Sombra is a blight

You don’t have to like how to counter heroes. That’s inevitably going to happen. :person_shrugging:

Sombra’s teleport as been rework she now teleports right into enemy fire which mean she can only use it when there’s no reason to there for made useless, Her hacks how buff enemies and debuffs her team. Every kill on Sombra the player gets their BP fully completed and give the title God the Sombra killer.

Sombra’s primary does no damage what so ever in fact it heels enemy players, Her Virus renders enemies invincible for the whole match.

Sombra can now teleport enemy players right into the homes of Sombra players so they punch the Sombra players in the face and steal their stuff.

Picking Sombra is now risk and NO rewards only pain and suffering.

All Tanks will have access the bank accounts of Sombra players and will be given immunity by the president and Blizzard will put them in the game as immortal self insert gods.

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Please tell me in which part of my post I said literally anything about luck? I have no clue what you’re talking about.

It was directed at the person above your post. Since you both have the same profile picture, I got confused. What you wrote, I agree with.

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