Sombra doesn’t need a damage buff. Your aim does

Those include helix rocket hits and soldier can benefit from damage boosts like orisa ults and mercy buffs, not to mention the extra time in match she spends getting into position. and you’re still wrong about dps… I’m not gonna keep going here though I have better things to do then argue with your obvious bias

Yeah, but all the other DPS have secondary damage, mainly in the form of burst.

Plus, she has to be really close to make use of her large spread, so shes always putting herself in danger with high risk.

Soldier is not doing 5k damage just using helix. Sorry but that should be obvious.

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reduce her clip size and give her more damage instead

i don’t see the reason for a stealth hero like sombra to have this type of gun

The actual difference is weapon spread. That’s where your hypothetical damage turns into actual damage.

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Yeah, right up until “BEAN HAIR ALL ALONG!” not to mention the possible detection if she gets that close.

Spread won’t matter if you actually play her right. Which is up close and personal. Instead of midrange.

No they are not. (Besides doomfist)
Hack and good teamplay are.
The utillty of Sombra isnt worth hack in teamfights.
I would not like to see a dmg buff tho but other buffs are needed.

Spread always matters my friend.

And even if it’s an aiming deal. Why would you pick Sombra over someone like Tracer? Who needs hack when you can just kill them?

What she really needs is something to keep her in the fight longer. Something like Translocator healing her depending on how long it’s been placed, maybe a lower Stealth cooldown too since it practically only works well out of combat.

It’s the spread for christ sake. Why does no one understand that Sombra’s janky spread is the reason she doesn’t do damage. If your crosshair is right on a small/medium head hitbox, less than 33% of your bullets will be headshots

No, her damage IS bad. Which would be fine, if the rest of her kit was actually good, but it’s not. I agree, don’t buff her damage. But for some reason they refuse to buff the clunky aspects of her kit, so I’ll take whatever I can get at this point.

This guy is funny.

“76s damage includes rockets, which shouldn’t count because Sombra has the comparable ability of getting around!”

You’re right, in terms of raw damage, Sombra’s ability to be stealthed and not attacking is totally just like hitting someone in the face with a Helix Rocket.

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