Sombra just hit 5th least picked hero in comp

What’s wrong with being niche? If you’re able I flex niche picks are perfect. Sombra has a few maps where she is perfect and I’ll want to instalock her, but KOTH maps are terrible for her in my opinion. But seriously what’s wrong with niche?

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Here is the thing. I dont even consider her a niche pick. People just want to force her into being one because they dont want to deal with her.

Yes, she isnt as great on koth, but that could already be said pre nerf. In a game where generalists are better at the niche, niche picks are supposed to be great at, being niche is equal to being bad. Sombra is a hard hero to play and master, but should scale with skill and team coordination.

She should be in theory just as viable in high ranks as Tracer and Genji is, but the community doesnt allow that to happen. Better leaving her in the dumbster.



If you take the O and then take the R and clip the right leg you get OP.

she needs more nerfs.

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Niche =/= bad. Like what? Torb is niche. I use him for defense only. On maps like horizon or echenwalde first point. Sombra is niche to 2cp and Route 66 and 2nd point blizzard world. Hanzo niche for first point hanumura and widow on second point. Sombra first and third point on junkertown, go pharah for 2nd point. Like niche isn’t bad. It’s what this game should thrive on.

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Torb is bad, thats why they plan to rework him, just like they do with Hanzo and just like they plan to do with Symmetra. No, niche picks is what causes all the toxicity and everything wrong with this game. It kills hero diversity. Just look at the pros, dive is everywhere. Do you see them use Torb, Hanzo and Symm? I dont think so.


Are you a pro? I’m not. So why the f should I care about the way the pros play the game. I play it at a different level where torb is good in his niches.

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So for some reason it would be a bad thing if someone like Torb would be a real alternative pick in high ranks to someone like Tracer? Do you hate hero diversity, because Torb works in lower ranks?

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No I love hero diversity. I’m a flex player I have no problem with hero diversity. But to expect every hero to be perfectly viable is unrealistic. It will never happen. But niches aren’t bad and. I’d argue are healthy for the game. Anyways time for work. Have a good day sir.

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Right. You’ve just proven my point.

Ehm no??? They nerfed her into a bad pickrate, she isnt niche by design. lol
She is a mobile flanker which focuses on hacking key targets and makes the enemy team formation vulnerable. Thats universally applicable unlike someone like Symmetra, which is only there to hold choke points on first point defense. I did put “niche” in quotation marks for a reason. Niche is interchangeable with being bad.


I would completely agree with this, but they didn’t wait before nerfing her after the buffs, which honestly kinda makes me wonder why i should wait now?


Not at all. Reducing sombra to an emp bot again is not the way to go

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Look, don’t worry about me I’m just a forum junky… but if you want to impress the Blizzard people you need to bring more to the table than pick rates. I don’t think they intend for every hero to have similar pick rates, and I think they are quite happy with heroes being only played in niche situations. With that in mind, what else ya got?

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She’s probably top-five hardest to play correctly, so that makes sense. That doesn’t mean she’s not serving her purpose. She just doesn’t work in every situation.

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Sombra is now worse than she’s ever been, even pre-nerf. It’s just the truth, even Fitzy agrees on that. Btw I think you’re way too optimistic, thinking she’ll be picked in OWL in her current state. No reason to pick her over somebody else


She literally got changed less than a week ago, and you’re already seriously expecting her to get a PTR patch?

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5th least picked? That’s a record for her!

What did they have to justify a nerf?

But I thought she was supposed to be better!!

What gives!!?

Rofl. Sombra “buffs.”

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They gave her 2 weeks before they nerfed her and didnt even bother to put the nerfs on the PTR. What should make me think its reasonable to wait for a buff reaction?