Sombra isn't that useless

Her gun has 60 ammo , if you have good aim , you can easily melt dps’s , I thought that too btw .

I NEVER SAID THEY ARE GOOD [ only the stealth can’t contest thing ]

Stopped reading right there, anyone that used stealth as their escape mechanism probably has 10 minutes of sombra.
Thread dismissed just like many others that have NO CLUE how she works yet they feel the need to say it’s all ok because it’s not their hero getting gutted.
Almost 2 years of sombra being in the gutter and it’s exactly because players like you.


Stealth can’t contest isn’t good for Sombra it is good for YOU!

Her gun may have 60 AMMO but the spread is still an issue. Good aim has nothing to do with it.

Stop defending this.

Just because YOU have issues with Sombra doesn’t mean you should be happy for these nerfs to her character. The pickrate and winrate is already garbage. Many are saying they will quit playing Sombra and the game if this is pushed to live.

Blizzard continues to do these kind of changes and reworks without any knowledge on how these characters work. And now many bigname youtubers are spreading misinformation about how this is good for her. NOT


Engaging and disengaging via translocator is another one of her things. If she didn’t have it, she’d be screwed, because she goes into your backline to attempt to disrupt and then is smited. The risks involved with the translocator are the ability to be bursted down and/or stunned before you can translocate. Btw, the infinite translocator makes the ability less risky. We didn’t want that. 20s was enough time to do something without having less risk accompanied with rushing into your backline.

Yes, it was one of her specialties. Fitzyhere is an example of a Sombra player that stalled points to allow his team to group up for another fight without rushing in, staggering themselves, and hoping to win the fight. It was also something you could do in your downtime while you wait for your team to respawn etc after losing a fight (on payload maps). She can easily delete healers? Whaat? You don’t play Sombra, do you? The only healer that’d be objectively “easy” is zenyatta, and on equal skill level it’s still anyone’s fight. Unless she ults him, maybe?

To “place it nicely” you must be pretty far from the enemy team given its boombox beeping and destructibility, meaning when you disengage (if you manage to) you’re even further from the fight than pre-“buff”.

Those changes made her less stealthy. Objectively.

I'm not , I like her , It's just my opinion about her "nerfs" .

Sorry but you can’t “like Sombra” and have a good opinion about the nerfs.

Those 2 are contradictory. These nerfs are not helping Sombra state in the game and Blizzard needs to realize that.

Funny. Since the devs said it was supposed to make her easier xd

The only thing made easier is her abilitiy to get behind the enemy. That was never difficult. They dumbed her down.

Now the translocator will be destroyed and found easily, you can be seen MUCH easier, and you still are taken out of stealth by getting hit randomly.

What is the point?

I dont even play sombra and i know that sombras changes are more nerfs than they are buffs.

They basically gave reapers old loud voice line during teleport to sombra, made her far easier to hear, as well as see.

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Thankfully they did! Now she can do the same things with less impact overall. Not the changes we need, the buffs are barely palpable, and the nerfs that came with it are pretty confusing; they pretty much negate the unrequited bonuses given. Especially if she’s a low pick/winrate hero that needs to be improved.

About the engage and dis-engage thing , maybe it’s my luck OR my aim but it happened to me . That’s why it made me think that .

About her deleting healers . It depends on the player not on the hero [ just realized that ;-; ]

So, does this go down as the first ever rework to make a hero better that actually made a hero worse?

your opinion is wrong then
now be quiet

Well , as u can see they said it destroyed her , so it made her harder???

If they REALLY want to keep these AND make her better, then revert the stealth detection. It should be 2 instead of 4.

Speed will be reverted back to 75%, if you are hit you are taken out of invisibility so why was it changed?

Translocator infinite? That can go honestly. 20 seconds is more than enough. Keep the ability to destroy it and now the enemy team can not destroy it.

Fix her animations and bugs. Increase damage slightly and adjust the spread if needed.



Yes you do if the enemy team is even semi competent, as soon as your destealth is heard the dps usually turn atleast.

Sombra is at the moment the most unreliable dps, and on ptr easily the worst dps due to the hitscan and mei buffs

Oh okay I didn’t know that , anyway it was just an opinion lol

All we needed were micro buffs (ex translocator reloads you, 2 seconds longer on invis, etc) and bug fixes. That’s all we needed. Blizzard, please.

I won’t be surprised if this hits live. The only change that ever happened on PTR with a rework, was Mercy when she got nerfed. That is it.

They hardly ever take PTR feedback into account.

If the bugs were fixed then things would’ve been ok. But they make unnessecary changes and don’t want to revert things. They never admit their mistakes.

Sombra will be the worst dps if these changes go live how they are, it is as simple as that. The best sombras in this game that still play aka mightyy and fitzy both know and have said these changes are a nerf. Their communities know as well.