Sombra is a blight

Wish Sombra ganked me more often, specially in that cat costume rawrr. :paw_prints:

Luck has absolutely nothing to do with it. Sombra has to:

  1. Spend time aiming, which technically means a decrease in her HP during the fight.
  2. Then she has a delay of 0,25 seconds, which again technically decreases her HP.
  3. Sombra’s teleport animation shows the direction and has a delay of 0.4 seconds until Sombra reappears. This gives the opponent enough time to aim. Sombra herself can’t do anything because she is practically stunned during this time.
  4. Sombra, who just teleported in the middle of a fight, only becomes invisible after 1 second.

So, the total delay is 1.65 seconds, and this doesn’t even account for the time needed to aim. With that, it would probably be 1.8 seconds.

This has nothing to do with luck but pure skill. Anyone who doesn’t kill Sombra after her teleport despite having visual contact was simply bad. There’s no debate about it. The translocator was never designed for such use and was only equipped with the bare minimum for the rework to be used this way. That is one of the three flaws in Sombra’s kit.

Certain tanks are more afflicted by Sombra than others. That being said, outside of her ult, she isn’t doing much against Zarya, Hog, D. Va, Orisa, Ram (i guess), Winston, and heavy weapons guy to some extent.

Imagine if Doom or Ball had immunity to hack. Does anyone want to deal with that for too long?

How does she have to aim that much at all if she hits her virus compared to her S6 counterpart? How does it technically mean a decrease in HP? That’s nonsense. It’s like saying Hanzo isn’t really his current hp because he has downtime between shots and has to aim? You can apply this to so many heroes.

No way, she must be like a 200 hp hero by now like Widow. Totally. /s

Why stop there? Let’s keep decreasing it.

175 hp.

150 hp.
No way!
If you add a bunch of things to under 2 seconds from perma invis you get a number that adds up to cope and skill issue and essentially makes Sombra a 150 hp hero! I wish I knew this sooner.

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yepper, the immort using supports, sombra, orisa/sigma are the panic pick/im losing hero choices, you can tell when ppl are salty and really want to win as soon as those swaps com in. counter swapping used to be fine when every other hero wasnt a broken pos, but now it is dumb.

I mean if they’re trash sure, a good doom fist is soy checking you, or timing his cool downs in a manner to avoid key hacks- soft diving to absorb a jack on purpose, then ACTUALLY diving when you’re unable to hack him for the lockout duration.

I’ve seen a million sombras fail and played enough doom to know he can play around her just as easily as she can play around him.

Sombra is such a pathetic crutch hero. The only positive attribute she has is being a “widow doesn’t get to exist” option, and even that’s unhealthily stacked in her favor. It’s not even that the team with Sombra always wins, they just make the match feel awful until it ends regardless of outcome

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It can be for all match-up : A good Sombra can defeat a Pharah-Mercy
All can play Sombra but rare can played well. It’s about skill issues (no matter if you have a good or bad sombra)

You can add “Mercy, Zenyatta, hitscan hero, tank etc…” option

You know what the irony is?
The more they buff tanks, the more sombra will be picked.


this ain’t counterstrike, your bullets don’t run out. spy checking when there’s a sombra is a necessary way of luring her out. when she’s not in the game cause she’s invis, she’s a glorified ping button.

And insanely boring/unfun as a gameplay mechanic. I want to shoot other players, not play guessing games on whether there’s even a person around to shoot at all.

You mean the ability that lets her bypass the usual drawbacks of flanking (being spotted on the flank / being heard on your way there)? The one that lets her get into almost whatever position she wants with no counterplay other than guess where the entirely invisible hero is?

I think a lot of other heroes would enjoy the ability to not be apart of the game until you’re in the best position posible to engage.

I don’t want to shoot a shield either but guess what, it’s part of the game.

Or keep a linked formation that makes her unable to participate. What you can’t ask is to be on the frontline, get healed and supported with damage from far away and also not get caught by a character that is supposed to, well, exploit that.

Shooting a shield is a lot less annoying than shooting nothing, trying to find someone who might not even be there, imo. Either way when enough people complained about shields, they got reduced, so if enough people complain about perma invis then I assume they’ll do something.

I know how to play into Sombra, that doesn’t change that she makes the game not fun, period. She can exist in a better state than this.

Support players are spending way too much time in their comfort zone, heal botting, never actually making any effort, never sweating.

Mei can only freeze support and damage heroes. For Tanks she can only make them shiny.

Passive: Tanks can no longer damage Mei’s ice wall, If an enemy tank is near Mei in her cryo freeze state she will stay that way how ever she knock herself over and roll away meaning the tank needs to chase her around the map and ignore their team.

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Which is neither efficient or fun when the maps are composed of giant rooms and countless hallways, backpaths, and upper/lower levels.

The game you’re borrowing the term “Spy Checking” from has tiny maps, chokepoints galore, and tons of highly-spammable AOE. Not to mention the teams are like, x1.5 to x2 the size of Overwatch teams. and instead of being one of the most mobile characters in the game, the tf2 Spy is one of, if not the least mobile.


What you find fun or unfun doesn’t matter, you nincompoop, leave that to blizzard to decide for us.

You seem to have misunderstood the point, so here it is just for you.

It’s about the teleport. Sombra has to spend time during the fight to aim where she wants to go. This means Sombra takes damage from the enemy while the enemy takes no damage from Sombra.

This means that as Sombra, you have to start withdrawing from the fight much earlier than the enemy, otherwise you would die. If you started to use the teleport with 10 HP remaining, you would be dead before you could throw it.

This adds up with other delays. The 0.25 seconds until the teleport are still to be considered.

The 0.4 seconds until appearing should be calculated differently here. These only give good players, the ones I play against, enough time to prepare for when and where I appear and then deliver the last hit.

You can argue as much as you want, the statistics that can be read plus personal experience confirm this.

A 0.2% pick rate with a 43% win rate is abysmal.
Anyone who complains about the teleport being too easy to escape with is complaining about their own lack of skill.

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Go dva and chase sombra, she’s way easier to kill than people realize. They just dislike her play style because it feels cheap, but if you actually chase her down she’s useless/dead


You don’t even have to chase her. A good Sombra would just lure you away. Swap Sombra for D.Va. This benefits Sombra as long as you don’t kill her.