Sombra: I was right all along- nerfs needed

I find it hard not to take OP seriously when most who whine about Sombra, fail to realize Hack/EMP have been in this game for over 2 years now. Most of which time, the community saw her as throw pick trash.


Thats how it works
And they “wake up” about it ONLY because of OWL…

Yea, i start to think that pros are making this game worse XD

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Sombra is fine and balanced ppl need to adapt and why is she suddenly now a problem? She’s fine.

Hack is not broken, it works like a mercy res. You need to see it and then you can slightly break los

sombra under performs on ladder. she needs buffs not nerfs. last i saw she had a negative win rate in owl as well so…

i vote damage buff so she can actually assassinate.

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It should, but if youve played against sombra like… twice, youve def gotten hacked around a corner.

Sombra becomes exponentially better the more teamwork there is. Red team sombra has a mic? = Unfun Game.

So you expect her to have a really high win rate in gm right?

There is really good comms there.

EMP is wider than a D.Va bomb? I guess that’s why you need the enemy to be together to hit them with EMP huh?..


No, there isnt. There are really good comms there, when there are comms.

If u slightly break LOS during hack sombra can still get it off, same with going out of range too. This was proved in the workshop video.

Type “Sombra LOS” on twitter for confirmation

I don’t need to go to twitter I spend hours testing hack in multiple ways and can confirm that hack always has LoS to your hitbox I couldn’t find a single spot where I could not shoot the enemy when I could hack them see post below with clips.


If you play 2 games you’ve been shot through cover (latency; running to cover). Pretty much the same thing.

Sombra’s hack used to be broken by stupid stuff like Rein’s hammer or someone stepping up a curb. They tweaked it so it’s not broken by those anymore (or that I’ve noticed). Is that what you’re talking about?

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they wouldn’t care. they don’t even play sombra.

They would care. to get her to a reasonable pick rate, the buffs would be eye watering.

They would care the moment they played against average win rate sombra and the crazy crazy buff that it would take to make it happen.

They would BEG for current sombra to return.

It maybe smaller, but emp doesn’t have it’s effectiveness reduced with range. If it did, that would make it a bit less annoying to play against

I mean im fine with a emp charge rate or range nerf even setting hack on cool after emp aslong we buff her in a way that reduces downtime aka mobility.

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U clearly do need to watch it

I saw countless of them without going on twitter…

But its all explained in my post.
Im guessing here but your probably talking about that vid and the workshop mode btc showed right?

To which again I can only say read my post it explains how hack’s los works and why it works like it does.

Dva bomb kill
emp dont do any damage
maybe you forget that tiny little difference


He does not. He did more in depth testing himself.

A target which can still be hacked, can also be shot.
LoS is still available, it just doesnt have to be center of the hitbox, only part of it.