Sombra Lost Most of Her

Found the person who has no idea what Sombra actually is like lol. Hack is a debuff, lockout is seperate. Have fun with the 20% increased damage in your face :slight_smile:

Do you want to 1v1 me on sombra in Paris and see who can hack more healthpacks.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You are the noper of nopingtion keep noping

I knew you will cry the moment they added some skill management to her :chicken:

Says the guy calling someone chicken because their not going to throw heir one mobility tool that’s now on a seven second cooldown. With no other survivability tools. While having a kit that requires set-up to work.

To start a fight in the most telegraphed way the hero can.

No this going to be dog teir in dive, and really doesn’t have a use case anymore. because they took away the tool used to engage.

She is not a functional flanker any more.

Because they think soldier runs as fast as sombra tp.

Puck puck puck :chicken:

Anyway see you tomorrow once we have the gameplay.

I did not say that, and that bit doesn’t matter because you have toburn your one cooldown to do that.

While soldier can start and end as he pleases.

I wasn’t aware this wasn’t already the case. I hacked an Ana specifically so she wouldn’t 'nade on NJC, and she 'naded immediately.

Stop discriminating against old people pucker.

I would not be surprised if Sombra is hard meta at the start of the season. That is a massive boost to her lethality. Remember she was hard meta when her Virus did 10 extra damage and 20% on her primary will be more than 10 damage. The only real question mark is whether that .5 seconds off ability lockout (just 1 more second to go until Hack is no longer miserable) is enough to make a difference.

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More like in a few weeks once the casual players that don’t read patch notes figure out whats going on.

Ah my guy, i’m the one saying he can do stuff. And is the better verion of the new sombra.

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username checks out.

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He is doing stuff he isn’t , you are patronizing him, you hurt his feelings man.


Your username also checks out ,:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Dunno why I made it because I made this when I was a legit Lucio one trick

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At the cost of being able to set-up all of that consistently at ideal times and having a separate engage and disengagement tool.

having 20% more damage doesn’t mean much if your mostly just stuck int he middle of your team, relying on barriers to set-up hack on anything.

Like don’t get me wrong that is a lot of damage, but her kit is basically compromised to point where she might not be able to set that up in most scenarios.

Dunno how she engages on Widowmaker on Junkertown/Circuit Royal

Throw your translocate into the backline (ideally be in a spot where they cant see you or this is a waste) and count to 4 (1 second left on stealth) and then hack your target. Congratulations you are now old Sombra but with an extra 20% damage on hacked targets because your translocate will be up when you need it.

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Use stairs obviously duh :joy:

You mean the big flashy thing, they can point their gun at and shoot the moment you go through like they do now.

That once gone you have to wait 7 seconds to use it again.

So that’s still leaves you without TP for 2 seconds my guy.

And even if approaching from invis, your not going be able to get “ideal” hacks off with the limited up time. As your not going to have time to check around you for enemy los, or have an immediate answer to getting caught out while invis.

Which is the issue of it being one cooldown.

Like if you get caught while approaching or as you leave thats it, no set up for you. No bonuse damage, no escape tool. Your just out and dry to die.

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