Sombra Lost Most of Her

Sorry I should clarify you are only old Sombra but better if you are good at the hero.

If you are throwing the flashy thing from where your team is standing and they can clearly see you, then you are a bad Sombra and deserve to be punished for it. If you simply throw it to the ground and walk forward you are still fine. We have had flanker heroes in this game for years who dont need invisibility to reach the backline so I can confidently say the hero who can spend the last 4 seconds of her approach invisible will be fine.

Meanwhile if you are in such a bad situation that you need hack less than 2 seconds after engaging you are a bad Sombra and should be punished for it. In the time it takes you to throw Virus and empty your clip more than 2 seconds have passed.

Basically if you are a good Sombra and know how to move and then how to engage with the team you are a better version of old Sombra with 20% primary fire damage swapped out for .5 seconds ability lockout (the latter change being hard to judge). If you are a Gold Sombra who just sits in the backline hacking the Support randomly and basically being a free kill then yes you got worse. If you are a Sombra timing your engages and thinking through how you will move you are very likely stronger.

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Ya no being skilled does not change how the mechanics work, or how the enemy team play around you.

So fun fact, your just visible now.

your not in stealth doing that, you don’t have a speed boost. Your just out in the open with default walking speed.

TP is her only mobility now my guy. And she isn’t safe out in the open and would be extreamly slow to start flanking prior to throwing TP so people can’t see it.

Like my guy, the only benefit is the extra damage on hack target. And that is if you can setup with hack.

While no longer having the infinite stealth which allows you confidently set such up. And start the fight with the bonus.

Which in it’s self is already risky as is, because it draws a line back to you and gives time for people to set-up cooldowns or save person in question. And a lot of sombra just don’t use it and just go for damage as is.

My guy I don’t control the enemy positioning, I can’t see were their at all times. And for me to have that info I need to be where they can see me. Which was fine with infintie stealth were I had a moment to gather that info, but now I have to run blind to hopefully set something up in 5 seconds.

Like I shouldn’t have to explain how LOS works my guy.

It was 1.5 seconds before. It feels like the blink of the eye in combat unless you were the one that got hacked. Then it feels like a few hours.

Its Virus. She didnt need it, its what caused al the problems to begin with. Now, they are stubbornly wanting to keep it, so they are trying to balance her around it, meaning everything else is super nerfed, i meaneven Hack is 1 second now, completely useless.

Remove Virus, give us controllable stealth back on that button. im okay with it being on a duration, but let us control it, and keep translocator free for a seperate tool.

Now, im just forced to keep throwing transloctor right in front of me just to activate stealth. rediculous.


PFFt, actually no virus was a weaker version of the previous sombra. That just got bonus damage off of hack. Which had headshots on a large clip weapon.

So she couldn’t just melt tanks with it, which is a concern with this version as I can’t much use other then this exact scenario with the new kit.

Yes, it was the worst aspect of her design

This is a very delicious change and I love it.