Sombra Wars Trilogy


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This thread is the best. So many juicy memes.



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Her gun is just weak in general. Takes a fullclip to kill one target and the reload time is HORRIBLE. Even missing a few shots while trying to track a target can means your gonna die if you dont translocate out because they either have higher damage then you, a damaging ability you cant hack cause your being shot, or a way faster reload then you.


Alight, you gave me a good laugh with an old meme :laughing:

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When you find a former Sombra main playing Symmetra next patch.


Haha 20 characters needed

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Sombra being used by the player base at all is the bug.


Doomfist witnesses how far Blizzard will go to kill Sombra.

another choppy gif


Most heroes except Pharah and Tracer have the same reload time (1.5s) as Sombra actually.

In my view, the weakness of Sombra’s gun all along is actually her fire rate.

She requires 3 seconds to empty her clip. That is 3 seconds of Soldier-like tracking in addition to dealing with spread RNG and AD spamming targets. RNG gods must give Sombra their favour just so her bullets don’t hit empty air even with passable tracking.

In comparison, Tracer has a much larger spread but much higher fire rate so her spread is evenly populated by bullets while Sombra still has empty pockets. Not to mention she can blink to make spread a none issue.

Sombra isn’t fighting a 1v1 in a duel most of the time. She’s fighting RNG and the target at the same time.

Same goes for her Hack and Stealth actually. It’s not a 6v6 if you have a sombra. It’s a 7v6 with RNG working for the other side most of the time.


I was playing on volskaya, I was on the high ground and the hanzo was on the other side of the first point, and I died because the rng spread missed the one hp hanzo for a full second.


Except we’ve seen time and time again that even at even silver level people have enough reaction time if they aren’t deaf.


Yeah, I’ve had that a ton. Exactly why she has to be right in an enemy’s face, except vs hitscan hanzo, that’s a no-no…

I have to agree with this in all honesty. It always felt like an odd fire rate…good practise for tracking though, lmao.


Tbf, my 3 favourite dps heroes have always been sombra, symmetra (though I played her as a support) and mei :stuck_out_tongue:

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Be careful with those facts there. :wink:

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ht tps://

Just drive me nuts i had to make a detailed topic about how unfair this 2 second cooldown is.

Little sad we had to make a joke out of ourselves to have our own hangout on the foums. Lucio’s have the lucio lounge, Bastion has the bastion is being forgotten topic (another sad pit for people who love a character i go into now and then), and we have “The Sombra Wars” … least we still know how to have fun in the darkest of times right? boop


Made a similar topic a week or two ago.

I mean, the penalty for being shot as Sombra is clearly just unfair, she loses half her kit as well as taking the damage.


I remember seeing that topic awhile back actually and it’s been naggin me since, and FFA is the straw that broke my back and made my rehab worthless. We’re getting creamed in a game mode we should thrive in.

I got so excited over “1” win in 1st place after over a week of trying and failing or getting 2nd-4th wins ( got multiple wins on soldier, bastion and rein, but ONE sombra)
ht tps://

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