Sombra is a blight

i tried telling people this a couple months ago, everyone said “no you just need to git guud”…the entire kit sombra has makes her WAY overpowered…but people were like “nah…she’s FINE!”

damage over time
direct hit scan damage
remove all your defenses
get out of jail free card any time she wants it
element of surprise every fight
ability to pick and choose what fights SHE wants to engage in, remove herself and ignore the fights she doesnt
run speed buff while completely invisible
can hack health packs so other team cant use them
can kill supports and dps in about 2 seconds (ive timed it)

her kit is just too powerful, especially for someone who can be completely invisible

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Her current teleport is still an instant escape. If you’re lucky, you can follow the trajectory and hit her mid-air, but otherwise, she just goes invis instantly and is completely gone.

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Technically up until her recent rework she had both. Remember that launch OW2 sombra could hack you while invis and not even have to break invis to do it.

Though more to your point, I feel like the people who complained about translocator were probably fewer in number. They were just upset that they werent getting a free kill from the engagement.

All this game does is hand hold and reduce complexity. I had mad respect for s6 and earlier Sombras. I used to play her frequently back then.
Rip the game I loved.
I can understand how annoying getting hacked may be, considering the OP tank on the other side can run you over. Somehow it’s slipping past everyone else’s eyes who are replying to you.

The same people that say Sombra perma invis is okay hate widowmaker and counterswap her and cry about how she takes lobbies hostage, while Sombra can get value without even being there because she forces comps to cluster regardless of where she is. One dps, changing how 5 players space out and play. Sombra kinda sounds like widowmaker. Both bad dps for 5v5.

Sombra simultaneously destroys the game and holds it together

Without her literally WHAT would people do about doom/ball? Nothing. You’d just lose.

But also, in order to keep them in check (because I’m sick of people saying counterplay = being a counter, she doesn’t counter them, she’s just the ONLY dps with any option to fight back meaningfully and dive tanks call that a “counter) she must also be able to keep other tanks “in check”

Sombra doesn’t counter doom/ball, she can be played around and with team play her effects can be mitigated enough to be handled

She DOES counter sigma/rein/ram/hog/Mauga by turning off their life support and they don’t have kits to immediately save themselves after a crucial cooldown was removed from them or in reins case he just has nothing he can do back

She counters them because the completely dictates when and where they can do things and they can’t punish her for it. Unlike doom and ball who can go right back to what they were doing, or have the mobility to select different plays to force sombra to act a certain way- or even to just be taking all her focus so they aren’t getting picks.

And again, other tanks
A: lack the flexibility to protect their team from sombra, thus effectually making her a counter

B: lack the flexibility to rehabilitate themselves in time after being hacked, offend seriously increasing the chances of them dying, and even if they don’t, the enemy dps has just taken most of the tanks resources and attention easily

Sometimes counters aren’t about “makes it possible to kill”, that’s just the game. Sombra plays the game with doom/ball.

But counters are ALWAYS things like- these hero’s (most tanks) literally can’t interact with these very dangerous predicaments they are forcibly placed into and must frantically try to survive and do their job without having any real input about the situation (like a junk/sym vs pharah)

Reading briefly through this.

It’s not just the tank responsibility to limit an enemy Sombra’s effectiveness. But this game sucks at explaining that to random people.

For most ranks, a Moira swap will cut Sombra fairly well and the DPS looking behind will save the backline generally if they do so. For frontline sombras, there’s no real excuses to losing to it.

Also Sombra is one of the few DPS that keeps in check specific tanks, like Ball or Doom, even if she’s not the only counter to it, Team 4 still hasn’t figured out how to make not a hard-counter, something they aimed at removing from the game.

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So the solution is to, literally, “shoot air”… Healthy gameplay design at its finest :smiley:
Can’t run away from me Andough. Will always find your posts


Just do not walk forward. It is really easy. If you fire strike her out of stealth she is not a threat!

Here’s a help, beginner :slight_smile:

If only he knows how to deal with it :smiley: But hey, it’s just skill issues. After all, he must use his brain. And it’s not the case for Enigma :slight_smile:

All I have to do when I play a tank and confronts Sombra is anticipate her translocator and hunt her after. I played Orisa few games ago and I counter her easy ^^

Sombra keeps some of the most annoying broken things in check though.

There are bigger fish to fry


She counters Ball and Doomfist. All you have to do is hacking when you know where they dive

They should revert her stealth to OW1. Limited duration and on a CD. No perma stealth.

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Sombra OW2 is a radioactive cancer creation to make you hate the game and take breaks. So you wont complain all day when you busy playing another game, win for Blizzard as their socials medias are less plunged into chaos.

To be fair if i had the power i would make a hero that auto detect Sombra wherever she is just so they can experience and enjoy their own fun-ruining sweet medicine.


U have to force switch to or Winston.

Ah yes, I shall walk forward into the middle of the enemy team, firestriking behind me to check for Sombras!

Edit: Oh, I misread it. That’s probably worse, since Sombra makes the Tank too paranoid to actually Tank.

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Sure, as long as they buff the rest of her kit so she gets average win rates, I would love to see that change.

Of course, I don’t think the people complaining about her would enjoy it, they would hate it far more.

But I’m dead keen for it.

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You are definitely right. That would be like shooting in the dark. You should instead just shatter where you believe she is hiding. That will definitely make her think twice about hacking you!


Sombra is literally one of the biggest fish and always has been.


So you can’t peel? Skill issue

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My brother in rein.

Just solo shatter her. Every ult.

She’ll switch to bastion or phara garanteed.

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