Sombra is being revived šŸŒŸ So We Thought

Since they are talking about fixing so many heroes I guess I donā€™t have to worry anymore that every character I play is garbage tier (Ana, Mei, Sombra, Sym). Iā€™m just so glad they stopped focusing on new heroes without fixing the heroes they have on the game already. First they announced the Hanzo rework, then Symmetra and Torbjorn, now Reinhardt bugfixes, and now Sombra buffs, Iā€™m really positive that they will also look at Bastion, Mei, McCree and Ana which are all feeling too weak/useless/situational right now. With the addition of LFG Iā€™m keeping my hopes high that Overwatch will really feel like a great and fun game again.

I feel like it has to be really difficult to continually add content to a game and keep everything and everyone balanced and running perfectly. Not to mention the non-stop s@#t being flung at the development team for (insert complaint here). People keep saying this game is dying, but i donā€™t see it. I agree that this season has been rough, but it will get fixed, then some other annoyance will come up and fans can all turn their pitchforks on the dev team again. The typical cycle.

Yeah I used to agree that OW developers didnā€™t care enough for their community and their feedback but after the latest changes it seems like they really are trying to make the game better and fix the problems everyone has with it.
I can only imagine how disappointed they were when they released Brigitte to finally change the meta, something people were asking for months, only for them to receive even more hate from the community because so many people found Brigitte to be worse than dive.

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People is already celebrating? You should be worried if they decide to rework her, considering all the reworks they made were a complete failure.

No kidding. I remember seeing ā€œbest new heroā€ posts frequently when she was out for like the first two weeks. Then it went total 180 and everyone hated her. OW community is all over the place. Personally, i have not liked a game so much since Modern Warfare 2. I see the devs constantly doing events, skins, balancing, new heroā€™s, and maps and not making me pay for DLC. While i wish some of these changes happened faster, i also do not know what kind of pressure they deal with. I can get pissed at this game sometimes, but this game really is a lot of fun still.

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I think its more of a celebration that she is getting worked on in general. Just wait and see what changes with her. She has the lowest pick rate and win rate of all heroā€™s right now. I cannot image they are going to do something to drop it even lower, but i am an optimist.


I see this thread is already getting popularā€¦

So far that is the plan, but we also have to see what changes are being held towards Miss Ole Sombra.

I guess we have to wait and seeā€¦ :purple_heart:

I want her to be more stealthy in honest opinion.

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I know !!!

And that would be a huge disappointment.


Same here!

I was thinking the same thing, great minds thinks alike. :wink:

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I am so happy, all we need to do is just want for the changes, I will soon make a thread on that topic once it we find out about it in more details.

I love that spray :purple_heart:

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Iā€™m more worried than optimistic about changes tbh. Just from past experiences.

Theyā€™ll probably either make her even worse, or sheā€™ll be good but the Gengu and Tracer mains will launch a crusade and get her nerfed within 2 weeks again.

Exactly, I am just happy that one of the threads was answeredā€¦

She synergizes with them as much as she counters them on this meta though. Hacking a Brigitte and having Tracer/Genji to help you focus her down might be enough to put tracer back in the meta as long as youā€™re running the duo, so I think for most part Genji/Tracer mains should be happy with her getting buffed.

We can only hope soā€¦

I am hungry for details as well!

Yeahā€¦ we just have to wait and see what are the changes first.

:confetti_ball::tada: :tada::confetti_ball:

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