Sombra is being revived šŸŒŸ So We Thought

Ā”Justicia para Sombra! :purple_heart:

Sombra has so many fun gadgets and tricks and I been trying to get into her more. My main issue with her is she has one and only one source of damage. Her gun and it is lackluster.

Until she gets something that helps her secure kills on low targets I donā€™t see myself being able to stomach her.

Maybe for her teleporter being interchangeable between a teleporter and a junkrat like mine? I mean, her animated short kinda joked about it looking like a bomb when she encountered some guards.

Would be an interesting counter to people camping her teleporter (wider radius explosion the longer its out?)


Iā€™m genuinely concerned about this not gonna lie.

ā€œPretty significant changesā€ is what worries me. Are we going to see a Symmetra/Mercy/Hanzo-esque rework? Or are we going to see a D.Va-esque rework?

She doesnā€™t need her entire kit redone and shuffled up, Iā€™m hoping we donā€™t see massive differences. Give her the treatment D.Va got and that will be fine. Tune her abilities, change them a bit, maybe even give her something new. Just DONā€™T replace, remove, or swap any of her abilities.

Please, donā€™t kick a dead dog :joy:

Iā€™ve got a lot of hacking to catch up on.

Thanks for creating awareness everyone!

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The #1 buff I want for her is to be able to hack the earth in the Horizon spawn room, then say ā€œHack the Planetā€

I had a dream that they reworked sombra. Well, more of a nightmare. Please, Jeff. Donā€™t rework her.

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Thatā€™s why Iā€™m skeptical, this forum will be filled to the brim of ā€˜Sombra is OPā€™ threads. Hopefully she remains buffed.

i wonder if her hack will remain lock on :thinking:
was it rework or just buff?

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I think the real issue is: If they fix Sombra, what will Somvra make mega-threads about? :thinking:

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Lmao, Iā€™m already taking cover cause of brig. Another Sombra HMMMMMM buh bye Genji.

Yes! Finally we get some love!


They might make changes without actually fixing her bugs, which is very likely,

Iā€™m never switching off Sombra in competitive until the changes are in live because lool I can wait. SCREAMING IN EVERY LANGUAGE POSSIBLE

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'BOUT DAYUM TIME. 20 characters.

Justā€¦on one hand, I hope they donā€™t screw this up. But I also wonder what could be worse than HackBreaksForNoReasonFest 2k18.

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It feel so good!

We just have to wait and see

I am so excited too! I canā€™t wait!

I know!! I am just so excited!

Same here!! Watch out competitive a great Sombra main is about to rise again!


No problem :sweat_smile:

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We just have to wait and see