Sombra Buff Poll

Lets start this simple,
Say Yes or No in the poll below if you think Sombra needs a buff.
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If you said yes, continue on to the next one
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simple as that, if the community is specific about this, Blizzard knows what to do.

Don’t forget, she still needs bug fixes

Edit: If you want this to stay open, be sure to bump it.
Edit 2:Changed the poll to have more options


she’s a dedicated Overwatch Meme now
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so YES. No one says how “good” she is “fun” maybe but good, hardly


It’s nice to see that some people are interested in this. Hopefully enough votes could bring Blizzard looking into it (if they aren’t yet)

She’s in a good spot at the moment. She’s pretty strong in the right compositions or against the right characters. If you try to force pick her into non-synergistic comps or against characters she struggles with you won’t do well and justifying buffs with that experience is anecdotal.

Well she needs bug fixes for sure… But Most of those were quality of life changes, and for a flanker she feels kind of slow and clunky.


Oh thanks 20 characters

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No problem. I also hate when people say this.

As this can be applied to literally everyone.


I don’t want to vote. I can’t tell you if Sombra is strong or weak right now because she’s literally unplayable.

Fix her bugs, and then ask me


Yeah that is true. She is more of a pick for fun then a legitimate competitive character. AT THE MOMENT. phew, don’t want to start an argument.

If 90%+ of the playerbase considers you a troll pick you are not in a good spot.


How do I vote for she needs help but not the type people will probably request…because her struggles have nothing to do with the most recent changes

You mean the poll or just something else? if you want her changed just vote the first poll.

Here’s the second part of the poll.

Thanks. I like how people are responding to this.


She’s in a good spot all the way down at the very bottom of the overall pick and win rate. Doing so well.


Sombra is cozily huddled in with Mei, Bastion, and Torbjorn, comfortably.

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I think she might need a bit more than the suggestions in the poll which are mainly qol changes.


Like what? I’m open to suggestions!

What i would do additionally to your suggestions

  • remove delay going into stealth
  • translocator becomes invisible while in stealth