Sombra Lost Most of Her

Because I’m squishy dps, with no tools to live or escape once I land.

It’s the same reason genji doesn’t just in at the start off fights, even with all of his other mobility tools extra health and deflect.

Definitely. There’s more setup time so she can safely attack someone.

If this is legit, get ready for Widow season.

The Support crying is gonna be bittersweet, as the community kinda deserves it for making an already underperforming character unplayable.

I’m playing Ball all season, so I don’t care about red Widow, new Sombra on red team, or the fact that my backline can’t leave spawn without getting one shot.

Ok, that’s not TOO bad. They made it sound significantly longer. Dumb change that’ll gutter Sombra, but the mob gets what they want and she’ll be unplayable for a season or two. I’ll pick her back up for rework #8.


Cause you are chicken :chicken:

You throw on a rooftop glide shoot and get out tp would be back.

Virus is still there right :joy:

That Minecraft cube will carry you.

All they have added is a time management to invis and engagement.

More so I have more then 3 braincells to tell me that I will evaporated in .3 seconds to the moment I try such.

Like the current version. that’s possible especially when getting into a 1v1 or so.

But like invis and TP are one longer cooldown now. soooooooooooooooooooooo you know even if you win that fight their is no secondary tool to fall back on.

More so you are chicken :poultry_leg:

You should use all your 200 ms reaction times bro to executing this.

Meh, they nerfed her best maps. And literally removed most of her spots. Like might as well have bricked up her favorite window on havanna.

With Invis being more of an escape tool now, I wonder if it would have been a good idea to slap some damage reduction while invisible on the ability… :thinking:

Honestly if they were going this route I would have preferred just giving her the spy’s invis watch to turn off and on as need be off a resource. Because like they turned her from a set-up flanker to soldier with a better escape tool.

I’m wondering, cause the news post didn’t really make it clear, whether TL starts counting down during the 5 seconds of stealth or once Stealth ends, which is a pretty important distinction.

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No matter what’s changed, people will still complain.

I’m that’s true with any change. or lack of such.

Because you have people from no it’s perfect don’t touch a thing, to why wasn’t this just removed from the game. At the same time at all times.

You’re kidding yourself if you don’t think Widow would be meta right now, if it wasn’t for Sombra. Ashe is crushing it currently, and Widow is basically just better except Sombra can just remove her at will.

Whatever makes Sombra stay at D tier.

I watched a Stylosa video covering the patch notes with gameplay footage. Translocator cooldown starts as soon as she teleports. You’re in stealth for 5 seconds after that and then you have about 2 seconds left on translocator cooldown.

I mean, sombra isn’t the only flanker that is able to just run at and engage her whenever. Like genji/ tracer/ and now venture have been doing this for a bit now.

Let alone the lucio’s and or flying heroes on players that know how to roof surf.

This is undoubtedly true, but those others Widow at least has a chance to pickoff before they can get too close.

I guarantee Widow’s PR jumps the minute this change goes through.

I mean widow’s also don’t usaully have issues just turning around and or hooking away and 1 tapping sombra’s either.

Keep mind once revealed she kind of just their with default walk speed.

She will be A tier or b tier she is actually better now if you play her in a active way and will actually help you climb with her.

Atleast from what I can theorize will know once it drops

They have powershifted her and given her more burst but will be more of a risk reward nature.

PFFt na she just worse soldier at the moment.

And well people are still going to complain more now then ever that she “just appeared behind me and killed me” With added bonus damage on gun post hack.

Theirs just forced down time between such, and more ways to just get caught out.