How to defeat Sombra and stop crying (from a Sombra main xD)

Hello all. I saw many topics about Sombra. Let’s talk about her from someone who plays Sombra (mainly or lot of times) :

I completly understand why you complain about her kit :

Hack : you can do nothing if you’re silenced (and take more damage)
Virus : slow damage and more pressure before you dying
Invisibility : Where she is
Translocator : easy flank by invisibility
EMP : like the hack

I understand why you are scared about her kit because, if Sombra hunts you, it’s impossible (in 1V1) to win. Forcing you to play with your teamate / switching

As a Sombra player, it’s fun to spawn kill, any heals (like Zen, Mercy, etc…) and DPS (mostly widow) because those pick can hardcarry a game. And personnaly, when a pick like I said die, I tell myself : that’s because you destroyed my game by HS/lucky shot/boosting etc…
And see your opponent be destroyed after an EMP is so much hiliarious ^^

But remember this, you can 1V1 a sombra :

-you used a counter pick : torb, cass, Hanzo, Zarya, JQ, Brig, Mei, Winston, Moira, Junkrat, Kiriko…
-playing with your mate to force a 2V1 against sombra, and let her fall back (or killed if Sombra is to greed)
-keep her pressure when you see her : if mercy, using pistol and shoot in the head, same for zen or any pick you take
-If you’re tank, just fall back and wait few seconds. Don’t rush like a final boss if you doesn’t want to be killed ASAP (and crying in the forum, Sombra is OP etc… xDDDD)

Sombra has already her limits : can’t hack pick who doesn’t care to be silenced (Torb, Sym, Soldier, cass etc…), she’s not a hitscan too (even she can translocate and EMP a Pharah/mercy or Echo/Mercy). She gets a route to keep pressure (hack, virus, kill, fall back).

I accept her limits, and enjoy to play her. Sometimes, I have to switch but it’s ok, because I did my job : be a nightmare (hack, spawnkill, CC a tank who can be a nightmare, like Ball, Hog etc…), forcing my opponent to switch, hard carry the game etc…

In the end, I can say skill issues (and stubborn like an OTP because you think you can handle her. And finish with 0/0/XX), but in another hand, Sombra has kits to kepp pressures in spawn, or behind you. So, just keep calm, wait and you can win

Maybe it’s obvious, but for all guys who complains on this forum, this reminder can be useful :stuck_out_tongue:

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What s about her unfun and unfair factors? Sombra has a bad rep not because she is OP and winning game, it s because she has dumb designed kit.


You think being able to beat Sombra will stop people from whining about her?


Right, fall back when you lose all your abilities and melt in a second. Bad bait.


Perhaps you could try some breathing exercises?


Technically she is a hitscan :nerd_face:

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I will have you know, i have mastered Sun breathing.


easy. just pick Sombra back. If your Sombra is still outplayed, then you’re just not as good as the other Sombra.

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skill issue. Bad positionning, charge without the others and melt in the second. Classic ^^

I don’t agree with that. Part of it depends on the hero. And part depends on your awareness and reactions.

Typically (though not always) she will have the advantage if she gets the jump on you. But that is kind of true of most hero match ups. The one who initiates has the edge. But advantage doesn’t always translate to a win.

Who says?

I think the majority of issue people have with Sombra boil down to:

  1. (Most common) Some content creator/streamer and/or just loud people in the forums/social media/etc complain about her so people just jump on the bandwagon.
  2. Left over frustration with the old, longer ability lockout hack. Which has not been a thing in a while, but is still in people’s mind.
  3. Stubborn refusal to understand how she works in order to adapt. Which is think is largely due to her being trash for so long…which leads to…
  4. She was trash for so long as she became decent the increase in her representation from trash tier to middle of the pack is a big shock. People notice that change more than the actual over represented and over performing heroes.

Sombra is a solid mid tier pick. She is not bad. But she is nowhere nearly as strong as people like to think.

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That’s true and I have to rectify : It’s not impossible to win 1V1, but hard to win in 1V1. Depending of the match-up, player, level etc… On the paper, Sombra is one of the best to duel everyone (or a lot of heroes)

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Also…that cylindrical thing in front of you that you use to speak to others on discord or in other games….

Use it



We know how to counter sombra.

The problem is how unfun she is to play against


idc how good you are or aren’t; sombra having permanent stealth is so friggin stupid.


Support should get a proper spychecking ability. Either buff flail range or give Moira the ability to declock with secondary. Don’t give me any of that “she doesn’t need ammo” nonsense. Neither does dva. And reaper is free to do it too because of the spread.

Tbh she just needs another rework at this point.

This rework kinda made it clear that it’s an either or between perma invis and lethality. If she has both she ruins the game for waaaaaaaay too many people.

And the counterplay to her isn’t really accessible to casual players either. People aren’t going to help peel, they’re going to rage at you while you get spawn camped. So you’re forced to counter pick… Which is fine… Unless the hero is in every casual game where she restricts who you can pick.

As an aside, if they do rework her to be more interactive to play against, I wonder who the people who only play her to make others mad will move on to?


better be cringe for being main Sombra, than main Mercy xD

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I do think that those heroes care a lot : Torb can’t use overload (his main defensive ability), Symm can’t use turrets or TP, Soldier can’t use helix rockets or station, and Cass can’t use roll and nade. It makes a big difference for all those heroes.

No, the main issue people have with Sombra is her invisibility, and the unfair advantage it gives her. Some hate her hack too, but mostly, it’s the stealth. It’s not streamer’s influence, or PTSD from old hack, or refusal to adapt or over-representation.


i think where sombra really shines is against dive meta where everyone is more flanky and spread out. it kinda forces you to either group together more or to have enough pressure to sustain but also deal with being flanked out of thin air

a sombra cant do much if shes being shot at and she doesnt have a good opportunity to hack because of the teamplay or positioning

even if she can hack (i.e. the tank or support), theres no guaruntee she will be able to do a lot when their entire team is around them and they can be pocket healed, and same if the support is playing around their team and not alone in the backline