Sombra Lost Most of Her

nope. not possible. a sombra always seen, is not going to be that great. peopel wil always know where she is going. stealth at end of translocator and only for 5 seconds, basically kills her

And translocator being on a long cooldown. rip

Iā€™m not understanding the point of this change, unless itā€™s to gutter Sombra.

So she has to use TL to engage, unless sheā€™s gonna play as Wish.com76ā€¦ but she wonā€™t be able to escape or enter stealth without TL which is on a longer cooldown and needed to engage?

So what exactly is her gameplan? Just yolo in to hope you can trade for a Support? Also the change to no longer being destealthed from damage is completely pointless with only 5s of stealth regardless, and a longer TL cooldown. If you get tagged in stealth youā€™re dead, regardless if you ā€œflickerā€ or get full revealed, because you donā€™t have TL available and will just get jumped immediately.


Well, Hack can still be interrupted and sheā€™s on a timer now to get into a good position. Sheā€™ll be in the backline a bit less. But now you canā€™t knock her out of invis with anything so sheā€™ll be pretty good at running.

Itā€™s similar to her old play style. Get into position, wait for your cooldown to come back, and then engage. Kinda like how Reaper plays.

So this is closer to something along the lines I was thinking :thinking:

Now need to get the full picture :hugs:

exactly this. Virus was the real issue

Revert her translator back to its old function. This should have happened

I agree with this. but, if she cant be invisible to hack things, to get to health packs etc, its pointless. Might as wel as play S76 now

However, Sombra no longer has stealth to sit and wait.

no way similar to her original playstyle. before u could CONTROL when to go into stealth to set up.

Get into position behind cover or further behind the backline.

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You need to use Translocate to Stealth.

Meaning you canā€™t Stealth, then Translocate out.

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Ya thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, their taking her ability to set-up like at all.

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Note I called it I called it :hugs:

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In reality they shouldā€™ve never reworked her is now where Iā€™m at. But this is another key example of community whining at its finest. Hate this current rework of her compared to the last one

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Good job then.

Thatā€™s a tricky setup making dependant cooldowns.

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As a note: Translocator cooldown starts as soon as you throw the device. So you have your 5 seconds of stealth and only 2 second until you have another beacon ready to throw by the time stealth ends.

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tbh her translocator was on way too short of a cooldown as it was.

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That still does suck, because you just removing your self from the fight for that time.

Eh not really, most mobility heroes have short cooldown tools, or like a stack of them in tracers/pharahā€™s case.

Why wouldnā€™t you engage with a tp are you chicken :poultry_leg: