Sombra is being revived šŸŒŸ So We Thought

Can we turn this into another SOMVRAā€™S MEGA-THREAD? :thinking:

Hopefully, it goes well because I do enjoy playing Sombra from time to time.

Probably! People just love talking about Sombra! :grin::tada::confetti_ball:

True. Check this out as well.

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TBH the way they balance, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they did something crazy, likeā€¦I dunnoā€¦removed her hack skill because it was ā€œUn-funā€. Whatever that means

I found it really strange that when people saw Brigitte became a must pick, with a really strong kit, it took them weeks to even look at it. When sombra got the same kind of heat for the good hack buff, she got nerfed within a day or something.

Weā€™ll have to wait and see, but Iā€™m not holding my breath after what they changed with McCree.

I would be highly disappointed if they completely remove Hack.

Always happy to see a talon character getting some love :blush:

Donā€™t celebrate yet. Sounds like a rework. If thatā€™s the case, sheā€™s not getting revived, sheā€™s getting replaced.


OMG iā€™m so happy, I donā€™t care what kind of changes she gets, even if its some kind of rework as long as sheā€™s viable Iā€™m all for it!


Jeff, while youā€™re replying to my threads and posts and fixing problems, could you nerf Cell in Dragon Ball Fighterz? Maybe you could do a developer update and say ā€œWeā€™re very excited to nerf Perfect Cellā€ and then theyā€™d have to do it. It works when you do it for Overwatch so it might work. Thanks.

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So I guess Sombra is going to be dumbed down to a 2 star difficulty hero?

Kinda hard to get excited about the ā€˜returnā€™ of Sombra considering shes literally never been playable.

I seriously hope that the ā€œProā€™sā€ have no Input Into her changes whatsoever, as they would remove hack In a heartbeat!

Besides, Itā€™s their fault this whole mess started to begin with. :frowning:

Ey now, letā€™s not assume the worst before we even heard what they are changing! There will be plenty of time to whine later if it fails :sweat_smile:


He says itā€™ll be the July patch but said likely next week, in fairness. I assume 2 days after sym and endorsements hit live.

Iā€™m with this guy.

Until the changes hit live, I wonā€™t hold my breath.

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Naw, pretty sure they are gonna dumb her down, or change her to much to feel the same.

All they had to do, is not nerf her gun spread and translocator to try and balance a faster hack. Once they fixed the hack, they should have revertd those changes, and she would have been fine. still a 3 star hero to be learned.

Sombra is going to be revived by Mercy

Maybe sheā€™ll get a 6 second stun!?!