currendly its +50%

I agree, I think a EMP cast time increase of no more than .15 seconds wouldn’t kill her. That puts her in the same boat as Rein, which is seldom interrupted and still fairly quick.

Any nerfs to EMP would require buffs to her base kit though.

Her base kit should absolutely not be nerfed.


I would consider these are buffs to her base kit aren’t they?
I don’t know if more is needed but I would only slowly buff her if we do to much at once the backlash will be to big.

Would 0.15 actually do anything though? I find it hard to believe that normal people can even be able to comprehend the difference.

Yeah. Think about Reinhardt. He gets Earthshatter stunned or blocked a fairly decent amount of time. It isn’t guaranteed but its not an impossible feat either.

It’s cast time is only .1 seconds more than Sombra’s EMP.


I’m not actually sure how those buffs would work out. I’m trying to picture just how fast she’d move in stealth. So I just kind of wanted to agree in general it would require base kit buffs, but without saying any specific ones.

My gut tells me increasing both base and stealth speed might be a little much.

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Generally, I would think it would decrease her Downtime because she needs less time to get from her tl to the fight and it would allow her to stay just a bit longer in the fight or that what I predict.

Her old stealth with a Timer moved: 9.625 m/s
With 6m/s base speed and +55% speed in stealth she would have: 9.3 m/s
With 6m/s base speed and +60% speed in stealth she would have: 9.6 m/s
Currendly she has: 8.25 m/s

I mean she is only repositioning herself in stealth so the only thing that would change is that she can do more in less time because her Downtime got reduced and Sombra has alot of downtime currendly.

Tho I would also be happy with just the base speed buff I just feel like she needs more when she looses part of EMP’s strengh.

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Thanks, that helps a lot. I wasn’t in the mood to do the math. :blush: Yeah I support those changes then.

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Nerfing Sombra in general is a bad idea, period. Sombra is in no way, shape or form unbalanced. Statswise shes actually underperforming.

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You should consider the fun aspect of the game, not just winrates.
I think the people who want Sombra nerfed don’t give two hoots about her power, a hero with little/no counterplay that severely limits what you can do makes the game half as fun if they’re in the enemy team.

Same logic applies to:

  • Every sniper
  • Symmetra
  • Mei

Note that every hero I’ve mentioned in this post is balanced or underpowered in terms of winning and losing games.
Any hero that easily makes the game less fun is going to have a constant demand for nerfs, because being balanced isn’t enough, the hero has to be made unviable to stop that hero from constantly spoiling gameplay.

It should be noted though that even an underpowered hero can ruin games if their design is trollish enough. Symmetra and Mei are incredibly unfun to play against if they’re on defence, even though they’re some of the weakest heroes in the game. Reworking is the only solution.

The problem is that how you said if peoples feelings are involved they wont Heroes to be (almost) unplayable and they love to overexaderate about things like:
Hack is uncounterable
EMP is an “I Win” Button
Sniper are Easy onshotter
Doom has a Oneshot on a 4s cooldown
Mei’s Freeze is uncounterable

but these just aren’t true

Thats why I consider Facts and Statistics more Importand then Feelings.
But they are not unimportand thats why I nerfed EMP pretty bad and didn’t buff Hack directly besides a small QoL change.

and Yea sometimes there is a rework needed to make a Hero less frustrating It should be the very last soltuion to Rework.

This whole post is mainly just here to show how bad both of these specific Nerfs would be for Sombra’s overall balance in the game.